Vanilla Swiss Almond Ice Cream!
2 cups unsweetened nondairy milk
1 cup coconut milk (for creaminess!)
1/2 cup sugar
pinch of salt
1 vanilla bean, scraped*
3/4 cup chocolate covered almonds
1. Prep your ice cream maker for ice cream makin'! For mine, that involved putting the bowl in the freezer for 7 to 15 hours.
2. In the ice cream maker bowl, combine the nondairy milk, coconut milk, sugar, and salt; mix well. Slice open your vanilla bean down the length, open up, scrape out the little black dots from the inside (I find it's easiest to do this with a small spoon), and add to mix; whisk to thoroughly combine. Refrigerate the mixture for 1 to 2 hours, or until cold.
3. Transfer mixture to ice cream maker and process according to your maker's instructions. You'll end up with a soft-serve consistency ice cream once your ice cream making process is done.
4. Depending on your machine, add chocolate covered almonds at the appropriate time and stir in. For me, that was in the last five minutes of stirring.
5. Freeze overnight to allow mixture to harden to reach a more scoopable consistency. We moved the ice cream into an empty Soy Delicious container we had around... and licked the ice cream maker bowl clean! Mmmmm...
* If you have trouble finding vanilla beans to use for this, or if they're prohibitively expensive where you are, then you can use 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract instead (but your ice cream won't have cool vanilla speckles!). I was able to get five of them for just under $1.50 in the bulk section of my local health food store, but I've seen them for as much as $10 each sold in silly vials. They're really much easier to use than you might expect, and make just about anything spectacularly delicious.
Happy Eats!!!!
Source of recipe: base of ice cream adapted from Bittersweet Blog: BitterSweet - Friday Black FridayAlso this recipe is posted to my awesome vegan blog that I co-write with my friend: A Vegan Blarg
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