Non-Vegan Cookbook Club (JKL and BP's idea, really)
Hi All, This is actually me stealing JKL and BayPuppy's collaboration:
The Non-Vegan Cookbook Club is a place to post the names of cookbooks that have accidentally-vegan recipes that you enjoy. Per Admin's request, please do not post the full recipe unless you have the author's permission. This way, people can know if a non-vegan cookbook is worth checking out from the library, or can use this list as reference when you're giving advice to an omni who does not have the benefit of your personal collection. Of course, you could just tell them to check out VegWeb, but they might be more familiar with something from Julia Child.
I'll go first. I LOVE the Marinated Soy Bean recipe from The More-With-Less Mennonite Cookbook. It's reminiscent of marinated mushrooms, but I happen to hate mushrooms and love beans!
Okay - your turn!
i don't even feel 100% safe posting this, but i have a Rachel Ray cookbook that has a lot of accidentally vegan recipes (a mushroom marinade among them).
I have a cookbook called "Low Fat, Low Calorie, Low Cholesterol Light Cooking" that I've had for years. It's huge (608 pages) and has every recipe in there that you can think of. Granted I don't use the meat recipes but most of the rest of it is easy to find substitutions for. There's also reference pages for conversion rates. Over all I'd say it's a great book to have.
Hmm... I think my favorite cookbook ever is The Joy of Cooking. It is just a great resource. I use it whenever I buy some new weird vegetable or bean that I don't know how to prepare.
P.S. I thought it was kind of funny that you called Baypuppy "BO" in the subject line. Hehe.
Hmm... I think my favorite cookbook ever is The Joy of Cooking. It is just a great resource. I use it whenever I buy some new weird vegetable or bean that I don't know how to prepare.
P.S. I thought it was kind of funny that you called Baypuppy "BO" in the subject line. Hehe.
I use the creamed spinach recipe all the time. You can substitute soymilk and it comes out great.
Okay, here's one:
The Parade Magazine Cookbook. It is ancient and probably has been out of print for decades.
But there is a recipe in it for something called "Christmas Tree Pie." Ignore the Christmas in it--it is ony called that because the top of the pie is cut into a shape of a christmas tree. It is actually a very delicious cranberry and apple pie that is entirely vegan if you use a vegan pie crust.
I changed the subject - dang it. Thanks Stillflat ::)
Mirrya, do you have favorite recipes in particular from the Low everything cookbook? I'm almost positive that my mom has that.
i don't even feel 100% safe posting this, but i have a Rachel Ray cookbook that has a lot of accidentally vegan recipes (a mushroom marinade among them).
Rachael Ray?!?! Henceforth I must shun thee. :)
The San Francisco Chronicle cookbooks (1 and 2) have some nice, accidentally vegan Asian recipes, as well as some tasty salads. They have a lot of meat, eggs, and cheese in the food, and some harder to find ingredients, but interesting ideas.
Jamie Oliver's Basic Bread recipe, from The Return of the Naked Chef is really good.
Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone, by Deborah Madison. The book is big enough that you will find something you want to make in there.
the only nonveggie book i have is my betty crocker book. i don't use it a lot, but it comes in handy when i want a basic recipe (like basic biscuits or something) and can't find a vegan one online/in my other books. my carrot cake is actually a "convert and mess with" of the BC carrot cake. prob the best thing to come out of that book. ;D
Yeah, I have that one too from when I took this basic cooking class. It is pretty useful for getting the basic gist of lots of different dishes.
i don't even feel 100% safe posting this, but i have a Rachel Ray cookbook that has a lot of accidentally vegan recipes (a mushroom marinade among them).
Rachael Ray?!?! Henceforth I must shun thee. :)
Haha, I like a lot of her recipes too, lime green.
i don't even feel 100% safe posting this, but i have a Rachel Ray cookbook that has a lot of accidentally vegan recipes (a mushroom marinade among them).
