For sale or trade - brand new copy of The Conscious Cook
I have a copy of the new hardcover book The Conscious Cook by Tal Ronnen. I thought I would really like and enjoy the book, but after looking through it, I realized that I'm not very likely to use it. The book itself is gorgeous - lots of pics of the recipes and nice write-ups. However, the recipes are more complicated and time-consuming than I would like. It's definitely a gourmet cookbook, and I don't have the time for that kind of cooking right now (I have an 8-month-old baby).
The book retails for $29.99. I would like to either sell the book for half off - $15, plus $4 for shipping it to you - or else trade the book for a copy of either Vegan Brunch, Vegan Yum Yum, or a raw cookbook (it would depend on the title, as I have several). If you are interested, please send me a message or a wave hello or something so we can exchange info.
Thanks! ;)b
Good deal, but Amazon has it on sale for $16.49 and one can get free shipping for certain orders over $25.00.
Ah, thanks for the heads up...perhaps someone will want to trade instead...
Can you not return it? That sucks to be stuck with a $30 book you won't use!
Can you not return it? That sucks to be stuck with a $30 book you won't use!
Actually...*sheepish* I won this book so it didn't cost me anything! What can I say, I'm shameless! :-[ I was hoping to win a copy of either Vegan Brunch or Vegan Yum Yum LOL This book really is beautiful and I'm sure the recipes are fantastic, but I just don't have the time or inclination to make 2 hour recipes (which is what many of them state they are). Oh well! I might just give it to someone for Christmas.
if i don't win it on ebay maybe u could send me the book and i could buy the one u want and we could switch? i wouldn't want to pay the postage though since i would have to book sent to ur house
if i don't win it on ebay maybe u could send me the book and i could buy the one u want and we could switch? i wouldn't want to pay the postage though since i would have to book sent to ur house
Sure, that sounds like a great idea! Just let me know what you decide, and thanks!
Might be intrested in trading for it, I have a copy of Vegan Brunch. I am going to look it up on amazon and see if it is something that I would use more than I do vegan brunch.
Oh, I have a copy of vegan brunch coming to me soon, but I already have a copy. If you still don't have anyone, we could do a trade.
I will be happy to trade with anyone. The fairest thing I can think of doing is, whoever has made a decision and contacts me first will be the person I trade with. Thanks to all in advance for your interest!
I'm all for trading. I just don't have my 2nd copy of VB, yet. It's shipping with ...Cookies Invade, so it will be a few days.
I'm all for trading. I just don't have my 2nd copy of VB, yet. It's shipping with ...Cookies Invade, so it will be a few days.
Sounds great, AC! Oooh, I can't wait to get VCIYCJ! Must add to Amazon wish list!!
sorry i won the book on ebay
I'm all for trading. I just don't have my 2nd copy of VB, yet. It's shipping with ...Cookies Invade, so it will be a few days.
Sounds great, AC! Oooh, I can't wait to get VCIYCJ! Must add to Amazon wish list!!
Yes, let's do it. I'll message you my address.
I'm glad it worked out! I'm curious about the book, so can't wait to hear reviews. It is VegNews' "cookbook of the year". It's on my wishlist. Just wasn't willing to give up Vegan Table.
I'm glad it worked out! I'm curious about the book, so can't wait to hear reviews. It is VegNews' "cookbook of the year". It's on my wishlist. Just wasn't willing to give up Vegan Table.
I actually bought this book on a whim this weekend. I totally should have traded with you, Bethany, but I didn't know I was going to buy it. (I'm glad you & AC are trading, though!) :)
Anyway, it looks fantastic. I can definitely see why someone with a baby wouldn't be able to use it all the time because a lot of the recipes do look a little time consuming... But the photos are GORGEOUS, and there are some really great interviews with vegan restaurateurs, chefs, pastry chefs, business founders, etc. scattered throughout the book. There are also some soups, salads, side dishes, and whatnot that don't seem very difficult. All the recipes look straightforward & easy to make - the prep time just might be a little intense for some of the "fancier" dishes.
I can't wait to cook some of these recipes! My boyfriend & I are making dinner for a (very omni) friend this upcoming Sunday, and I'm pretty sure we're going to make something from this book. I'll let you all know how it turns out.
I totally agree - the photos are totally gorgeous and the recipes do sound fantastic. I can't wait to hear how they come out! I hope you (and AC) really enjoy the book! ;)b
Thanks, lebkuchen! ;)b
Thanks, lebkuchen! ;)b
You're so welcome!! I can't wait to hear how the recipes turn out :)