Posted by nmpixie on Dec 04, 2008 · Member since Jan 2008 · 1243 posts
What hobbies do you all have? I tried to take up knitting after my daughter was born. I didn't have enough time, and finally just gave away all my knitting stuff. I want to do decoupage, but don't ever seem to have the time, still. Just wondering what you do for fun?
Damn! I seriously have none. While I like cooking, I wouldn't call it a hobby, as I have to do it everyday, whether I want to or not. Vegweb, I guess, but that really makes me sound pathetic ::). Must. Start. Hobby.
Damn! I seriously have none. While I like cooking, I wouldn't call it a hobby, as I have to do it everyday, whether I want to or not. Vegweb, I guess, but that really makes me sound pathetic ::). Must. Start. Hobby.
You listen to music a lot, right?! That's a hobby. Music.
Sometimes I don't feel like cooking, but have to anyway (namely when I have to make oatmeal in the morning)..but it's still my #1 hobby.
Yeah, but all my friends are artists or musicians. I guess my hobby is checking out their stuff ;D
Watching movies
Going to concerts
Planning parties (and the type of cupcakes that goes with it)
Listening to music
Making short and silly videos with friends
Computer-type related activities
Cooking and baking
Whining (sp?) about the State of the World
Shopping for books
I have more hobbies than I thought. Oh well, that means I never get bored. ;)b
Other art - draw, paint, whatever
Music - listening to it, playing it
Reading bad crime novels is my technique for switching my brain off after long days
Reading actual good poetry and literature is one of my favourite things to do
Cooking and baking
Discussing art, music, politics, literature, the world with like minded people (few and far between these days :( )
Lately, my hobby has been trying to sleep. Ugh. Other than that, my hobbies include...
playing my flute/piccolo
singing loudly and badly
Lately, my hobby has been trying to sleep. Ugh. Other than that, my hobbies include...
playing my flute/piccolo
singing loudly and badly
bahaha i thought you said your HUBBY has been trying to sleep, and i was gonna be all "i didnt know you were married.." ;D
Damn! I seriously have none. While I like cooking, I wouldn't call it a hobby, as I have to do it everyday, whether I want to or not. Vegweb, I guess, but that really makes me sound pathetic ::). Must. Start. Hobby.
i used to just cook because i had to. can of soup for dinner. frozen vegetables plus a can of beans for dinner. blah blah blah. UNTIL! i started getting better at cooking. the thing that kept me away from fancy meals is because i didnt understand the directions (and i didnt have enough money to spend on nice ingredients... but now i have a job). I really like to cook fancy meals on the weekend because i can pick out the best one, go shopping, i have allll day to work on it if i have to make bread or soak beans, or research instructions (like what is basting). Maybe you could try that, since you know how to cook already! Try out one fancy meal on a day off, and get the help of your kids (i vaguely remember that you have kids... but i might be wrong!) to cut veggies and stir pots or something. OR even better. kids LOVE making cookies, eating the dough, plopping little balls onto the baking sheets. Since the holidays are coming up you could make a bunch of cookies to send out to friends and family.
this thread has inspired me to go buy a canvas and some paints. I used to LOVE painting, in high school I was debating whether to go into art ed. or music ed. I obviously chose music ed. but then for the next 6 years, I didnt have ANY time to pick up a paintbrush (oils were my favorite). : ( I wonder if they're vegan....
I like to think I have lots of hobbies, but I kind of neglect many of them
Mostly my hobbies are:
composing and performing music
cuddling with Little Dog, especially under blankets
My neglected hobbies are:
Mine are:
I don't really cook/bake much any more. Nothing fancy, at least. But they're hobbies.
Killing Zombies!!!! (Left 4 Dead ftw!!!)
other video games occasionally
reading/collecting comic books (is that a hobby?)
building/tweaking computers. (this will be jumped to the forefront when i get a job and can afford it again)
board gaming
tabletop strategy games (Warhammer 40k)
I haven't had much time in the past year or so to do any of these hobbies due to thesis-ing, but i'm now getting back into some. Though I should be looking for a job instead.
My gosh, flik. You ARE a freaking nerd. Just like my husband....... ::)
I wish he would like board games, though!
My neglected hobbies are:
me too! you can tell this by looking at my yard. pretty sad looking : (
Killing Zombies!!!! (Left 4 Dead ftw!!!)
ooo on computer or xbox??
My gosh, flik. You ARE a freaking nerd. Just like my husband....... ::)
I wish he would like board games, though!
Good to hear a guy like me can find a lady! Tell him to try Ricochet Robots, Puerto Rico, Set (card game) or Settlers of Catan; those might be a good start.
ooo on computer or xbox??
computer... i'm reverendalvin on steam if you want to play sometime
Also, I forgot to mention roleplaying games; I'm in a weekly D & D group. I'm leaving to go play right now! Bob, the 2nd level Rogue, 1st level Fighter, and his worthy companions are about to go on a mission to bring 100,000 gold pieces worth of holy water and 10,000 gold pieces worth of rations back to the Last Garrison to prepare for the undead siege army from the Land of Unspeakable Doom, Death, and Pain! Seriously, I'm 'bout to go do that. You jealous? Yeah, you are.
<--- nerd. :)
ooo on computer or xbox??
computer... i'm reverendalvin on steam if you want to play sometime
excellent. (: i play l4d on my boytoy's account which is =(e)=™ Toilet Pastries. if you play tf2, sometimes i'm ponycakes but not a lot because my laptop hates games and lags a little bit.
Also, I forgot to mention roleplaying games; I'm in a weekly D & D group. I'm leaving to go play right now! Bob, the 2nd level Rogue, 1st level Fighter, and his worthy companions are about to go on a mission to bring 100,000 gold pieces worth of holy water and 10,000 gold pieces worth of rations back to the Last Garrison to prepare for the undead siege army from the Land of Unspeakable Doom, Death, and Pain! Seriously, I'm 'bout to go do that. You jealous? Yeah, you are.
