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ANNOYING conversations!

So my dad and I had 'THE' vegetarian talk tonight... I had already already told him I'd made the desicion to be vegetarian but we had never really talked about it.

dad: well, you still eat fish, right?
me: no, don't eat fish.
dad: WHAT! fish isn't an animal! fish are stupid, they have a pea for a brain! how can you not eat fish?!
me: fore mentioned...vegetarian.
dad: well fish is good for you, you should still eat fish....where do you get your omegas...blah blah blah
dad: well, you're getting enough vitamins arn't you. how will you stay healthy. i'm concerned for your health....

I love my dad. He is honeslty one of my most favorite people on the planet  :)>>> But if conversations like this become frequent... I'm going to go crazy  :-\

Get ready to go  :D (crazy) then! I'm not saying these conversations will occur with your dad, but they will occur! It's not that bad though. It's a bit laughable.


get really informed so you can spout off a bunch of info.  Read The Food Revolution or something like that.....when I first went vegan I was telling anyone that would listen all the facts


This DVD may help answer those annoying questions!


Get ready to go  :D (crazy) then! I'm not saying these conversations will occur with your dad, but they will occur! It's not that bad though. It's a bit laughable.

i think i'm already there  :D but thanks  ;) i still have yet to have 'THE' conversation with my mother....


if you went on the atkins diet, nobody would say a thing.  and that is the worst diet ever.  you are gonna get so tired of the same old questions, like how do you get your protein, calcium, etc.  just know all the facts and bombard them with them!


ugh, for sure!

grandma (out of nowhere): i think you should eat an egg.
me: but i don't eat eggs.
grandma: i really think you should eat an egg.
me: (normal tangent this is where i get my protein iron b vitamins i've had my levels checked blah blah)
my mom: she's really very healthy.
grandma: ... i think you should eat an egg.


Yesterday, with a big group of people at a bar famous for its wings

I'm having a salad and dipping french fries in wing sauce

from the end of the table- "Lisa, didn't you get wings?"

I pretend not to hear. Someone must've told her I'm veg.

louder- "Lisa you don't  eat chicken???"

I look over & shake my head. I hear my dad make a joke like "Only if it's tofu chicken"

Someone throws a  "tail" on my plate saying, "Try a tail its good, its all white meat"

I smile, say "no thank you, I know what they taste like, but I just don't want any" and throw it back

There's more disscusion down the other end of the table, I know my dad has my back so I just ignore it. I think she was just more shocked than anything. Maybe in a different setting I'll explain to that person my reasons for not eating meat if they seem to actually care.


you'll get those a lot.  i used to get those a lot from my parents, for years, and then they stopped for a couple years, then they started asking questions about how they could be healthier, now they're answering those questions because they're vegetarian!! if they are health conscious, they'll come around, because we all know that this is one of the healthiest diets.


Yesterday, with a big group of people at a bar famous for its wings

I'm having a salad and dipping french fries in wing sauce

from the end of the table- "Lisa, didn't you get wings?"

I pretend not to hear. Someone must've told her I'm veg.

louder- "Lisa you don't  eat chicken???"

I look over & shake my head. I hear my dad make a joke like "Only if it's tofu chicken"

Someone throws a  "tail" on my plate saying, "Try a tail its good, its all white meat"

I smile, say "no thank you, I know what they taste like, but I just don't want any" and throw it back

There's more disscusion down the other end of the table, I know my dad has my back so I just ignore it. I think she was just more shocked than anything. Maybe in a different setting I'll explain to that person my reasons for not eating meat if they seem to actually care.

omg....if someone threw a chicken bone on my plate, I would be pissed!!


Katie's grandfather had a birthday party yesterday.  Food consisted of chips and dips.

We told her grandmother that we couldn't eat the cheeseball because it had worcestershire sauce (we're not vegan yet).
Her grandmother asked why we couldn't have the sauce and we told her about the anchovies.  She said that there wasn't enough in there to hurt anything, and we said that there is if you're vegetarian.

As we were leaving, her grandmother said that we were going to miss the ice cream.  Katie told her she couldn't have any anyway because she is lactose intolerant.  Her grandmother told her she needed to get over that. ???  Katie's aunt told her (grandmother) that you can't get over being lactose intolerant.


CK, some people's minds are made up, you can't confuse them with the facts.
Actually I've had good luck with some elderly people understanding my choices re: food, as so many have food-related issues themselves: salt, acid reflux, cholesterol, like that. It's women of my own age (near 50) who drive. me. batty. Especially the obese ones who "just can't" obey doctor's orders re: foods and then tell ME my choices "aren't healthy."

