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Sexual Content Discussion :)

Let's carry over from the chit-chat board discussion...

Is it okay to post sexual content on a vegweb/message board? How far is too far?
Is it okay, considering children who use the internet may be able to access it?
Is it okay if what you're describing involves another person who may not want the issue discussed in public?
Is innuendo/sexual references ok in non-sexual topics?

That being said, certain threads do annoy me.  I really, really don't get offended, so I can't say that.  I get tired of the ED threads, I get tired of people whose only posts are to complain or ask for sympathy.  Know what I do?  I ignore them.  The ED issue, the smoking issue, lots of other things also pop up in unrelated threads.  NOT JUST SEX. 

Thank you. i feel the same, therefore, I need not be redundant and state what you've so eloquently just stated.

amen MD!  and speaking of amen.....I believe in God.....many vegans don't, and talk openly about it on all the threads.  Never once would I tell any of you to stop, or try to push my beliefs on you.  It doesn't offend me, and if it did, I would skim through it.
Jesus!!!!!!  pun intended....

Another good example (and funny pun). 

I just feel that the thread came up at a strange time.  It seemed to me that everything was sort of dying down if anything. Regardless, I do respect PP and I'll be more aware of my typing.

I'll just take it over to the Moratorium. ;)


That being said, certain threads do annoy me.  I really, really don't get offended, so I can't say that.  I get tired of the ED threads, I get tired of people whose only posts are to complain or ask for sympathy.  Know what I do?  I ignore them.  The ED issue, the smoking issue, lots of other things also pop up in unrelated threads.  NOT JUST SEX.

i agree with this too.  i really, really, agree with this..

and i also get annoyed sometimes when i get left hanging on a topic thats been hijacked and it seems like everyones forgotton the original post and the question never gets answered.  the worst part is when i do a search for something and then have to sort thru pages of distracted stuff before i find my answer.  but even then - i look at it like people having a conversation in person.. something always triggers a thought on a new topic and the conversation turns - it's just how conversations evolve naturally.  i get over it.


The common vibe seems to be that if someone comes across something that offends them, they skim through it or move on.  Why then couldn’t we read PP’s post, note what she said and move on?  Especially after she specifically said

First of all I truly do not mean to offend anyone here –just offer up something that has been really bothering me lately.


Again, this is not meant to be a finger-point, accusation or judgement. In many other areas of my life I agree to disagree peacefully, and this is no different. Even though I am sure I am in the minority here, I just really felt the need to express my true viewpoint on this.

and most importantly, gave her very personal reason for her post.  If it’s so easy to look at something that offends you and move on, couldn’t we have done that, especially given the power of the devastating personal experience PP had to give her the courage to type her post in the first place?


The common vibe seems to be that if someone comes across something that offends them, they skim through it or move on.  Why then couldn’t we read PP’s post, note what she said and move on?  Especially after she specifically said

First of all I truly do not mean to offend anyone here –just offer up something that has been really bothering me lately.


Again, this is not meant to be a finger-point, accusation or judgement. In many other areas of my life I agree to disagree peacefully, and this is no different. Even though I am sure I am in the minority here, I just really felt the need to express my true viewpoint on this.

and most importantly, gave her very personal reason for her post.  If it’s so easy to look at something that offends you and move on, couldn’t we have done that, especially given the power of the devastating personal experience PP had to give her the courage to type her post in the first place?

good point. but i think some people on here felt like they were personally being criticized, which made it difficult to pass up. I mean, if I saw a thread on hunting on some other website, I'd pass it by, but if it was something that sounded like it was referring to me/things I've done, I might take offense and want to defend myself.

I'm not 100% sure on where I stand on the issue as a whole; there are a lot of valid points. I think I generally agree that talking about sex is normal, healthy, and ok for vegweb, but I dislike threadjacking of any variety. Though I wouldn't consider, for instance, someone talking about sex during menstruation on the period thread/diva thread a threadjack... there's obviously connections there. If it were a thread about the best mashed potatoes though, well... I don't think anything that extreme has happened. But honestly, I have no idea what threads are being referred to.


  I think the accusations that sex comes up in every thread are highly inflated.  I can think of very few (actually, I can't think of any) examples where someone just busted out with a sexual description while we were talking about recipes.   Come on now. 

um, how about ALL the scone threads??!!  ;D


The common vibe seems to be that if someone comes across something that offends them, they skim through it or move on.  Why then couldn’t we read PP’s post, note what she said and move on?

Because she said it with the clear sense that she wanted some sort of outcome from it.  She made it separate so that we could all see it.  She directed the conversation specifically at the people who have different views and gave them instructions: not to assume that everyone is comfortable with sexual talk.  The post was clearly written with the intention of communicating a message to those with opposite views.

