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NVR smoking rant

Let me preface this by saying that I do not intend to offend anyone. I "get" that we have our own vices and really am not trying to slam ppl for it.

I really do not understand how people think its okay to just light up a cigarette and start smoking in front of others. Its so incredibly rude. I mean, I know that smokers are not doing anything illegal and are therefore entitled to smoke their cigarettes but seriously, many people including myself are highly allergic to cigarette smoke. I ride this bus and on an almost daily basis I get people lighting up at the bus stop. When I'm exposed to cigarette smoke I get these wicked headaches. the muscles on the back of my neck mimic the shoelace of a hiking boot.....and it stays this way ALL day....I'm not "annoyed" by cigarette smoke...It doesn't temporarily inconvenience me...I'm in near-tears pain all day cause some jerk needed to smoke their tobacco...

You know, if someone wants to destroy there health, that is their prerogative- and they should, by all means, be allowed to do it. But it affects the health of those around them and I cant comprehend the degree of inflated entitlement that a person would have to have to think it was okay to exppose others t it...(Heres a good time to indicate that not all smokers are like this, some will go out of there way to move away from others...In fact Ive met two of them during the past 15 months I've lived in Tucson!)  Last January there was a law passed that one may not smoke with 20 feet of a entry way to a on two occasions, I have asked people to stop smoking when I'm sitting n the porch of a restaurant...because it is illegal and makes me feel like crap. I'm say it just as sweetly as I can "I'm sorry but, do you mind putting out you cigarette, I'm very allegoric and i sit near the doors because its illegal to smoke so close to an entrance....thanks" both times the person rolled their eyes at me. One lady put her cigarette under the table (like thats gonna help when she blows it in my direction... Ive heard smokers say that it feelslike they re being persecuted like a modern day witch hunt and that we all need to stop our whining....
but I just think it so rude.

So I think smoking should not be allowed at busstops or parks where children play....but thats just my rant for today...I'm gonna go try to work with my head feeling like its gonna explode! ;)

feeling better?  ;)


NO! thast just the problem....I wont be feeling better for HOURS!!!!! :-X


Yikes ...


This is why most places are passing laws about not smoking in public places, like buses, bars and restaurants. 

When I was smoking, I refused to light up when not among smoking friends. I was a nonsmoker for 45 yrs at that point and I felt it was terribly rude to light up around anyone who was not also going to be smoking.  I didn't smoke in my house.  I didn't smoke in other people's houses either. 

If smokers CHOOSE to polute their lungs with it, fine.  You choose not to and I think your rights trump theirs.  Your good air doesn't hurt a smoker, but it has been proven that their smoked up air can and will hurt you.

I am with you.


VHZ, I'm totally with you! Thankfully I don't have the extreme physical reaction to cigarette smoke that you do, but it does give me headaches and I HATE smelling like smoke! I live in a neighborhood where the overwhelming majority of people smoke (sometimes it seems like even the toddlers smoke, like they're given their first pack on their way out of the womb) and because I walk everywhere I am constantly surrounded by clouds of it on the sidewalk. Also, because I don't have a/c, during the summer I keep my windows open so when my neighbors or random people on the street smoke, all of the foul stench comes straight into my apartment.

I don't think we have the law/rule in Boston that you can't smoke closer than 20 feet from an entryway because when I get to work everyday there are at least 7-10 people puffing away clustered right around the doors to my building. So now I reek of cigarettes for the rest of the morning. I totally agree with you guys that people have the right to have their legal vices and pollute their bodies however they want, but I make the choice to have clean lungs and clean smelling hair and rude smokers prevent me from having that choice. Dragonfly, you make an excellent point:

If smokers CHOOSE to pollute their lungs with it, fine.  You choose not to and I think your rights trump theirs.  Your good air doesn't hurt a smoker, but it has been proven that their smoked up air can and will hurt you.

Ok, end of rant.


Illinois go smoke free on January 1st!!!!! :) :D :) :D :) :D :)

I can't wait, I'll actually be able to go out and hang w/ my friends.


