NVR smoking rant
Let me preface this by saying that I do not intend to offend anyone. I "get" that we have our own vices and really am not trying to slam ppl for it.
I really do not understand how people think its okay to just light up a cigarette and start smoking in front of others. Its so incredibly rude. I mean, I know that smokers are not doing anything illegal and are therefore entitled to smoke their cigarettes but seriously, many people including myself are highly allergic to cigarette smoke. I ride this bus and on an almost daily basis I get people lighting up at the bus stop. When I'm exposed to cigarette smoke I get these wicked headaches. the muscles on the back of my neck mimic the shoelace of a hiking boot.....and it stays this way ALL day....I'm not "annoyed" by cigarette smoke...It doesn't temporarily inconvenience me...I'm in near-tears pain all day cause some jerk needed to smoke their tobacco...
You know, if someone wants to destroy there health, that is their prerogative- and they should, by all means, be allowed to do it. But it affects the health of those around them and I cant comprehend the degree of inflated entitlement that a person would have to have to think it was okay to exppose others t it...(Heres a good time to indicate that not all smokers are like this, some will go out of there way to move away from others...In fact Ive met two of them during the past 15 months I've lived in Tucson!) Last January there was a law passed that one may not smoke with 20 feet of a entry way to a business....so on two occasions, I have asked people to stop smoking when I'm sitting n the porch of a restaurant...because it is illegal and makes me feel like crap. I'm say it just as sweetly as I can "I'm sorry but, do you mind putting out you cigarette, I'm very allegoric and i sit near the doors because its illegal to smoke so close to an entrance....thanks" both times the person rolled their eyes at me. One lady put her cigarette under the table (like thats gonna help when she blows it in my direction... Ive heard smokers say that it feelslike they re being persecuted like a modern day witch hunt and that we all need to stop our whining....
but I just think it so rude.
So I think smoking should not be allowed at busstops or parks where children play....but thats just my rant for today...I'm gonna go try to work with my head feeling like its gonna explode! ;)
My husband is soooo anti smoking.
He doesn't give people "smoke breaks"
He says he doesn't take ass scratching breaks (actually he usually puts it differently but that's more polite...)
He tells people if they do smoke on a break to be sure to save enough time to run around the building a few times to air out before they come back to work or he'll kick their ass if they smell like smoke.
i worked in a pretty high-stress corporate job, and all the smokers would get up on the hour, for ten minutes at a time, while the rest of us were slaving away and wigging out...so a few of us started to take walking breaks. we'd literally lap the building a couple times, and we'd do it 2-3 times a day. no where near what the smokers got, but no one could say anything. in fact, our boss was like "what is this, the healthy people's smoking break?"
I hear all the complaints about smoke breaks at work. I used to work at a place where we'd do dry cleaning and photo developing, which is lots of hands-on processing and busywork, plus dealing with the customers. Once every couple of hours my manager, the assistant manager and the other minion like myself would up and go for their smoke break and I'd be putting through photos, signing in dry cleaning and dealing with customers - then the manager would come back and complain that the place was a mess of un-booked in work.
"It was fine when we left you here!"
UK's been smoke free for a couple of months now... the bliss...
I will first say, I love cigarettes. I LOVE THEM! I LOVE THEM! I LOVE THEM! Haha. But I haven't had one since August 4 (approximately 4 am). :o Anyway. I hate leaving a bar and smelling like stale smoke, but I love the smell of cigarettes. Haha. GD cigarettes!!! Anyway, I am NOT ever going to start smoking again, but if I am near someone who is smoking, I kinda revel in it. :-[ I know people who haven't smoked in years who still enjoy smelling it. Weird.
I will say that a big motivator in my decision to quit was the courtesy issue. A lot of my friends used to smoke, so it was no big deal, but now, most of them have quit. I felt so rude lighting up when we were out. Bars didn't bother me so much, but I stopped smoking in restaurants because I felt like sitting at a table was too close in proximity.
My window was open the other day, and I smelled cigarette smoke from outside. It made me happy, because when I was smoking, I could rarely ever smell it. I've already noticed increased sensitivity to smell and taste in just 19 days. Plus, I was embarrassed for people to know I smoked. I hid it from my parents (I'm 27!!!) and my colleagues, so I decided that if I'm that ashamed of something, I shouldn't be doing it.
