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Member since May 2008

Spicy Peanut Eggplant

What you need: 

3 or 4 long skinny eggplants (Japanese or Italian), sliced to 3" long pieces
2 tablespoons natural peanut butter
1 tablespoon Bragg's amino acids
4 teaspoons white vinegar
1 tablespoon sake
1 or 2 teaspoons toasted sesame oil
2 teaspoons natural cane sugar
1 teaspoon finely chopped ginger
2-4 tablespoons water
1/2 teaspoon hot garlic chili sauce
sesame seeds, to taste
fresh cilantro or parsley, for garnish

What you do: 

1. Steam eggplant or microwave for 10-15 minutes until soft. While steaming the eggplant, prepare the sauce.
2. Add the peanut butter, Bragg's, vinegar, sake, sesame oil, sugar, ginger, water, and chili sauce. Whisk it all together until good and saucy smooth.
3. When your eggplant is done cooking, line a casserole dish or even a cookie sheet with the eggplant and pour sauce over the eggplant until its pretty evenly dispersed. Garnish with sesame seeds and herbs.
Enjoy! I take this to pot lucks a lot and it always vanishes. Even my father-in-law eats it, and he hates eggplant!!

Preparation Time: 
15 minutes
Cooking Time: 


YUM! Doubled the sauce because I added a head of broccoli. Didn't have any sake and used rice vinegar instead of just plain white. I just realized I forgot the sesame seeds & cilantro/parsley - but it was still tasty! Served it over some jasmine rice. Also, after steaming the veggies I added them and the sauce to a pot and cooked for about 5 minutes. The sauce thickened a bit during cooking and I think that was a good thing and I would do it this way again. Thanks! Easy and yummy recipe!


pretty much made this tonight, didn't put in the sake, and added tahini and a garlic black bean paste and a good amount of chili oild. I also added peanuts and frozen peas to the mix. it was very well received by the household. My husband who wasn't hungry made the "why do you make things smell so good so i have to eat?!" comment.


i changed this recipe quite a bit, tho the idea is about the same.  i made a sauce out of tamari, peanut butter, and sesame oil with garlic powder, and ginger powder, then sliced my eggplant into thin rounds, salted and drained them a few minutes in a collander, then coated them in sauce and marinated them for a few minutes, and then cooked it all on my foreman grill until it was well done and very soft (my preference).  i poured it all into a serving bowl, poured the rest of the sauce over the top, and then served it over brown rice.

delicious recipe idea, i'll be making this again!


Also with cilantro on top really compliments the dish


Im trying this right now. I satayed the eggplant in tasted sesame oil instead of steaming.  the sauce is realy good and can be used on a variety of veggies even tofu!

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