1 Year Vegaversary
I totally forgot that yesterday was my 1 year anniversary! The first 4 months I was lacto-vegetarian transitioning to vegan, but once I went vegan I never looked back--I still have the "emergency" box of Amy's mac n' cheese in my pantry--it's like the ciggerette from your last pack that you save--if you never smoke it you'll never go back, so I guess if I never eat that box of M n' C I'll always be vegan :D
Well anyways--thought I would throw a little virtual party with lots of virtual food and door prizes and games! Have fun!
http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa241/jojo48158/Party-balloons.jpg http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn130/firstclassfuckup/cupcakes.jpg
Game! The person below me! A favorite forum past time! Complete the phrase "the person below me..." with something the next person posting can answer--then that person does the same!
I'll start!
The person below me is eating lunch while playing on vegweb!
does drinking lemonade count?
i just finished making/eating some hummus and pita (creamy hummus restaurant style) courtesy of vegweb!
happy vegiversary! that is awesome!!! ;)b
the person below me saw the scary "site has been hacked" early this morning and panicked (like i did!)
Yeah, I saw that. I was upset, but more or less was just wondering why some people have nothing better to do.
The person below me is going to walk outside and hug a tree sometime today.
Hells yes! Vegweb is one of the reasons I made the switch to veganism - it was the final push. I was vegetarian before, and didn't eat dairy or eggs really, so decided to make it official (and start reading labels too). And whenever I have a cooking problem (like my recent rice fiasco), feel ridiculous in the kitchen, or have any question re: veganism, I just need to log in to vegweb and ask. I know I'll be supported.
I heart my vegweb family.
And congrats Cap! YAY!!!!!
The person below me has posted more than 5 recipes on vegweb.
Nope--I have only submitted 2 recipies--I'm not good making up new stuff--but I love trying stuff out!
TPBM will make a meal using a vegweb recipie today!
L2A gets a puppy! http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk223/jblairman/Puppy-7.jpg
Veg78 gets a box of vegan chocolates! http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n177/beckyrisner/boxchocolates2.jpg
BP gets flowers http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii155/percerock/roses.jpg
Laura gets a day at the spa! http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb3/DivaDayOut/spabackground.jpg
Works for me. I've been wanting to try the Easy West African Peanut Soup for a while.
TPBM will make a lolcat and post a link under the icanhascheezburger thread.
Thanks for the chocolates!
Yum! Party food (since this is a virtual party--I say all that food is vegan!)
I don't make LOL cats--but I love them (I am the creator of the I can has cheeseburger thread after all!)
TPBM is planning a day in the sun!
I kind of am. I'm trying. Now that it's summer, and the weather's actually hot, I'm trying to get some friends (irl) together to go to the beach. They're not very responsive - stupid high school friends who don't consider me when making their own plans.
Yes, I'm cynical about my friends from high school. I need to make new ones in my home town!
But a day at the spa would make me feel so good! Probably. Or I'd feel kind of uncomfortable. Don't really know because I've never been!
The person below me is in the middle of reading two or more books.
HH, you have to play the game!
Fine. I'll respond to my own post. I'm reading two books right now: On the Road by Jack Kerouac and The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand.
The person below me is awesome.
Gee thanks! 8)
Kudos on the book choices too. I'm planning on reading some of Ayn's stuff once I finish my qualifier exam.
The person below me has eaten beans in the last 24 hours.
Congrats, Capture! :flower:
I have eaten beans within the past 24 seconds! Bean tacos for lunch. I guess we had black bean burgers for dinner last night, too. I just love beans :)>>>
TPBM is snuggling with something fuzzy right now :)
Hooray for beans ;)b I just cooked up a pot of red beans for making vegan chili.
Also, my bubby (Milo) is falling asleep with his head in my lap ::puppy:
The person below me has a beautiful smile.
Hmmmm...I don't know if I have a "beautiful" smile--but I do have a good character smile!
More door prizes!
HH--soy candles! http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb274/capitalcreativecreations/Garden%20and%20Outdoor/20050twopeasinapodcandle-S.jpg
Kbuettne--a pretty necklace! http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm27/swr1jam/contemponecklace.jpg
TPBM went shopping today! Tell us what you bought!
We're going shopping in a second to buy an air purifier for our basement. We have some mold issues because it's been so rainy around here and our air is stinky :P
The person below me...is being crafty today!
I can only accept soy candles (you must know my electricity goes out a lot in the winter) if I give you something - a pet chicken (young Emily Simpson can care for him for you, if you'd like).
Woot! Happy 'versary!
Thanks for the chicken HH! he's beautiful and I'm sure emily will take good care of him :)
Welcome to the party KMK! You get a fruit basket for stopping by! http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j229/robotic_lovex2/fruit_basket_1.jpg
TPBM doesent want to go to school or work tomorrw (really...who does?)
Man, things have really slowed down! ...Anyway, I was thinking about not going in tomorrow, except I need to find someone to borrow some images from for a presentation :P
the person below me can swim like a fish.
Fruit! Yayyyyy.
Way to go Capture!!!! Happy vegiversary!!!!!
I am a good swimmer. I used to swim competitively and be a lifeguard. Although, I think the fish hold a slight edge.
The person underneath me owns a tent.