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Birth order poll!

I had a TA once who could guess anyone's birth order based on her personality, and he could also often guess the gender of the siblings!  I'm just curious what birth order we all are, seeing as how we all share the personality trait of being veg*n.

Directions:  Choose the one you most identify with.  Like, if you have a sister who is twenty years older and so was not living at home when you grew up, maybe you want to pick "only child." Or, if you have a twin who, of course, is only slightly older or younger, you may or may not want to count her as another person in sibling order.

I am the oldest of three!

I am the oldest as well, I have one "little" brother who is 5 years younger than me. I need to stop saying little, and start saying younger, cause he is HUGE. Built like a refrigerator. He's my #1 on my myspace friends list, if you wanna see  :) he's adorable I think.


Yah, I say "little" all the time, even though my sisters have been taller than me for a good ten years now.  :P


I have an aunt (the same one who's nuts about her copper pots), who introduces people with their name and birth order. For instance, "this is my niece dink. she's one of six."

This birth order thing is TRUE - it makes so much sense, but obviously only within the proper cultural context. And firsts knock it off. There are two kinds of "firsts": the maternal one and the rebellious one. The "second" always takes whichever of those personalities the first did NOT take. imho :p


Im the thrid of four.
what does that mean??  :-\


I always figured that the reason I did so well in school was because I was competitive with my sister, who was two grades ahead of me.  I don't have a long attention span, so if I was the oldest I'd probably be working fast food now.  As is, I did college level work in middle school.  Thanks, sis.

The "second" always takes whichever of those personalities the first did NOT take.

Your theory holds with me.  My sister was the good one who could sit still.  I was the fidgety rebellious one.


Oldest of three


Middle child of three.....yes there were issues older brother was favored, and baby sister was spoiled and I was neglected.  LOL


I am also the oldest of 3. I have one younger brother (2nd born) and one younger sisiter (3rd born). My baby sister is actually coming to visit this weekend, ya!


Middle child of three.....yes there were issues older brother was favored, and baby sister was spoiled and I was neglected.  LOL

My co-worker does that.  I tell him the middle child gets neglected and he should show more interest in his middle kid - but the oldest is the only girl and the youngest is funny, so the middle one gets left out a lot in his family.


Someone try to guess what I am (but not those of you who know, duh!)...............

I thought about it for like 16 seconds and realized that this is pretty

I'm an only child. Find a list of only child personality traits...I'm all of those.

KMK, your TA would have guessed me in record time.


I'm the youngest, sort of. I'm about 30 minutes older than my twin sister, and we're the youngest of four kids (we have two older brothers).

I always figured that the reason I did so well in school was because I was competitive with my sister, who was two grades ahead of me.

That's really relevant to me. My sister has always (seemed) to have it easy in school. I felt so inadequate, second best. So I worked hard, and it paid off. Scholarships galore! (Honestly, my tuition's pretty much set because of how I did in high school)


Oldest of two.  My sister is 16 months younger than.  I'm also the oldest grandchild.


im the middle child and the only girl, which has been good and bad. with the only girl thing, when we go on vacation and rent a cottage thing for a week, i always get my own room, but i still have the middle child getting ignored stuff a little because my mom and older brother are close and my dad and little brother are close so i have no one :(


My siblings are 9 1/2, 12, and 14 years older than me, so I chose only child, even though technically I'm the youngest. I have always felt set apart from them, like I don't belong.


I am the oldest of two (a brother 4 years younger than I). On my mother's side, I am the oldest grandchild, and was spoiled rotten until my brother came up. >:(

I love my brother, but he's usually trouble. He needs to find guidance in life. I was always considered the angel in the family and my brother, le p'tit djab (which means the little devil). 'Nuff said.


im the oldest of 3.. my sister is 2.5 years younger and my bro is 9 years younger..

im the crazy punk rock dreadlocked tattooed artistic vegan.. everyone things im sorta crazy (i am, its true) but that i am super nice and funny too.. and man do i love animals hehe..

my sister is insane and is working for a private sercurity company in baghdad right now making sh!ttons of money for a year of work.. she wants to be in the CIA.. did i say shes insane? cuz she is.. shes the type of girl thats all into her hair and expensive clothes and spends all of her money on like $400 sunglasses and purses etc..

my little brother (who is huge now and has decide to start using it against me hehe) is awesome.. hes a little too into really trendy stuff, but he is a teenager.. hes a super good snowboarder and likes to skate and bmx and ATV and stuff.. hes not so good in school, but is a master of any physical activity/sport/videogame hehe


I'm the oldest of three- and I think just about anybody would guess it.

Stubborn, independent, I got the maternal traits... but I did do a little rebellion back in the day. I feel very "out in front" when it comes to my relationship with my siblings. I was the trailblazer, the criminal mastermind, and the spokeswoman.

My brother is the only boy so he got LOTS of attention. He's 22, still living at home in the same bedroom with the same sports wallpaper, and he's hanging out with all his football buddies. He just can't seem to see forward in life. He's also turning into my dad. Grr. When we were younger, he was my sidekick and we always got along great. I don't have much in common with him now.

My sister is a wild personality. She acts spoiled, but really she just bullies her way into what she wants. I hope someday she'll grow up (she's 19 now) and be... well.... bearable. But for now she's still a brat who has no sense of manners. Of course, that's probably my fault- I created a monster. She was the butt of all the jokes and the subject of much 'playful' sibling torture. I'm surprised she still wants to be like me.


I am the middle (second) of four....two girls and two boys.  My sister (oldest) and my youngest brother (baby) do not get along at all.  They basically have nothing to do with each other.  The two of us in the middle are very close.  Certainly much closer to each other than we are to the other two.  We also got in the most trouble growing up.....and still do!! >:D


Middle of three..older brother and a younger sister.


I'm the youngest of two older bros and an older sis...growing it up sometimes sucked but now it's not so bad.



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