added this 16 years ago
Super, Super Yummy Emerald Soup
What you need:
2-4 cups vegetable stock
3 cups broccoli, including the stalk
2 cups celery, including leaves
1 small cucumber, peeled
1/4 cup scallions
1 cup parsley
1 cup spinach, packed firm
1 cup watercress
What you do:
1. In a large pot, combine stock, broccoli, celery, cucumber, and scallions. Cook until broccoli is soft, about 20 minutes.
2. Add parsley, spinach, and watercress. Cook for an additional 3 minutes.
3. In batches, blend ingredients in a blender and return to pot. You can reheat it if needed, but it will remain pretty hot through the blending stage.
You don't need any seasoning! Its amazing!
Source of recipe: I got this recipe from my mother in law.
Preparation Time:
30 min, Cooking time: 20 min
Cooking Time:
20 min
Recipe Category:
Hmmm .. my experience was very different. Soup came out bitter, thin and almost inedible. Treat this recipe with care, and try it first before using it for guests etc!! However, it was 'saved' by stirring in a tub of vegetarian 'sour cream', which made it taste reasonable and gave it creamy body. After a few days in the fridge, it tasted really good!
This recipe was SUPER good and was enjoyed by all who had it. Added just a little salt and pepper to bring out the flavors a touch more but it didn't really need it.
Broccoli Alternative - use Kale or Chard. Using chard be sure to chop up the stems and cook them too as they will add more body to the entire dish.
Note: The broccoli flavor is not very noticeable. The rest of the greens really meld nicely and create an overall fresh greens flavor that isn't indicative of any specific item but as a whole dish.
This sounds really good: I'm not crazy about the broccoli. Any suggestions for replacement?