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Chat Room Poll

This is a poll in regard to the following thread:

You can pick as many times as you want.

I hope this will make it easier/more accessible to chat in the chat room because people will know when is a good time to come on.

The times are Eastern Standard Time (EST) miami, orlando, new york, DC on this site:

Early Morning:    12 am-7 am
Morning:            7 am-12 pm
Afternoon:        12 pm-3 pm
Late Afternoon: 3 pm- 6 pm
Night:                  6 pm- 10 pm
Late Night          10 pm- 12 am
Of course things change so you can change your vote or just pick maybes.

If anyone wants to change the time periods I decided on just say so!

Also, on this thread we can:
        1. Post times we want to talk about certain topics (cooking, tofu, peta, muffins, etc.) as suggested by hiimkelsi in the previous thread
        2. Ask to meet in the chat to talk

I am not very good at this organizing thing so if anyone wants to help or change anything go ahead and ask. Now that I am posting it seems extensive and silly but...oh well!

Um, you forgot a time zone option...I live in Central European Time, while you live in the Eastern US, for example. We are 6 hours ahead of you. So Afternoon to you is Night for me. This is a problem.

Personally I have had to cut my webtime drastically because I simply wasn't getting anything else done. It's easier to chat in summer, I'm not as busy.


Um, you forgot a time zone option...I live in Central European Time, while you live in the Eastern US, for example. We are 6 hours ahead of you. So Afternoon to you is Night for me. This is a problem.

Personally I have had to cut my webtime drastically because I simply wasn't getting anything else done. It's easier to chat in summer, I'm not as busy.
EST (my time) + 6 hours = SPAIN TIME (your time)

Early Morning:    12 am-7 am +6 =  6 am-1 pm
Morning:            7 am-12 pm +6 = 1 pm- 6 pm
Afternoon:        12 pm-3 pm +6 =  6 pm- 9pm
Late Afternoon: 3 pm- 6 pm  +6 =  9 pm- 12am
Night:                  6 pm- 10 pm+6 = 12 am- 4am
Late Night          10 pm- 12 am+6 = 4 am- 6am

YAY for yabbit!


Me too - it's always empty, and I try to leave it open, but the it kicks me out...hey BP, how about chatting NOW?


I jump in usually in the evenings...or whenever a certian somebody is in there *blush*  :-*


I'm an afternoon/evening person, or whenever a certain someone is in there *blush*.  :-*


I'm an afternoon/evening person, or whenever a certain someone is in there *blush*.  :-*

HEY! I thought Capture was talking about me!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm an afternoon/evening person, or whenever a certain someone is in there *blush*.  :-*

HEY! I thought Capture was talking about me!!!!!!!!!!!

Who says I wasen't? Cam just like to copy me :)


I'm going in now while I have my super yummy lunch!!!


I didn't vote. With the new job and getting back into martial arts (again), it can be hard. Winter is even harder with snowboarding, so it's hard for me to say. This weekend is great in the morning, but that's as far in the future as I can go  :'(


I was thinking that as plans change people could edit their vote.

Should I summarize at the beginning of the week when the most people should be online chatting as a guide?

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