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Member since December 1969

Savory Biscuits

What you need: 

2 tablespoons raw apple cider vinegar
1 cup nondairy milk
1-2/3 cups unbleached white flour
1/3 cup nutritional yeast flakes
5 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon dried herbs
1 teaspoon salt
5 tablespoons margarine

What you do: 

1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. Buttermilk: To a measuring cup, add apple cider vinegar. Add nondairy milk to fill the measuring cup to the 1 cup measurement line. Stir gently and let sit for a minute to curdle.
3. In a bowl, combine the flour, nutritional yeast flakes, baking powder, herbs, and salt. Cut the margarine into the flour mixture until mixture is crumbly. Add the “buttermilk” to the flour mixture and stir into a ball of dough.
4. On a lightly floured surface, roll the dough out to about 1 inch thick. Cut biscuits with a sharp cutter and place on lightly oiled cookie sheet.
5. Bake at 450 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 to 12 minutes.

Preparation Time: 
15 minutes, Cooking time: 12 minutes
Cooking Time: 
12 minutes
12 to 14
Recipe Category: 


these were by far the best vegan biscuits I've ever eaten.  The nutritional yeast adds an awesome buttery flavor that always seems to be missing when I make biscuits.  I didn't add any herbs, but I'm sure it would be awesome with them.  I did have to add extra flour to make the dough workable, but they turned out wonderfully in the end.


Oh, how I wish I had listened to JessaCita and added an extra 1/2 cup flour!  The dough was ridiculously sticky.  It stuck to the lightly floured wax paper.  It stuck to the cookie cutter (they were going to be heart-shaped for V-day).  I partially salvaged them by scraping what dough I could off of the wax paper and dropping it onto the cookie sheet.  The flavor was good, though I thought they were a little greasy and salty--more flour would probably fix that too.  I think another solution would have been to use a *heavily* floured surface and dip the cookie cutter in flour each time.

I think they definitely have potential.  I'll do better next time.


These were wonderful. Adjustments I made: half white/half whole wheat, and I used herbs de provence for the herbs (as suggested by another member). I also left the dough in the fridge overnight, but only because I was prepping for thanksgiving the day before. Raves all around. Thanks!!


I was going to take a picture... but we ate them all.

Needless to say, these were delicious.  I threw a little garlic powder and basil into them, and sprinkled rosemary on top. 


How important is the nutritional yeast flakes in this recipe?

I think they would turn out okay without them, but I loved the "buttery/cheesy" flavor the nutritional yeast added. I would definitely include it if you can, but I think they'd still be delicious without it! :)


How important is the nutritional yeast flakes in this recipe?


This turned out really bad for me. It was really bitter. I don't know what happened, but it ruined my day :(


These were delicious.  I was surprised at the amount of vinegar--actually, I thought that I had mis-read the recipe and that it was supposed to be two teaspoons--but they were still tasty.  I also found that the dough was very sticky and had to add extra flour.


These are beyond fantastic!!! :D Flaky & savory & fluffy! I have made a couple other recipes for vegan biscuits before, and they were just not...good. Hard as a rock & not soft in the middle at all! These, however, are perfection! Delicious with buttery spread & the mock tuna salad recipe on this site! So easy, too!!

One tip from me: The batter was REALLY sticky, so I ended up adding probably 1/2 c. more of flour as I was rolling them out to cut. YUM!



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