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ANNOYING conversations!

So my dad and I had 'THE' vegetarian talk tonight... I had already already told him I'd made the desicion to be vegetarian but we had never really talked about it.

dad: well, you still eat fish, right?
me: no, don't eat fish.
dad: WHAT! fish isn't an animal! fish are stupid, they have a pea for a brain! how can you not eat fish?!
me: fore mentioned...vegetarian.
dad: well fish is good for you, you should still eat fish....where do you get your omegas...blah blah blah
dad: well, you're getting enough vitamins arn't you. how will you stay healthy. i'm concerned for your health....

I love my dad. He is honeslty one of my most favorite people on the planet  :)>>> But if conversations like this become frequent... I'm going to go crazy  :-\

...only 20% meat? the rest of it....?


...only 20% meat? the rest of it....?



I just don't respond when someone starts up with, "Plants have feelings too," or, "If you were on a desert island..." It's clear at that point that they don't want to discuss things with any kind of rationale.


"Plants have feelings too,"

*ahem ahem* CK

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


I think my favorite is when people just get frustrated, throw their hands up in the air and say testily--"Well what do you eat??"

*sigh* The lame questions will never stop--but the more comfortable and experienced you get with the lifestyle the easier it gets to have Patience with these questions/conversations.


My doctor told me that I had to eat this specific ratio of rice and beans 3x/day in order to get all of my amino acids and complete proteins.  I was also the first person that she had ever met who was a vegan...what do these people learn in medical school?


Funny you mention doctors. Western medicine is so subjective....and oddly enough society treats them like Gods or something with a cure for everything! I not a fan of doctors, although I have a roll-o-dex full of them unfortunatley. It's just hard to find the good ones. My lupus doctor (rheumatologist) is actually really happy I decided to go veg  ;) A veg diet is much easier on your body, especially your liver and kidneys (which often fail in lupus people).


Katie's grandfather had a birthday party yesterday.  Food consisted of chips and dips.

We told her grandmother that we couldn't eat the cheeseball because it had worcestershire sauce (we're not vegan yet).
Her grandmother asked why we couldn't have the sauce and we told her about the anchovies.  She said that there wasn't enough in there to hurt anything, and we said that there is if you're vegetarian.

As we were leaving, her grandmother said that we were going to miss the ice cream.  Katie told her she couldn't have any anyway because she is lactose intolerant.  Her grandmother told her she needed to get over that. ???  Katie's aunt told her (grandmother) that you can't get over being lactose intolerant.

oh jesus.

get over being lactose intolerant?

i feel like that's the kind of person where you could sneak vegan worcestershire sauce into her fridge and she wouldn't notice the difference.


I think my favorite is when people just get frustrated, throw their hands up in the air and say testily--"Well what do you eat??"

oh god that's the one i get most often from younger people - who are for the most part cool with things.

it's like, you know i can still eat a completely unmodified (depending) burrito or plate of spaghetti, right?  and oreos?

oh also there was this ridiculous "do vegans give blowjobs?" conversation at my high school that WOULD NEVER GO AWAY ALL FOUR YEARS I WAS THERE.


*Talking to my mom about she and my dad's anniversary dinner*

Me: How was dinner?
Mom:  It was very nice, but I ordered shrimp and they still had the heads, tails, and "tenticles" (a.k.a. legs) on them which I didn't like.
Me: You know shrimp have heads, right?
Mom: Well, yes, but I don't need to see that.  It's not appetizing.
Me: I'm sure you wouldn't want to eat lots of things if they came with a head.
Mom:  Well, those just shouldn't be on there.  They should take them off.  No one wants to eat that.

Bingo!  That's why I don't eat things with heads  ;)b


@Pathetique, don't feel bad, the "Do vegans give blowjobs" thread (and "Is sperm vegan?" ) was really active here on VW a couple of years ago, too.

I guess it has nothing to do with your eating choices....more about your level of emotional maturity.  ::) ::)


@Pathetique, don't feel bad, the "Do vegans give blowjobs" thread (and "Is sperm vegan?" ) was really active here on VW a couple of years ago, too.

I guess it has nothing to do with your eating choices....more about your level of emotional maturity.  ::) ::)

hahah, yeah.

probably had a lot to do with being in high school.


I hate how omnis think every veg*n truly, deep down, craves meat........ speaking as someone who's never eaten red meat, and never liked dealing with white meat at all, I get irked and confused at this. It feels like 98% of the people around me don't understand how DISGUSTING meat is to the other 2%. And it's not just a 'quirk' in people like me; it's a deep-seated, long-term feeling... maybe from a past life(?!)... that dead animal flesh is not food. :( :-X

I think my favorite is when people just get frustrated, throw their hands up in the air and say testily--"Well what do you eat??"

