added this 16 years ago
Sauteed Eggplant
What you need:
2 green onions
1/2 yellow bell pepper
1/2 green bell pepper
4 ounces mushrooms
olive oil, as needed
seasoned salt and pepper, to taste
1 tomato bouillon cube
1 large eggplant, chopped bite sized
2 meatless sausage links, sliced
What you do:
1. In a medium saucepan saute the onions, bell peppers and mushrooms with the seasonings in olive oil for about five minutes.
2. Add about 1/4 cup water and put in bouillon cube. Let simmer until bouillon cube is dissolved.
3. Add eggplant and sausage and simmer for another 5 minutes. Serve with rice (brown or white) or with pasta.
Preparation Time:
15 minutes
Cooking Time:
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