You don't post about something that's bothering you without expecting some sort of response.  I think it would have been rude if we all ignored the post.  It would have told her, yeah, we don't really care if you hold that opinion.  When someone says, "I want to let you know I feel this way," ignoring it is totally inappropriate and downright rude.


um, how about ALL the scone threads??!!  ;D


Just kidding, that's a good example.  That was during the summer though.


good point. but i think some people on here felt like they were personally being criticized

I felt personally criticized.  Let's not skirt things--we KNOW the types of recent conversations PP is referring to, and it's not sex in the mashed potatoes threads.  I will speak for myself--just a few days ago I posted about my largely physical relationship with a guy.  Others joined me in this conversation (Open Letters thread-->Moratorium thread).  Subsequently, PP posts that it makes her sad and angry to hear this type of talk, and that she thinks people who behave this way are being disrespectful and foolish.

I'm really having trouble understanding how it is out of line to respond to this when the sequence of events is glaring right at us.  The original post was not just a statement of "This is my opinion about this topic," it was "What you are doing upsets me."


exactly kmk - none of the sex related threads contain attempts to encourage others to behave more like the poster.  never do people say - "well i did this last night - so you should too!  if you don't then im judging you..".  it's pretty easy to ignore someones comment when they're not trying to make you feel like you should live up to it too.

would it have been better if pp said what she did and i responded with "hmm it sucks that you feel like that!  moving on!"


Yes.  And I TRIED to get concrete suggestions for how to compromise, but I was met with, "Oh no, well, I'm not trying to judge or single people out."  You didn't try to, but you did.  Intentions and outcomes don't always align.


amen MD!   and speaking of amen.....I believe in God.....many vegans don't, and talk openly about it on all the threads.  Never once would I tell any of you to stop, or try to push my beliefs on you.  It doesn't offend me, and if it did, I would skim through it.
Jesus!!!!!!  pun intended....

Amen Lubi, I feel the same way. Not only do I believe in God also but I am a dun dun Yes, I admit it and honestly I avoided all the threads concerning the election. I did look at the one that said not to look if your a republican that was all the funny pictures of McCain and Palin because even though they were picking on my candidates I can still laugh at funny ass pictures.


I've kept pretty quiet about this, but I have a few things to touch on (no pun or innuendo intended).

First off:

The common vibe seems to be that if someone comes across something that offends them, they skim through it or move on.  Why then couldn’t we read PP’s post, note what she said and move on?

Because of this:

I’m not meaning this a as a judgement or lecture or sermon or anything else – I just wanted to express that this makes me sad and sometimes even kind of angry to hear sex thrown around so flippantly. I KNOW not everyone shares my viewpoint on this and I don’t expect them to – but I have a really hard time understanding how one can be so casual about the only thing that they can give to another person that is uniquely theirs. Additionally, I strongly believe that even though one may not initially realize or admit it, there are a lot of emotional and psychological consequences to cheapening sex to something purely physical and meaningless – maybe not right away – but further down the road.

Sex isn't special or meaningful to me because I talk about it?  That doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever.  I have had sex with two people and both either do or did mean the world to me.  Regardless of the intent or what was meant to be said, this statement comes across as very condescending and judgemental, and in my opinion is more offensive than any slang word that I could type referring to a body part or sex act.  That is why we couldn't just let it go.  That is a very broad generalization to make and not expect it to strike a nerve.


That doesn't mean I can't watch what I say or post when I know there are minors using the board.

I can understand this, but at the same time it seems a little asinine.  Should the people who post on adultfriendfinder take down their nude pictures of themselves just because a kid who shouldn't be there in the first place decided to create a fake account?  No.
Do you think that you should be the one that would have to leave an R rated movie because some underage teens snuck into the theatre?  No.
Should I censor what I type just because a kid decided to make an account on an adult website?  No.
This is an adult website.  You create a profile telling others whether or not you're looking for a relationship and if you're interested in having children.
Also, you guys and gals can believe this or not, but I actually do restrain myself from posting certain things sometimes.
To be honest, what child doesn't know about sex at this time in human history anyway?  I learned about sex from a friend when I was 8 years old.
I didn't have sex until I was close to 20.

Anyway, I digress.  I don't think we should censor ourselves on an adult website based on a hypothetical "what if" possibility.
I also think its pointless to have sex talk only in designated threads.  If a kid manages to find the forums, they're going to see the sex talk anyway, and probably more of it.

Ask a comedian how they come up with their material and they would probably say something like 'if it doesn't offend somebody, it isn't funny.'
What I'm trying to say with that statement is that all of us are offended by something.  Sexual innuendos / discussions, religion, politics, vulgar language, homophobia, etc., etc.  If we have to censor one thing, then we also need to censor everything that could offend anybody, and that just isn't going to happen on the internet.  Since I have been posting here, I've seen countless fat people jokes, man (as in male) hate, southerners are stupid references, and other things.  These all hit me in personal ways because a) I'm overweight, b) I am a male, and c), I live in the south.  I could easily get upset or offended, but instead I just laugh it off, maybe make a joke about it, and carry on.  There's no point in me getting pissed off at something that I read on the internet.  That's just a waste of time and energy.

