growing trees from cuttings...?
Posted by permanentgrin on Dec 08, 2008 · Member since Mar 2006 · 1789 posts
Do they need leaves?
I have 3 mulberry cuttings in jars in my window and all of them are getting roots but only one still has a leaf on it. Each of them started with 2-3 leaves, but they've turned yellow and fallen off. I don't know if I should plant them in the ground or leave them in the jars, or throw them away and start with new cuttings....
<-------not very good at gardening. But I really want a mulberry tree.
Id probably just go ahead and plant them. You could probably start them off in large pots, to see how they do for a bit, then transplant into the ground outside. I dont know how the weather is where you are, but obviously, you want to wait to plant when the conditions are good. ie: not winter! lol.
(((((LA))))) :)>>>
The best time to plant a native is in the late fall/winter when it's dormant to reduce transplant shock. I'd plant them now and hope for the best.
I'm in Australia so it's late spring/summer here, so I guess I should wait a while to plant them? I don't know, I read that spring was the best time to take cuttings because they're in "growing mode". I guess I'll leave them in the jars so I can see if the roots keep growing, and if they don't I'll assume they're dead and try again next year.
I'm in Australia so it's late spring/summer here
stop bragging.
Um. I knew you were in Austrialia. I was just testing you to see if you knew. Yeah, that's it. ::)
I don't know if the tree is native to where you are. I know for native shrubs and trees you should plant them before spring.
This has totally different info, tho'.