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Member since July 2008

Raw Pancakes II

What you need: 

1/2 cup golden flax (any will do, but golden tastes lighter in this)
1 banana (under ripe for mildest flavor)
1 teaspoon agave
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 tablespoon water, as needed

What you do: 

1. Process all ingredients together. Add more water, if needed, to reach desired consistency.
2. Spoon out onto dehydrator tray (teflex or fruit roll up sheet). Dehydrate about 1 hour, flip, dehydrate a bit more.
3. At 2 hours, they will be a little crunchy on the edges, which is awesome, but you can eat these at about 1 hour. You can make the batter the night before; start dehydrating as soon as you wake up, and they'll be ready for breakfast!
A fun alternative is to pulse chop in some apples and add a pinch of nutmeg and vanilla! Delicious! My favorite syrup for these is frozen mixed berries blended with some maple syrup (yes I know that's not raw). Plain maple for the apple version. You can really make just about anything out of these!
Source of recipe: This is an updated version of the raw pancakes I made for a long time. I cut out the coconut oil (trying to cut back!). And added some water instead. As a result, these pretty much have to be dehydrated to be eaten like pancakes. I have been using golden flax seed instead so they don't taste as heavy.

Preparation Time: 
5 minutes, Cooking time: 1-2 hours
Cooking Time: 
1-2 hours
Recipe Category: 


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