The lady I mentioned in another thread who discovered she is intolerant of milk products, fish etc. just got back from 3 weeks vacation and called all weepy about how she is "prostrated in bed" with her fibromyalgia issues. Did we keep to the diet recommendations? "On VACATION?"

I don't get it. I really don't. A week or more of terrible pain just to stuff your face with what you know is going to make you sick.


rofl.... people say some crazy things.  " an egg...."  And "get over it (lactose intolerance) "  I think are my favorite.

My mother Is just a demon.   I was half way through eating a waffle, pretty new into the veg. thing, even though I'd tried it before, and she  informs me with a smug grin, that she  used lard in it.

BACON lard. that she'd been saving in a canister in the cupboard.  

I wanted so badly to throw up on her.  My husband did too, cuz even though he wasn't veggie at the time....he didn't like pork much, and he didn't like the fact that she hid animals in things that should not have animals in them.  Pigs don't belong in waffles. EVER. even if you are omni.  >:(


rofl.... people say some crazy things.  " an egg...."  And "get over it (lactose intolerance) "  I think are my favorite.

My mother Is just a demon.   I was half way through eating a waffle, pretty new into the veg. thing, even though I'd tried it before, and she  informs me with a smug grin, that she  used lard in it.

BACON lard. that she'd been saving in a canister in the cupboard.  

I wanted so badly to throw up on her.  My husband did too, cuz even though he wasn't veggie at the time....he didn't like pork much, and he didn't like the fact that she hid animals in things that should not have animals in them.  Pigs don't belong in waffles. EVER. even if you are omni.  >:(

It seems to me like she did that on purpose.  That just isn't cool.


Even worse that she thought it was funny! That's sick. Bad enough to trick a stranger like that, but your own child?


rofl.... people say some crazy things.  " an egg...."  And "get over it (lactose intolerance) "  I think are my favorite.

My mother Is just a demon.   I was half way through eating a waffle, pretty new into the veg. thing, even though I'd tried it before, and she  informs me with a smug grin, that she  used lard in it.

BACON lard. that she'd been saving in a canister in the cupboard.  

I wanted so badly to throw up on her.  My husband did too, cuz even though he wasn't veggie at the time....he didn't like pork much, and he didn't like the fact that she hid animals in things that should not have animals in them.  Pigs don't belong in waffles. EVER. even if you are omni.  >:(

It seems to me like she did that on purpose.  That just isn't cool.

ya, really. very uncool.


almost every time i go home and there is some kind of 'fun' food, my dad makes baked beans.  that he puts bacon in.  ok, fine for him.  but when he offers me some and i say, 'no i can't have that' and he asks why not and i tell him because there's bacon in it, he'll say, 'ohhh...just a little bit.  come on!'

he also insists that turkey bacon isn't meat.

i let it slide though cause my dad is awesome and super silly and fun, and i know he just ribs me for the hell of it, in a non-mean kind of way.  it's not a big deal, with him.  but if someone else said that to me...  i'd be super annoyed.  the only time i get kinda perturbed is when he says i should just 'pick out the meat'. 

as if that makes it vegan, magically!


oh she did. But I couldn't taste it because of all the syrup and stuff. I won't eat there unless I'm in the kitchen watching her.


almost every time i go home and there is some kind of 'fun' food, my dad makes baked beans.  that he puts bacon in.  ok, fine for him.  but when he offers me some and i say, 'no i can't have that' and he asks why not and i tell him because there's bacon in it, he'll say, 'ohhh...just a little bit.  come on!'

he also insists that turkey bacon isn't meat.

i let it slide though cause my dad is awesome and super silly and fun, and i know he just ribs me for the hell of it, in a non-mean kind of way.  it's not a big deal, with him.  but if someone else said that to me...  i'd be super annoyed.  the only time i get kinda perturbed is when he says i should just 'pick out the meat'. 

as if that makes it vegan, magically!

luckily my Dad knows what vegan is and what it means.... i have no idea were he picked it up though because i didn't have to explain it to him. he cooks all my stuff separate when we go to there house for meals, he gives me holy hell for it though  :P He just teases me a little....
Of course he thinks vegetarians should eat fish too so go figure. :D


oh she did. But I couldn't taste it because of all the syrup and stuff. I won't eat there unless I'm in the kitchen watching her.

I wouldn't even do that!  That's a little too vindictive for me.  My mom would've regretted it hard.  She wouldn't have heard from me for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnng time.


ive heard that it is  ok to eat the hamburger on the  pizza at greco pizza because it is only 20 % meat :o. thats like saying its ok  if its  only a handful of meat. some peoples logic  are deeply flawed >:(



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