So yeah.
Oh, and when I was a cocktail waitress...oh dude. Man, did I smoke some freakin cigarettes!? I was in grad school at the time and was in a serious long-distance relationship, so yeah. LOTS of cigarettes.
Know what I can't stand?
When people light up with their kids in the car... windows up and everything!
They should be fined, get a ticket, whatever and investigated for child abuse.
I know Maine was talking about passing a bill making it illegal to smoke with a child under 10 in the car. Some other states too, I think. I don't know if anything has come of it yet. But yeah. Seriously. As a smoker, I couldn't stand smoke in the car with the windows up.
We've been smoke free in Western Australia (and most parts of Aus I'm sure) for a while now.
You cannot smoke in pubs, nightclubs, restaurants, cafes, anywhere indoors really and now entire streets (especially where many restaurants/cafes are present) are smoke-free, cannot smoke if sitting/standing outside or out the front either.
Many workplaces are smokefree too so you need to actually leave the premises, walk up the street or the next block or something if you want a cig.
My partner smokes and her workplace is entirely smokefree (and a hospital so takes up huge amount of land) and most of the smokers who work there simply can't be ar$ed walking so far for a quick smoke. This really pleases me because now she doesn't even bother taking the smokes to work anymore and has cut down drastically. Now if she'll just quit those last 4 pesky smokes a day habit..... baby steps I s'pose.
I can't stand smoke either. I LOVE that NYC has gone completely smoke-free. Yay fresh air!
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Although I am still smoking, I don't smoke near anyone. I don't take breaks to smoke and I don't smoke at work. I smoke alone on my balcony. When I smoked years ago, I never smoked in non smokers houses even if they said it was OK.
I used to hate years ago when I smoked or didn't smoke, when smokers would light a cigarette while I was still eating.
Totally gross. I still hate walking in a smokers house. It stinks.
I love all the new laws in Ontario. I think they are great. I was a considerate smoker years ago and I still am on my horrendous relapse.
i hate smoking! it makes my stomach nauseus and my eyes burn and water. I've always thought that if a company allows smokers their smoke breaks they should allow the rest of us 'fresh air breaks'.
i worked in a pretty high-stress corporate job, and all the smokers would get up on the hour, for ten minutes at a time, while the rest of us were slaving away and wigging out...so a few of us started to take walking breaks. we'd literally lap the building a couple times, and we'd do it 2-3 times a day. no where near what the smokers got, but no one could say anything. in fact, our boss was like "what is this, the healthy people's smoking break?"
My mother worked in the kitchens of the local hospital and she got so angry at smokers being given special extra "smoking time" that she started carrying an (unopened) pack of cigs in her pocket and going out for a breath of smoke-free air. When there were complaints, she was able to prove that in reality smokers were being given about double the break time of non-smokers! She and the other non-smokers started taking candy cigs to work and going out to suck on them and giggle like kids, pretending to gossip about the smokers.
They tried to make Spain non-smoking too last year, but all that achieved (at least locally) was that all bars, restaurants etc. put up signs saying "smoking allowed here." So I still have to change and bathe when I come home from a meal out or a drink. UNLESS we go to the only restaurant I know locally that offers veggie options on the menu--it's a Chinese restaurant that not only has a non-smoking section, it is actually isolated from the smokers.
This is the only country in Europe I know of where you will be on a bus, doing a tour of somewhere, and someone will light up. Smoking on tour coaches is illegal, but no one says a word, while all the sensitive people choke and cough. Or someone will light up in the non-smoking train compartment, and the conductor won't say a word. Sigh.
Nobody smoked near me on my way into work today and I feel much, much better! ::) ahhh!
I am pretty allergic to smoke and perfume.
While smoke does not bother me, I am highly allergic to perfume. I am glad I am not alone! This morning on the train a woman sat down in the seat in front of me and I had an instant migraine. Whatever she was wearing was so strong the back of my throat burned. I moved away quickly.
Here in Connecticut we are pretty spoiled. No smoking almost everywhere public, though I dont know the exact laws and requirements.
Hope your feeling better Zealia