<--- nerd. :)
Yeah. You would be friends.
Damn! I seriously have none. While I like cooking, I wouldn't call it a hobby, as I have to do it everyday, whether I want to or not. Vegweb, I guess, but that really makes me sound pathetic ::). Must. Start. Hobby.
i used to just cook because i had to. can of soup for dinner. frozen vegetables plus a can of beans for dinner. blah blah blah. UNTIL! i started getting better at cooking. the thing that kept me away from fancy meals is because i didnt understand the directions (and i didnt have enough money to spend on nice ingredients... but now i have a job). I really like to cook fancy meals on the weekend because i can pick out the best one, go shopping, i have allll day to work on it if i have to make bread or soak beans, or research instructions (like what is basting). Maybe you could try that, since you know how to cook already! Try out one fancy meal on a day off, and get the help of your kids (i vaguely remember that you have kids... but i might be wrong!) to cut veggies and stir pots or something. OR even better. kids LOVE making cookies, eating the dough, plopping little balls onto the baking sheets. Since the holidays are coming up you could make a bunch of cookies to send out to friends and family.
I'm a pretty good cook, but certainly don't have time to cook all day. I work 9-10 hours at a time, and have no help when I am home, because then my husband is at work, school, or teaching. And a two-year-old can only help so much. It takes a lot longer when she does. I usually have to cook dinner in the morning before I go to work for my husband and kid, and then I eat when I get home after she's in bed. I don't have time to spend more than about 30-45 minutes on a meal, but do make most things from scratch because it's cheaper...
Damn! I seriously have none. While I like cooking, I wouldn't call it a hobby, as I have to do it everyday, whether I want to or not. Vegweb, I guess, but that really makes me sound pathetic ::). Must. Start. Hobby.
i used to just cook because i had to. can of soup for dinner. frozen vegetables plus a can of beans for dinner. blah blah blah. UNTIL! i started getting better at cooking. the thing that kept me away from fancy meals is because i didnt understand the directions (and i didnt have enough money to spend on nice ingredients... but now i have a job). I really like to cook fancy meals on the weekend because i can pick out the best one, go shopping, i have allll day to work on it if i have to make bread or soak beans, or research instructions (like what is basting). Maybe you could try that, since you know how to cook already! Try out one fancy meal on a day off, and get the help of your kids (i vaguely remember that you have kids... but i might be wrong!) to cut veggies and stir pots or something. OR even better. kids LOVE making cookies, eating the dough, plopping little balls onto the baking sheets. Since the holidays are coming up you could make a bunch of cookies to send out to friends and family.
I'm a pretty good cook, but certainly don't have time to cook all day. I work 9-10 hours at a time, and have no help when I am home, because then my husband is at work, school, or teaching. And a two-year-old can only help so much. It takes a lot longer when she does. I usually have to cook dinner in the morning before I go to work for my husband and kid, and then I eat when I get home after she's in bed. I don't have time to spend more than about 30-45 minutes on a meal, but do make most things from scratch because it's cheaper...
oh wow. I couldnt imagine! that certainly is a big load on your back : )
Damn! I seriously have none. While I like cooking, I wouldn't call it a hobby, as I have to do it everyday, whether I want to or not. Vegweb, I guess, but that really makes me sound pathetic ::). Must. Start. Hobby.
i used to just cook because i had to. can of soup for dinner. frozen vegetables plus a can of beans for dinner. blah blah blah. UNTIL! i started getting better at cooking. the thing that kept me away from fancy meals is because i didnt understand the directions (and i didnt have enough money to spend on nice ingredients... but now i have a job). I really like to cook fancy meals on the weekend because i can pick out the best one, go shopping, i have allll day to work on it if i have to make bread or soak beans, or research instructions (like what is basting). Maybe you could try that, since you know how to cook already! Try out one fancy meal on a day off, and get the help of your kids (i vaguely remember that you have kids... but i might be wrong!) to cut veggies and stir pots or something. OR even better. kids LOVE making cookies, eating the dough, plopping little balls onto the baking sheets. Since the holidays are coming up you could make a bunch of cookies to send out to friends and family.
I'm a pretty good cook, but certainly don't have time to cook all day. I work 9-10 hours at a time, and have no help when I am home, because then my husband is at work, school, or teaching. And a two-year-old can only help so much. It takes a lot longer when she does. I usually have to cook dinner in the morning before I go to work for my husband and kid, and then I eat when I get home after she's in bed. I don't have time to spend more than about 30-45 minutes on a meal, but do make most things from scratch because it's cheaper...
Holy crap, your life sounds almost like a mirror image of mine. I only do vegweb at work when I have time, it has been slow this week, which is cool!
I like to cook too, but I do most of my cooking on the weekend, I just don't have time during the week. But I do love to cook, so I guess you can call it a hobby, becomming vegan has added a new challenge to it which I really enjoy. Crazy enough with as little time I have, I really enjoy getting up a half hour earlier everyday to pack my son's lunch for daycare now. I do it in the morning becuase at night I am just so darn tired! My son typically gets up at between 4 and 5 every morning, so to ensure that I get up before him I started getting up at 3:30AM. This gives me time for coffee, shower, make breakfast, make his lunch, etc Okay, I am totally insane, but I love it.
My hobbies are:
Geocaching is my favorite, great way to get out doors, my son and I can do it together...sort of, he rides in a wrap while I walk with the GPS to the cache, he plays with sticks and leaves while I search for the cache, then he plays with the toys in the cache while I sign the log. Fun times!
But those of you who are artistic, I envy you! I have no artistic ability whatsoever. You are so lucky.