added this 15 years ago
Taco Oatmeal
What you need:
1-1/3 cups (110g) oatmeal- can be quick, instant or rolled
1/3 (15-ounce) can (185g) vegan refried beans
1/4 cup (60g) salsa
What you do:
1. In a bowl, combine oatmeal and water according to package directions. Heat to desired consistency in microwave or on stove-top. (I don't think it would be as tasty with milk.)
2. After oatmeal is done, add in refried beans and salsa.
3. Cook until heated through (microwave or stove-top). Enjoy!
This is a different yet tasty oatmeal. Depending on the brands you use it is also low in calories. About 590 calories with plenty of protein and flavor!
Source of recipe: I love oatmeal so I'm experimenting and this is one of my creations.
Preparation Time:
5 minutes, Cooking time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time:
5 minutes
Recipe Category:
Might try this one day but with something other than refried beans since they don't agree with me maybe chickpeas?
Sounds good or maybe lentils....? Hmmm I'm getting ideas.
If you add in more beans this could easily double as not only a breakfast but as a taco filling.
this look like an interesting recipe. I never would of thought of this. I had an oatmeal phase a while ago but it usually was like berries, fruit, chocolate overdose, peanut butter.
Might try this one day but with something other than refried beans since they don't agree with me maybe chickpeas?