added this 18 years ago
Vegetarian Onion Soup
What you need:
1 large onion
3 tablespoon margarine or olive oil
1 teaspoon ground pepper
salt to taste
white wine (optional)
What you do:
Chop the onion, melt margarine in a 1 qt. saucepan. Add the onion to the saucepan and saute over medium heat til the onion is not just clear but slightly carmelized, meaning that it is starting to turn brown. This is what gives the soup its flavor. Add the pepper and some salt. Pour vegan wine over to cover the onion (about two or three tblsp) and cook the vegan wine down to evaporate the alcohol. Add water to about 1 inch from top of saucepan and simmer the soup for 1 hour. Taste. Add more salt or pepper if you wish. Serve.
Thats it. Tracy
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i liked this - an interesting flavor and so easy to make (i get lazy - especially in the summer when its oh-so-hot outside) i'm going to freeze the extra for later.....
I thought this soup was wonderful. I used 2 onions instead of 1, and no wine. I also browned my onions in my crockpot overnight and added the liquid from that included in the amount of water I put in. I also gave the browned onions a quick sizzle in some oil before making the soup. This goes into my permanent file.