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My name's pretty easy -- 7 --I have seven children. However, some of the names here at vegweb are pretty thought provoking. How did you come to choose your name?

No biggie with my name either....I'm an alaskan girl, lol  But I agree - some people have chosen really creative usernames!  Are your children in school/grown - or do you/did you homeschool??


We are currently homeschooling. Ak would have never registered in my mind as Alaskan. Thanks for sharing.


WOW - all 7, very cool!!!!!  A friend down the road homeschools her 8 kids - but the two eldest are graduating soon.  We homeschool also - 3rd grade for my one dd :)


My name is pretty easy to guess too.  I love the ocean and scuba diving!



My husband and I call each other "goose" and "duck."  "Goose" came from a moment of aphasia when I was trying to tease him and call him goofy, and it came out "you're so goosey."  We have lots of those misspeaks-cum-nicknames... "I love you so much" was misspoken once as "I love you, sandwich," and so forth.  I think "duck" had a similar origin in "dear." 


When he's trying to get my attention from the other room, he sometimes rattles "duck, duck a duck, duck duck, duck, duckaluck" and that's where it came from. 

I hope this amuses you rather than convincing you we're idiots.  ;)


Mine came from a little friend who couldn't say her r' rabbit became yabbit. We have lots of stuffed toys around (no kids tho! They're all mine!) and many are "yabbits" so I became "yabbit girl" and my DH "the yabbit man".


mines an amalgamation of the meanings of my first and middle names, although the wrong way round.  The other way just sounded wrong for some reason!


I am a healthy Momma.


I feel like we're all in VA (Vegan's Anonymous) introducing ourselves....(standing up)...I'm Dave and I'm a vegan.

Well, though it's quite name is Dave and I play the tuba (actually I play drums....I wanted to play the tuba, but my parents wouldn't let me)..... ::)

Hmmm...I play drums for a living and I have 12 rescue dogs and a cat....maybe I should join VA! I'm an extreme left liberal, animal loving, music playing, organic eating, no leather wearing, vegan addict,  currently living in a Red State!  ;)


I picked up my name when looking for something interesting to use for an email address...

My name is Robin, hence the ".r" part, and "volacious" means "ready or apt to fly" which I thought was cute considering my name is also the name of a bird and because I felt it was inspiring and described me pretty well if you take "fly" in a figurative sense.  A little cheesy, but I like it!  :)


Well..... I met my husband at school where we both taught... no points for guessing he was "Mr Mazz" which is sort of a nick name as his surname is a bit hard for the kids to say in a hurry... year one month and 4 days ago we became we became "Mr and  Mrs Mazz"... and still proud to be the Mrs part of that equation...


mine is my nickname I've had since I was little.  :)


Mine name

lol, no creativity here!


I've been using hopfrog in my online dealings since I was in 8th grade (12 years ago) after we read a short story by Edgar Allan Poe in class.  Hop-Frog is the title character.  Here is an online copy:

Just so you don't get the wrong idea, I don't care for the story or the character all that much, but when I was 14 I thought the name was cute.  Maybe I've moved beyond cuteness by now and need something different. :)



Mine has a couple meanings, Deuce because I am Gemini (the Twins) and it is also a nickname from my husband.  My best friend and I have the same first name. She is married to my husband's brother so now our first and last names are the same!  Since I got married second, Deuce kind of stuck. And the "O" is the initial of my last name.


My screen name is simply - my name.  But in some ways it is unusual, and its always hard when meeting new people.  Some invariably say - "Lynn?"  Some even say "Glen Allen?" -  I usually just use my first name when meeting new people - I say, "Glen, like Glenn Close".  Some times this works and sometimes not.  I also get - "Your parents must have been expecting a boy."  To that I reply that "No, that's not the case, because they just had one 18 months before I was born."  LOL

I was names after a vallley in California wine country and there is even a Glen Ellen Winery there.

When sales people call and ask to speak to "Glen" - I usually just say he is not at home!  I am, however, single.

This is a rather long reply.....forgive.  ::)


While in conversation about our desire to not be :"" my dear friend Beth came up with "donkey madness" and I came up with "nut dragon" many years ago.  I am entertained by the multiple interpretations, especially during summer in the south  ;)
It must be noted that I am fairly easily entertained ;D
Will and I can be found together as AlbinoMulefoot.


Mine's kinda a no-brainer, no-creativity required (on my part).  My name is Tonia and I'm in Texas.


My name is self explanatory to those that speak german  ;) It means cat lover...
I am a german citizen, living in the US with my american husband. We used to have lots of rescued kitties, but lost some of them in the past couple of years  :'(.
We will soon be moving to MA and I am looking forward to getting involved with some cat rescue groups and fostering kitties. Otherwise I am a long time vegetarian, on the path to going vegan. Politically on the left (extreme left in this country, LOL)....


I guess mine is a little esoteric--my apologies, I was a troubled teen(weren't we all?)!  The story of my screen name started when I was 16, with a book titled "Idioglossia" by Eleanor Bailey of the UK.  I remember little of the book itself, other than it being a great read.  The protagonist however was one who found herself utterly lost, which was something I could identify strongly with at the time.  The definition of idioglossia is where I more directly derived the screen name from (one I have been using for almost everything ever since): it is a private or secret language shared by a few people (often children), the babble of babies or language of the mentally ill.  As I saw it, I spoke in a language seemingly no one else could understand.  I drifted through highschool between friends and most often friendless, thirsty for the opportunity to share a connection with other human beings.  I was told that it was my maturity level which doomed me, but I refused to believe that there was not another person my age I could "speak my language" to.  I never did find anyone, and to this day maintain an on and off relationship with the social realm.  When I do find 'connection' it is always with those older than me, which is sometimes a little awkward for myself and others.  I have learned however that there is something special to be found in each and everyone one of us, and I continue to be enlightened by new people and ideas everyday.  Although I have few close friends I have a wonderful family and a small number of people I frequently talk to and share conversation with... and I am thankful to share my life with all of them.  Phew.  Long-winded. Sorry!!  (:



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