I agree. I just can't handle smoke, or be around anyone who's smoking. I cough, I wheeze, I get a headache. I don't want to force my beliefs on anyone, though, so I don't usually say anything, unless it's a real problem. I usually move if I'm bothered.

luckily, ontario has a by-law against smoking in public places. yay! so I don't have to worry about it... too much.


i agree, too. it gives me headaches (like i dont get those enough already) makes me feel ill, and if i have my period it makes my cramps worse, makes my physically sick, headaches are worse, and like you said it'll take hours if not a day for me to feel better

i complained to my store manager one time about my department manager treating me differently than the other employee because i am not a smoker (thus i do not go out for breaks with her and the other employee). and the store manager, Rick, had the nerve to tell me that i should be more social and that "we live in NY, there's always an upwind in NY" oh and it was the middle of winter too. i'm not gonna go sit out in the snow and freeze my butt off and make myself ill just to have my manager treat me better for a day or two...

sorry i got a little off topic for a second but i had to get that out, it just makes me so mad


i complained to my store manager one time about my department manager treating me differently than the other employee because i am not a smoker (thus i do not go out for breaks with her and the other employee). and the store manager, Rick, had the nerve to tell me that i should be more social and that "we live in NY, there's always an upwind in NY" oh and it was the middle of winter too. i'm not gonna go sit out in the snow and freeze my butt off and make myself ill just to have my manager treat me better for a day or two...

That sucks Sariea. Wasn't there a Friends episode about that very topic? Rachel wasn't getting a promotion or something because she didn't go on smoke breaks with her boss.  ;D ;D

I used to work as a bartender at a resort and was one of the very few employees who didn't smoke (hospitality workers tend to be like chimneys - high stress, I guess). I never felt like I was being treated differently, but I know I didn't get to take as many breaks as the smokers. Which means us non-smokers had to take up the slack. If I asked to take a 15 minute break (and believe me, the smokers took longer), my manager would ask why. Uh...because I need a break?....Grrr....frustrating...    :P


i complained to my store manager one time about my department manager treating me differently than the other employee because i am not a smoker (thus i do not go out for breaks with her and the other employee). and the store manager, Rick, had the nerve to tell me that i should be more social and that "we live in NY, there's always an upwind in NY" oh and it was the middle of winter too. i'm not gonna go sit out in the snow and freeze my butt off and make myself ill just to have my manager treat me better for a day or two...

That sucks Sariea. Wasn't there a Friends episode about that very topic? Rachel wasn't getting a promotion or something because she didn't go on smoke breaks with her boss.  ;D ;D

I used to work as a bartender at a resort and was one of the very few employees who didn't smoke (hospitality workers tend to be like chimneys - high stress, I guess). I never felt like I was being treated differently, but I know I didn't get to take as many breaks as the smokers. Which means us non-smokers had to take up the slack. If I asked to take a 15 minute break (and believe me, the smokers took longer), my manager would ask why. Uh...because I need a break?....Grrr....frustrating...    :P

i was going to say something about that but didnt want to offend anyone that smokes. it makes me angry that my boss and coworker "need" a break about once every hour, whereas i will regularly go a full 8 hour shift without one break because i feel like it is my responsibility to pick up the slack. seriously, a break for me would consist of a quick run to the bathroom. and if i ask for a real 15 minute break, my boss will look at me and ask me what is wrong.

i always want to say "i'm tired of doing your job today, thats whats wrong"


Know what I can't stand?
When people light up with their kids in the car... windows up and everything!
They should be fined, get a ticket, whatever and investigated for child abuse.


ugh, yeah the break thing makes me mad...My bro is in the navy and the only time they get breaks is for smoking on deck for fifteen mins every three hours or He "took up smoking" that is to say, he keeps a pack on him, excises himself for smoke break and stands on the deck with an unlit cigarette...hehehe

I also hated when i worked at this one nursing home I was inside for 8 hours a day and when I had my 1/2 lunch break Id want to spend it OUTSIDE but eh only outside place employees were allowed was in the "smokers pit" :-X

Tucson just made the ban against doorway smoking recently. I was SO excited to vote on that topic...!!!! Maybe I need to lobby for more smoking bands? It pisses the crap out of me when ppl light up at the dogpark...For one thing, they all seem to wave their burning butts around and I DO NOT want that to end up in my dogs eye...and then there is the smoke...When I have just Guinevere and D'artagnon Its easy enough to say..."common, lets get away from the smoke...and walk away. However when i have 6 dogs at the part...I cant get all of them away from the smoker at once...

Also, in the states where they still have indoor smoking sections,....shouldn't there be an age limit...I always see parents in there with their toddlers and it makes  me SCIK!