Rachael Ray?!?! Henceforth I must shun thee. :)
iknowiknowiknow!!! it was a gift though! i'm sorry!! :'(
I have a cookbook that's called the little bean cookbook and it was a gift from a friend, she gave it to me and simply instructed me not to look at the chapteres entitled "Meats" and "seafood" haha. but there are some really neat, creative bean recipies in there. PLUS, she bought it from a used book store which is super cool.
Jamie Oliver's Basic Bread recipe, from The Return of the Naked Chef is really good.
That's what I was going to say, too. I know that a lot of vegans hate him, but Jamie Oliver is probably the reason that I'm vegan now. His shows are what got me more interested in cooking with fresh, healthy ingredients and eating tastier, less processed foods--which led me to vegetarianism--which led me to veganism. A lot of the recipes in his books can be veganized or used as ideas for vegan dishes. And the foccachia is incredible!
Why do a lot of vegans hate Jamie Oliver? Because he does a lot of vegan or almost vegan food but doesn't go all the way? That doesn't make sense.
I had this stevia cookbook, but lost it:
I'm pretty sure it's not all vegan but has a ton of vegan recipes and i think she gives substitution suggestions for all of those that aren't. Just don't try the carob brownies! ick...well i guess if you really love carob, you'd probably like them.
Why do a lot of vegans hate Jamie Oliver? Because he does a lot of vegan or almost vegan food but doesn't go all the way? That doesn't make sense.
Uhhhh. No. It's because of shit like this.
Why do a lot of vegans hate Jamie Oliver? Because he does a lot of vegan or almost vegan food but doesn't go all the way? That doesn't make sense.
Uhhhh. No. It's because of shit like this.
That was disgusting!
Why do a lot of vegans hate Jamie Oliver? Because he does a lot of vegan or almost vegan food but doesn't go all the way? That doesn't make sense.
Uhhhh. No. It's because of shit like this.
I have now lost all respect for Jamie Oliver!
I really like Madhur Jaffrey's recipes, a lot of them are vegan or can be veganised. She does a lot of indian food but also food from all over the world. There is also a lady called Claudia Roden who does a lot of middle eastern food and also a guy called Nigel Slater. His recipes aren't vegan as often but he has a way of talking about food that is great and I find that a fair amount of his recipes can be veganised. There is one in his book called the Kitchen Diaries for a green lentil and sausage csserole that I make with vegan sausages that is delish, YUM! I have worked in a bookshop for over 7 years now and I have a proper weakness for cookbooks. Most of mine are vegan but I am not averse to non-vegan books as long as they are resonably convertable.
Re Jamie Oliver, some of his recipes are good and he is rying to get people to eat more healthily and for the government to put better food in our schools. I totally don't agree with him slitting a lambs throat at all but at least he faces his 'food' rather than just getting a shrink wrapped piece of meat from the supermarket. Having heard many meaters saying things like 'I could never kill a sheep/chicken etc' or 'I don'y eat meat that looks like an animal' or the general use of battery farmed meat, eggs and dairy I think the mass-population's denial of where their food comes from is worse than killing it yourself (not that I condone either).
I am a fan of the Moosewood Cookbooks. My favorite one is the Simple Suppers one. They all have one chapter on Seafood, but the rest is all vegetarian with many vegan/veganizable recipes. There is an emphasis on using fresh, local produce.
12 Best Foods by Dana Jacobi is one of my favourite cookbooks, with a lot of vegetarian/vegan recipes. I tend to love to read cookbooks while never actually getting around to making a lot of the recipes ::) but recipes I soon hope to make from this book include a shepard's pie made with broccoli and sweet potatoes, and some salad dressings made with silken tofu.
My favorite non-vegan cookbook is Quick, Simple, and Main Course Vegetarian Pleasures by Jeanne Lemlin. It's 3 cookbooks combined into one and the recipes are all pretty easy and tasty. There are a decent number of vegan recipes and many that are easy to veganize. Anything I've made has turned out really well.
My omni friend is looking to get into cooking a little more, but he's almost completely novice. What are some good books that have good, quick, not entirely unhealthy recipes for a hardworkin' young adult?