Can't Get Full!
Posted by michelle49 on Aug 19, 2008 · Member since Mar 2008 · 16 posts
My boyfriend and I both need to lose weight and are trying to eat healthier in general. However, unless we eat BIG meals, usually filled with fat and bad carbs, we're both still hungry!
Usually I can survive, but he's a big guy and it seems impossible to fill him up with healthy food. Last night we had whole wheat gnocci with a pasta sauce that I added eggplant and zucchini. We both ate regular portion sizes, and cause I needed to use them up, we ate some bake sweet potato fries as well. He was hungry almost immediately, and I sure didn't feel full a few hours later.
What are some suggestions for us to eat healthy and still fill up?
My dad always seems to be hungry no matter how much he eats. If he is hungry after meals he snacks on raw fruit and veggies, or makes himself some tea. That way he is filling himself up without eating a bunch of unhealthy snacks.
I would also suggest making a big veggie filled salad to go with your meals. It's probably the easiest way to get extra veggies in your diet and I find it really helps to fill me up.
it sounds like you're eating too many simple carbs (potatoes, wheat - starchy things). Try including more beans & lentils and i promise you'll start to feel full. They have lots of soluble fibre which makes a kind of jelly coating in your stomach, and it makes you digest food more slowly so you feel full longer (neato).
This is a good starting of my favourite recipes :) with triscuits it's the best!
agree with happy panda big time. raw fruits and veggies for snacks and included as a big portion of your meals. you could also try doing something like a juice fast for just a couple of days to get your metabolisms more normalized and shrink your stomachs a bit.
yeah, and i agree with beans... and nuts!
my hubby has that problem. I try to keep a few nuts, or peanut butter and celery on hand and he's fine. I found that, even though I'm trying to lose weight, I need to have a little olive oil or margarine or nuts everyday to keep my metabolism going. I also find that I get hungrier when i haven't eaten beans that day.
Beans and nuts!
Beans and nuts!
Which means--hummus!! Lentil, garbanzo, black bean...whatever blows your hair back.
I too often get the munchies between feedings, so I agree with the hot herbal tea (or regular if you can handle the caffiene, which I can't.) Chamomile is comforting, or if you have access to Celestial Seasonings (I miss them! :'() the sky--or rather your cup--is the limit.
yes, you definitely need fats. always.
my hubby has that problem. I try to keep a few nuts, or peanut butter and celery on hand and he's fine. I found that, even though I'm trying to lose weight, I need to have a little olive oil or margarine or nuts everyday to keep my metabolism going. I also find that I get hungrier when i haven't eaten beans that day.
alot of the dieticians recommend that you have a serving of low GI carbs and high protein together. the combination gives a full feeling and the low GI keeps your blood sugar low. so a meal with beans and rice is going to keep you fuller alot longer than a meal of veggies and pasta etc.
hope this helps!
thanks guys. more recipes would be awesome
Yeah, ditto on the beans and nuts. Also, he's accustomed to eating big meals, so he may just need a little more time to adjust. Right now, his stomach is used to taking in a lot of food and needs to get used to eating smaller meals. Try spreading the meals out, eating 6-8 smaller meals/snacks throughout the day may help. And I've heard that being dehydrated can mimic hunger, so make sure he drinks plenty of water.
I second TB...its alot of simple carbs that you are eating. Include more protein and fiber into your adding beans, tofu, seitan, lots of veggies, etc. And dont be afraid of good fats...they help keep you full longer.
and dont wait until you are starving to eat.
Try eating more snacks thru the day...not just 3 big meals. The larger meals will lead to more blood sugar swings, making you more hungry.
snacks with carbs and protein are the best...trail mix, with fruits and nuts, soyogurt w/ granola, pb and fruit or on whole wheat bread, etc.
also, keep in mind that you do not want to be *stuffed* after eating. Alot of the time, we are used to being full thru the whole day, that we misconstrue an empty stomach with real hunger.
if you cut down on your portion sizes, you will shrink your stomach in time, so that you will need less to fill up.
good luck!
I agree with eating a big salad before your meal and if you are feeling hungary between meals, like I always have a problem between lunch and dinner-drink water-often hunger is just that we are thirsty and need hydration, so make sure you are getting your 6-8 glasses a day. Sometimes a couple of glasses of water and a handful of raw nuts are just what you need! Also think about why you are hungry, are you bored? Go for a walk and then have the snack as mentioned above and good luck! Im glad and proud you are trying to make healthy choices in your life.
haha i agree with everyone!
raw fruits and veggies - snack em up!
fluids (teas and water), because it's true about dehydration mimicking hunger
snacks! i've gotten really hooked on snacks. they're important.
and yes, your tummies need to shrink still, so it might take a little time to adjust.
there are loads and loads of bean and healthy snack recipes on this site.
This really helps guys, thanks so much. I have trouble drinking a lot of water... I never feel thirsty. I'm going to go grab some herbal teas on my lunch, though!