the competition
Posted by Anonymous on Sep 13, 2007 · Member since Dec 1969 · 11789 posts
Now when there's advertisement for a company and it slams it's competitor in it's advertising do you think it's right? Do you it's fair that it's okay in capitalism to do?
Or do you think it's a foul ball because some people may think you have to slam your competitor to make your product look good? It can't stand on it's own.
What's do you it's ethical to do that or they shouldn't do that. Or it doesn't matter.
It's fair game, but shows a lack of creativity. Trashing your competitor is like saying, "we cannot think of anything different about our product that will make you buy it, so we will say something bad about our competitors' product and hopefully you will not buy their product and switch to ours". Or something like that. Really, to me at least, trashing the competitor is equitable with having a bad product yourself.
The same logic goes for political advertisements as well....
It's like saying, "We haven't got anything positive to say about our stuff, but the other one is crap!"
Especially when they try to be "funny" about it. I remember Hardee's criticizing MacDo's "chicken" products by having "one of their buyers" great a live chicken with "Hello, doggy!" It was pretty dumb; and Hardee's product wasn't that much better.
If you have a better product, you don't have to cut the competition down to size, just make sure people know what's good about yours.