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5.2 earthquake...freakin out!

aaaghh! I am so rattled right now, in so many ways! I've had the most intense 3 days at work (ugh, 3 in a row, minimum 13 hours shifts, no lunch/breaks, blech!) I've been home for a bit, trying to relax, and I no joke was clicking on a link to read about the ridiculous amount of earthquakes happening in Reno, and BOOM, here we go again! 5.2. I need to pay my renters insurance...

Yeah, we had a 5.2 about a week ago here in the midwest, though I'm almost a couple hundred miles from where it hit. I thought my boston had woken up and was scratching,  so I quickly went back to sleep. My understanding is that we have a different fault line out here than what would affect you. All this activity makes me wonder "WTF?" though.


((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) That sucks Pink! I hope you get a chance to relax and that no more earthquakes hit your area!I don't know what time it is where you are--but have a glass of wine!


I agree with mdvegan. On another note, 13 hour shifts with no lunch break.... is that even legal? That'd be rattling enough, even without the literal shaking of the earth!


i haven't felt an earthquake in forever... and i have been a ca resident my whole life.


(((hugs))) I do not like earthquakes either! Hopefully, all the seismic activity of late will relieve some of the pressure.

I guess every part of the country has something though. I think I'd rather go through an earthuake than tornado season...

As for your work days, geez! That's not right that you aren't getting lunch. I don't think that's legal. I hope things get better for you soon! Here's to brighter and less shakier days! :)

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