best vegan cookbook?
Posted by longer_look on Mar 04, 2010 · Member since Feb 2010 · 369 posts
hi all... i'm a new vegan... since valentine's day... and i've been getting most of my recipes off of this site. as the cook of the family, can you guys recommend the best vegan cookbook out there?
from searching it looks like "vegan with a vengeance" is real popular. any suggestions??
Did you look at the cookbook forum? There are reviews from a lot of different cookbooks. For a beginning vegan, I really recommend Vegan Vittles. I also use Joy of Vegan Baking a lot, even though it isn't a cookbook, you have to know how to make dessert, too, right? How it All Vegan and The Garden of Vegan get a lot of use by my husband. I don't really like Vegan w/ a Vengeance or Veganomincon that much, but I think I am definitely in the minority on that one.
Yay, congrats on the switch to a vegan diet!!! That's awesome. If it helps, you're welcome to check out my blog at - it has lots of recipes from my vegan cookbook that you could try for free.
Good luck! :)
I think Veganomicon is probably a better all-purpose vegan cookbook (of the ones I have). VWAW is smaller and has more recipes for sweets (I'm guessing if you're a new vegan you're looking more for recipes for food food).
But it really all depends on what type you're looking for. There are cookbooks specific to nationalities, sweets, using fresh stuff, not using fake _____, seasonal, low-fat, quick, etc.
Yay, congrats on the switch to a vegan diet!!! That's awesome. If it helps, you're welcome to check out my blog at - it has lots of recipes from my vegan cookbook that you could try for free.
Good luck! :)
thanks... i'm 33... just read "eating animals" and it changed my life. i've NEVER had a problem eating meat. never felt bad about it. never thought twice. one day i just switched. can't even look at the stuff anymore. it's pretty wierd.
in fact... i have a problem. just bought a 400 dollar smoker for christmas... and now what the hell am i gonna do with it!?
Smoke tofu! And tempeh. That actually sounds kind of good!
Anyway, I suggest The Vegan Table by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau or Vegan Vittles by JoAnn Stepaniak. I don't think VWAV is a good first cookbook, although there are some fun recipes in there. I just don't think they are good recipes to start out with. And vegweb is your best friend now! Anything you need, you can find it here.
"How it all Vegan" - was my first vegan cookbook and its good because it has basics of everything and the recipes don't really feel "intimidating",....Veganomicon has lots of recipes too, some a little more complicated, but still a lot of good ones.
I'd really recommend Vegan Fire and Spice by Robin Robertson; Mediterranean Vegan by Donna Klein, and the Joy of Vegan Baking. Donna Klein doesn't usually use many, if any, vegan substitutes in her cookbooks so they are great for beginner vegans. Robin Robertson's Fire and Spice is great if you like spicy food. The recipes are easy, but taste really great.The Joy of Vegan Baking has solid recipes in there. Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World is also good if you like cupcakes. I'm not a huge fan of Vegan with a Vengeance and Veganomicon and wouldn't recommend them for a beginner.
I don't think there really is any one "best" vegan cookbook. There are so many available these days, and many times it depends on what your tastes are. Not all of them are worth the $$$, but most are!
That being said, I have to go with some favorites...a couple of which are new (maybe that's why they're now my favorites!)...the 500 Vegan recipes by Joni Newman and Celine Steen and also 1000 Vegan Recipes by Robin Robertson. You would think there would be considerable duplication here, but for the most part, that's not the case. I've been traveling, and I have literally gone through these books page by page the last couple of weeks - and am thoroughly impressed by both of them. You won't go wrong with either, but perhaps the 1000 Vegan Recipes may have a slight edge for a beginning vegan.
My favourites are How It All Vegan!,The Garden of Vegan, and La Dolce Vegan. I've never had a recipe fail from those. I'm not a fan of VWAV or VCON at all :p
I'm not really going to make a specific recommendation, because it really depends on your tastes, if you want to try new things versus comfort foods, processed foods versus whole foods, etc. The only thing I recommend is that when you buy your first vegan cookbooks that you physically see them before you buy them. I had a very limited budget in my early vegan days and ordered a coulpe cookbooks from Amazon that were highly recommended. I really wasn't able to use them because the branded products and exotic ingredients aren't available here in my area. I was also unable to afford to completely restock my kitchen overnight. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I recommend you get your hands on the book before buying, even if you do order it, and make sure you are able to use it and that the recipes aren't too exotic for you. Even after a decade of veganism, I have several cookbooks that I never have used because I can't find the ingredients. What a waste.
You could use your smoker to make chipotle peppers! (Ripe, smoked jalapeno peppers.) There are loads of recipes online for smoked vegetables of all sorts, too.
For a good all-purpose cookbook, I like Robin Robertson's Vegan Planet.
I was also going to say Vegan Planet. It was the first vegan cookbook I ever had (got it as a Christmas present LONG before I was vegan--weird, right?), and it was decent. I still make quite a few recipes out of there. I really like the miso soup recipe.
God I have a shit load of cookbooks and hardly use any of them... I've made a few things... Vegweb is by far the best: pictures, reviews, and ratings... Easy recipes... You can't beat that! There are some really great vegan cooking blogs too (besides RHIW):
Agreed. It really is the best, most comprehensive cookbook out there. Everything I have made out of it has generally been fantastic. For a close seocnd, I'd say Eat, Drink & Be Vegan by Dreena Burton.
I have to jump on the Veganomicon bandwagon. Not just because of the usually simple recipes that work well for forming the backbone of your everyday recipes, but also because it is full of background information on foods that probably aren't on your radar and foods that you should be using in your diet.
If someone said I had to do away with all of my cookbooks and keep just one, I'd keep Veganomicon.
But there are so many other good cookbooks out there, it's hard to pick just one.
If someone said I had to do away with all of my cookbooks and keep just one, I'd keep Veganomicon.
But there are so many other good cookbooks out there, it's hard to pick just one.
I 2nd this. Of all my vegan cookbooks, & I have most of the ones mentioned here, Veganomicon is the one I use constantly. I have several of the recipes on regular rotation. I just made Cesar salad & spicy tempeh pasta from this book last night.... :P I made the cilantro pesto from this book & took it to a family gathering. Everyone loved it and my omni aunt loved the pesto so much she bought the book - I think that says a lot!
My most used vegan cookbook is still "The Single Vegan". The recipes are designed for one serving, but it is easy to double, triple, etc. the batch. I think it is out of print now (I'm old and have been vegetarian for 15 years now), but you may be able to find a copy online or at a used book store. The author is Leah Leneman.
Yes I agree veganomics is very good. For fast vegan meals I think the best is "The 30 Minute Vegan" by Mark Reinfeld and Jennifer Murray.