Vegan Planet!
Posted by SnowQueen690 on Oct 24, 2009 · Member since Jun 2005 · 1569 posts
My mom got me this cookbood for my birthday. :w00t!: :w00t!:
I made these "maple roasted root vegetables" recipe and it was so good! And simple! Parsnip, carrot, turnip, onion and rutabega cut up and mixed with olive oil, maple syrup and a pinch of salt and then roasted in the oven for about 50 min. Wow, it was incredible. Even my 13 mo old son liked it. I think I will play with, get it perfect, just the way me and my son like it, then post the modified recipe here.
Thanks for starting this thread, Snow Queen.
I recently acquired Vegan Planet, too, and am looking forward to hearing about your recipe results.
The only recipe I made from it so far was the Quinoa Tabbouleh, page 125. It came together very quickly and was super good. I skipped the optional adzuki beans, and used less than a bunch of parsley, otherwise as written. For me, the diced red onion should be thrown into the cooking pot when the quinoa is removed from the heat but still making steam, to take the edge off the raw onion. That's the only change I'd make in the recipe next time. That way it doesn't overpower the delicate quinoa.
The author informs us that quinoa has a bitter white coating called saponin, and should be rinsed thoroughly to remove it. Good to know.
Might have to look into that. I made a smilar roasted root dish from Vegan Soul and losted was the first time I tried rutabega.......
If you are interested, I made the wheat-meat stroganoff and it was really good! Especially the next day. I made it with egg noodles :'( as I still had them in my cubbard and needed to be eaten up, but next time I will use regular vegan pasta. I don't think I would change anything, I used shitake mushrooms rather than white button, and it was really good. I didn't cook it as long as the recipe called for either because it started out really thick and I used seitan that I had made awhile ago from this site, Easy Seitan.
I love those Shiitake mushrooms too Snow Queen. Mmm, stroganoff. I've never really eaten it because well, it's not vegan, when I have encountered it. Did you make or buy your sour cream?
I made the Vermicelli, Chickpeas and Vegetables With Creamy Curry Sauce page 264. It was good, I guess I'd give it 4 stars out of 5. I think it would be 5 stars if everything was fresh instead of canned garbonzos, tomatoes and coconut milk. It would be great fresh. Even if I used canned garbonzos again, I would only use half of a can, and save the other half to make hummus sandwiches, later. That way the canned garbonzos don't dominate. OR, I think I would prefer this dish with tofu cubes instead of garbonzos. Also, the dish doesn't cook long after adding the curry powder and it had a slightly powdery taste. The sauce may need to cook a bit longer than she specifies. I realized that right before serving, but well, the noodles and the husband were ready for serving. :-D The curry, coconut and tomatoes got a good groove goin. Worth making again.
I made the Tomato Zucchini Frittata on page 538. I was excited about it, but it didn't really work. After assembling the ingredients, she says to pour it into the baking dish. What, Pour? Except for a Tablespoon of olive oil used to saute the vegetables, and 2 Tablespoons of water used to dssolve the arrowroot, there's no liquid in the dish. It looked good, when cooked, but on (difficult) slicing or eating, the layers seperated into top, middle and bottom. It formed a skin. I'm glad I was just trying out the recipe and not serving anyone.
I'm thinking of trying the Broccoli Quiche recipe on PPK website. It has some cashews blended to make it creamy, and has rave reviews.