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February Boston meet up?

So, I'm going to be in Boston Feb. 14-18 for a science conference and will have quite a bit of time to kill (don't have a whole lot of conference duties except to present a poster that Saturday) and would totally love to meet up w/ VegWeb folks for a lunch or dinner if anyone is around. Also, I'll be going to the conference w/ all omnis and would love to check out vegan restaurants/hang out w/ cool vegans in the area since there will likely not be any vegan food at the conference (I went last year and yuck  :P ).

If anyone's up for it, post here. If not, no biggie, but I thought I'd give it a whirl!

In adam_crisis' infamous words (or was it and_it_spoke - I get the straight bois mixed up...

buahahaha :D

i dunno why I found that so funny....



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