formercarnivor added a comment on the recipe Spicy Peanut Butter and Celery:
Beyond Genius! Very easy to make AND very good. ;)b ;)b
formercarnivor added a comment on the recipe Rosemary's Baby Potatoes:
and the award for the recipie with the most evil sounding name goes to...
formercarnivor added a comment on the recipe Pineapple Lentils :
lentils and pineapple, coconut and black beans, chocolate and chili peppers...all very very good together.  maybe its just me but i grew up eating tradtional dutch and german foods so lots of swe
formercarnivor added a comment on the recipe Ant Repellant :
i just went out and bought an ant eater.  worked like a charm!  oh okay, im kidding! geeze, dont be so sensative!  :o

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