And finally, fourthly:
PP, I'm truly sorry that you had something terrible happen to you.  Whoever did whatever to you obviously deserves an ass kicking and having a glass tube shoved up his pee hole and smashed so everytime he uses the restroom it will be the most excruciating pain ever.  But alas, that still wouldn't be enough.
With that said, I personally think that it would be a good thing for you to talk about what happened; get it off of your chest, cry about it, just get it out there.  I'm glad to hear that you are working on healing yourself.  Don't let this stop you from living your life, otherwise he wins.  And I also agree with Cali, don't sell yourself short.  YOU are the most unique thing you can give someone.

I think I'm done at the moment...


amen MD!   and speaking of amen.....I believe in God.....many vegans don't, and talk openly about it on all the threads.  Never once would I tell any of you to stop, or try to push my beliefs on you.  It doesn't offend me, and if it did, I would skim through it.
Jesus!!!!!!  pun intended....

Amen Lubi, I feel the same way. Not only do I believe in God also but I am a dun dun Yes, I admit it and honestly I avoided all the threads concerning the election. I did look at the one that said not to look if your a republican that was all the funny pictures of McCain and Palin because even though they were picking on my candidates I can still laugh at funny ass pictures.

Off topic, but because you're both talking about God (am I threadjacking?), I don't believe in God, but I really, really want to.  I like having a group of religious friends (not necessarily the I-go-to-church-every-Sunday type, but people with core beliefs).  The most calm, sure, confidence-inspiring people in my life have been deeply religious, in that transcendental Thich Nhat Hahn/Gandhi /Dalai Lama way.  They were the "communite with people about God everyday, and sometimes use words," not the bumper sticker type.  I don't know anyone like that anymore, just the bumper sticker variety.  So sad.


That was deep ck.  You get a +1 from me.  You should have let me post first, so your words would have been on top.  (I'm comfortable being a bottom.  ^-^ )


+1 from me to CK

and one more thing I want to add.  Sex can be different for different people and situations.  If nothing else, you have heard people laugh and talk about sex in a fun and enjoyable way.  Sex can be a really positive thing with someone you love or just like. 


To KMK, CK, and anyone else I (unintentionally) offended with my word choice,

I absolutely did not mean to generalize that your own sexual choices were not meaningful and special to you – but I can see your point that this was unclear from my words. I will own that and apologize for it if you (or anyone else) felt personally attacked, condescended or singled out.

When I talked in my original post about sex being cheapened to something purely physical, and people making statements that were flippant, I was not referring to anyone in particular talking about their own choices or experiences. I was referring to my personal feeling that when sexual statements, jokes or innuendos are repeatedly made, in casual conversation, to an unknown audience, for the purposes of entertaining each other or, “ha ha, that’s funny,” its just that part that’s visible for the world to see – the physical part and nothing else. In those situations, all of those feelings, emotions, commitments, and promises that make sex special get taken out of it. I don’t think it is that far of a stretch to suggest that over time, in a world where this is the norm and not the exception, it might be possible for some people to become desensitized to the emotional component, or never develop an awareness of it to begin with. Along the lines of watching the death toll in a war tick by on the news every day in a little emotionless box.



The common vibe seems to be that if someone comes across something that offends them, they skim through it or move on.  Why then couldn’t we read PP’s post, note what she said and move on?  Especially after she specifically said

First of all I truly do not mean to offend anyone here –just offer up something that has been really bothering me lately.


Again, this is not meant to be a finger-point, accusation or judgement. In many other areas of my life I agree to disagree peacefully, and this is no different. Even though I am sure I am in the minority here, I just really felt the need to express my true viewpoint on this.

and most importantly, gave her very personal reason for her post.  If it’s so easy to look at something that offends you and move on, couldn’t we have done that, especially given the power of the devastating personal experience PP had to give her the courage to type her post in the first place?



You know, as long as some one isn't trolling for a booty call I don't see the harm. Then a again if the dude running the "horny vegan"  (  project ever get's it togather this may be a mute point.
Till then here's a few after dark ones


You know, as long as some one isn't trolling for a booty call I don't see the harm. Then a again if the dude running the "horny vegan"  (  project ever get's it togather this may be a mute point.
Till then here's a few after dark ones

already been covered, my friend:



First guideline in the Terms and Conditions of Use:

1. Minors
MINORS MAY NOT BECOME REGISTERED USERS. By registering, you represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years old. This Website is not intended for users under the age of 18, and, Inc. does not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from users under the age of 18. Such users are expressly prohibited from submitting their personally identifiable information to us, and from using our forums and chat areas. Any information submitted by such users will not knowingly be used, posted, or retained by us.

That may be what is supposed to happen but how closely is that policy monitored or enforced?  Just searching the first three pages (24 pages in total..I believe) of search results for 18-20 year olds on vegweb, 21 people were under the age of 18 when they registered and 8 of the 21 I can clearly remember using the forums and/or chat areas including Courth, Shea, ponycakes!, blithering idiot, AshleyKimball, EggAllergyinMD and xRyanVegx.  Were they stopped from using the public areas?  No.  Did they talk about being in high school or being under age at times?  Yes, some of them did.

What good is having a policy stating you have to be 18 years of age when putting in a birth date is not required?! 

I may have misread this but I'd like to let it be known that I registered on my 18th birthday at around 11pm so I had been legally an adult for over 12 hours. So I did not break the rules.



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