I'm taking my first footsteps with my new food blog(!) to answer exactly this question! My 'about' page is a list of all the things I do (love to) eat. The blog is called 'You Are What You Eat'. So I tells them 'what I am'...  :D :)>>>


"Plants have feelings too,"

*ahem ahem* CK

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I never said that.


what i don't understand is how people think that we can't cook anything..  like..what do they THINK we eat? 

for example, yesterday i was telling a coworker about how i cooked all weekend because i just in a cooking mood and she gave me this really funny look and was like, 'umm..what do you COOK?'

so i told her: scones, tabouli, chocolate chip cookies, paella, chickpea cutlets...

i get that a LOT.  people not knowing what exactly it is that we do in our kitchens every day..  like kitchens just don't exist for vegans.  or that all we eat is raw vegetables.  i dunno.  they're usually surprised when i tell them the huge variety of foods that i cook.


My boyfriend's mom asked him if we plan to raise our future children vegetarian. He eats vegetarian at home, and I had discussed with him that I do want to raise our kids veg. I don't plan to cook meat... so what do you think they're gonna eat? Mom's cooking.

Well, when his mother asked, he said "Well, she wants to, but I'm not sure so we're still discussing it."

I was complaining about my boyfriend's lack of a backbone or communication skills to my friend/coworker... and so my coworker says "Well, you know, you're gonna die of pesticide poisoning before I will since you eat way more vegetables."


I'm sure he meant that as a joke, but it's so stupid it lacks funny. He proceeded to laugh and let me know that I shouldn't act so offended, he plans to mess with me about the "vegetarian thing" for the rest of our lives. Great. Can't wait.

THEN... oh yeah, I'm not done... I texted another friend about THAT conversation... and this friend doesn't eat meat... and HE texts me back "Well, you wouldn't really deprive your kids of meat, would you?"

What the hell? Did I accidentally cross over into the twilight zone? Even other vegetarians are telling me I NEED to feed meat to my future kids... and my boyfriend thinks that just because he suffers through my bland vegetarian/northern (as opposed to flavorful southern food) cooking at home he is being plenty supportive and doesn't need to defend me to his parents or try to see my point of view when it comes to why I want to raise vegetarian children.

Sorry for the long post.... but all three conversations right in a row were INSANELY annoying and upsetting.



You know, now that I think about's really been WEIRD (in a great way) to move from TX (at least the area I'm from) a year ago where most have never heard the word, "vegan," here to MT (in my liberal town). Now when I tell (most) people I'm vegan...they say something like "You are? That's really great," or "I respect that," "I admire you for doing that," "I wish I could do that..." I might still have to explain it to some people, but I've only had a few annoying/negative conversations here, compared to every time, there.

BUT, I know, I know, I know all about the annoying conversations.


Jeana:  my boyfriend and i are both vegan and we plan to raise our future kids as the same.  i mean..  we don't cook meat.  we decided that we will inform them to the best of our abilities why we eat the way we do and hope that when they go to school and the other kids are chowing down on the meaties that our kid will be cool enough to defend their diet...  or decide on their own once it is time. 

but no meat in the house.  period.

although, strangely enough HE has said to me before that he thinks i should eat meat during my pregnancy, but i think it's just because he hasn't done the research on how it's fine to be vegan during pregnancy.  because damned if i'm gonna eat meat.


Ha!  When I was first vegan people asked me a lot of questions.  I figured as long as they brought up the subject.  ::)  Now I'm only occassionally asked about it.


I heard my store's butchery dept. manager the other day in the lunchroom taking the most stupid anti-organics standpoint I'd ever heard. Our supermarket's cool with the organics and alternative foods, so they'd tried selling some organic meat. So he was saying "I don't see how anything can be organic... what with all the chemicals from the air..." *blankstare* from his fellow butchery staff. "You, know, in the rain and stuff." *pause* and response, "Huh? What planet are you living on?" ::) ;D I've heard of people who are anti-organic food because they don't like the idea of crops growing in manure. (Like that could be worse for you than evil chemicals.) But this guy... wasn't even engaging his brain.

It put me in mind of the omni argument against veg*nism based on the fact that "You can't avoid killing animals - field mice get killed and their homes destroyed by harvesting machines. Ha!" The subtext being, 'You shouldn't think you're better than me because of this.' This really grinds my beans....... it's like saying, Nobody can be perfect, so why bother trying to do better? >:( :whatever:



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