OH OH and while I'm at it....In the past 3 months, I have seen two pregnant women where they are so pregnant they are waddling and rubbing the baby and you KNOW they are pregnant, not just a lil chubby....WHO DOES THAT...My aunt was a chain smoker since she was like 14 and she managed to quit every time she got pregnant.... ??? and shes probally the last person I would elect parent of the year,,,,yet she managed it....


Know what I can't stand?
When people light up with their kids in the car... windows up and everything!
They should be fined, get a ticket, whatever and investigated for child abuse.

pretty much my feelings too! And have you ever noticed how easily ppl can be convinced that its okay. Like sometimes smokers will go to light up and stop and think and say to the mother...oh I'm sorry...Ill wait till the kids arnt around...and then the mother says that its fine and she does it all the time...and the person decides that just because the mother does it,,, its okay for them to hurt the kids too...WTF?


My husband is soooo anti smoking.
He doesn't give people "smoke breaks"
He says he doesn't take ass scratching breaks (actually he usually puts it differently but that's more polite...)
He tells people if they do smoke on a break to be sure to  save enough time to run around the building a few times to air out before they come back to work or he'll kick their ass if they smell like smoke.


My husband is soooo anti smoking.
He doesn't give people "smoke breaks"
He says he doesn't take ass scratching breaks (actually he usually puts it differently but that's more polite...)
He tells people if they do smoke on a break to be sure to  save enough time to run around the building a few times to air out before they come back to work or he'll kick their ass if they smell like smoke.

Your hubby rocks! He's my new hero  ;D ;D ;D


I am pretty allergic to smoke and perfume.

My mom used to smoke like 2 packs a day and wake up EVERY day hacking and coughing.

When we were in the car when I was a teenager I asked her to please not smoke in the car...her reaction...she BLEW cigarette smoke in my face and laughed!!  :o

I also apologized to a a retiring collegue for moving away from her when she was smoking  at a party cause I was allergic to smoke.  She actually walked a way in a huff even though I was very polite.


Illinois go smoke free on January 1st!!!!! :) :D :) :D :) :D :)

I can't wait, I'll actually be able to go out and hang w/ my friends.

GET OUT!  I live in Illinois and I didn't know this!  Restaurants, bars, public places, everything smoke free?!?!?  I can't wait!!  There is ONE smoke free pub/bar in my town and I love it. It's so nice being able to enjoy a drink and the going home without smelling like an ashtray!


Illinois go smoke free on January 1st!!!!! :) :D :) :D :) :D :)

I can't wait, I'll actually be able to go out and hang w/ my friends.

GET OUT!  I live in Illinois and I didn't know this!  Restaurants, bars, public places, everything smoke free?!?!?  I can't wait!!  There is ONE smoke free pub/bar in my town and I love it. It's so nice being able to enjoy a drink and the going home without smelling like an ashtray!

Yup, January 1st!!! I'm sooooo excited.


I am pretty allergic to smoke and perfume.

My mom used to smoke like 2 packs a day and wake up EVERY day hacking and coughing.

When we were in the car when I was a teenager I asked her to please not smoke in the car...her reaction...she BLEW cigarette smoke in my face and laughed!!  :o

I also apologized to a a retiring collegue for moving away from her when she was smoking  at a party cause I was allergic to smoke.  She actually walked a way in a huff even though I was very polite.

My mom was almost the exact same...and she was convinced that if the window was down, it would all go out the window...She also did not allow us to cough if she was smoking...because she was sure we were just doing it to annoy her...

So for eh first semester I was in college , all my friends were smokers and Id try to hang out with them and they smoked int eh car, at eh restaurants, etc. So I was so sick of it hat by second semester I stopped going anywherewith them and then they all had the nerve to get mad at ME,, like it was my own fault... ???


Illinois go smoke free on January 1st!!!!! :) :D :) :D :) :D :)

I can't wait, I'll actually be able to go out and hang w/ my friends.

GET OUT!  I live in Illinois and I didn't know this!   Restaurants, bars, public places, everything smoke free?!?!?  I can't wait!!   There is ONE smoke free pub/bar in my town and I love it. It's so nice being able to enjoy a drink and the going home without smelling like an ashtray!

Yup, January 1st!!! I'm sooooo excited.

Went bowling in Wheaton last week and it was great to be in the bowling alley with no one smoking, just as you walked in the door it was great. And now I dont have to smell my cloths or even worse the smell of my hair when I wash it after being out in the smoke.

Ohh and I am an ex smoker too!



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