Excuse my B!tch session about vaccination refusal, racism and other things
So, I'm trying to get into this federally funded nursing program. And my addmissions representative is a total itch with a capital "B"!!! She just carries like this totally snotty, disrespectful air. She keeps making really rude assumptions about me and implying I'm both stupid AND lazy. Truthfully, she can say whatever she wants to me as long as she lets me in her damn program. Some people feel shitty about themselves and if it makes her feel even remotely better for putting me down...more power to her!
She also keeps making racist comments. The other day she "warned" me like ten times "You know its mostly blacks at that school." and because she kept bringing it up, I felt I could not ignore it another moment. I exclaimed "Great, thats good to hear because to tell you the truth I find I'm really sick the lack of diversity in this part of the country. I find it quite unfortunate that we are so homogeneous here. I'm appalled by the racist prospectives of the people around me and think Ill find it refreshing to be a minority again!" I stopped there and didn't launch into the fact that i haven't dated a Caucasian since my sophomore year of highschool. (Partly because I thought it would be pushing the line of respect and partly because I honestly don't think that Ive ever dated or not dated anyone BECAUSE of their race. Its honestly more a matter of coincidence that my boyfirends have almost all been a different color from me.)
And she keeps saying that I'm not worth her time (not implying---directly stating) She says I should look into other options because the first step to the program is for the nurse aide certificate, which I have. She kept saying that she just "knows Ill get lazy half way through the program and quit working because its boring." Finally I told her "you know, I'm really motivated to do this. I understand that once I get into the entry level position there are no guarantees. I'm more than happy to provide you with my college transcripts and you will see I have a 3.9. Miss____ , I am willing to work hard to get into this program and I want to prove that to you. I know that if you accept me, I wont let you down. I never wanted anything for my life but to be a nurse. I understand that a lot of the program is material Ive already been certified for, but I assure you I will put every bit of motivation into those classes as I would if it were the first time I learned it. I'm also one to believe that there is something to be learned from every situation and I think the review of the material could only serve to benefit me." She said that it may well be so but that regardless of how I do in the CNA class, I will need to pass a test for basic adult education. I admitted that I was weak in Math but that I would take full advantage of the tutoring options at the school.
So she FINALLY agreed to give me an appointmet. Tomarrow at 11am. I have to take a train ride to central Maine to do it. I spoke with her this afternoon and she told me that i needed to have my vaccination records. I told her that i would be happy to furnish my most recent vaccinations, which were in 2004, but was unable to receive further vaccinations due to religious convictons. (I am Christan and follow a doctrine of nonviolence) She got really snotty and said "Thats nice. you are certainly welcome to believe whatever you want. Its your right, but you can forget about being part of this program. Its voluntary. And its federally funded...therefore, if you are accepted you are agreeing to get vaccinated." I was thinking actually no, because its federally funded I have the right to refuse a vaccination. but I kept my lips closed on that matter and said that I will furnish the documentation of my previous vaccination history.
I cannot believe how disrespectfully this woman is treating me! Dear god, I get that its a free program (therefore I am automatically a freeloader) but holy $h!t, treat people with some decency. I qualify for this program because I cannot afford any college. Because my income is below a certain level. So (therefore I'm lazy because I OBVIOUSLY wasn't working very hard if I earned so little) and I may be more stupid than a load of bricks but FFS, that doesn't mean I don't deserve a chance to TRY.
If she was actually going to be involved in the program at all, I would not bother persuing it. Thankfully, once I get through this interview process she will no longer be in the picture. So I can handle it. Hopefully someone further down the line will be more realistic about the vaccination issue. And if not...well I don't know what to do. On the one hand, vaccinations cause unnecessary harm, on the other hand...the only reason I want to be a nurse in the first place is so I can provide healthcare to people in developing nations who cant otherwise get it (I probally should not mention that to this xenophobe!) So, its possibly that getting the vaccinations would do MORE good than harm. Maybe that would be a reasonable justification....I just don't know. I'm not looking forward to my interview tomarrow.
:-[ I wish there was a SCREAMING Icon!!!!!!
Wow. First off, I didn't even know there were federally funded nursing programs, props for finding one!! Nursing school is gonna cost me a smooth $4k, so again, congrats on finding the program. Is she the ONLY person that you can go through? If she continues to treat you like this, take it to Admin. I almost had to do that w/ my nursing counselor at my old school. She was such a b*tch! I made the appointment to get an updated list of prereqs (they literally changed the website once a month), so what did she do? She read the website to me, word by word. Um hello!? I can READ! Ugh, sorry to hijack, but you'd think w/ the insane nursing shortage in this nation, that any of us that want to be nurses would be welcomed and treated nicely, at least be given some respect. Just bring your vaccination history, smile real pretty, and I don't know, maybe slip a tape recorder in your bag, just in case ;) You can do this, I know it!!
http://bestsmileys.com/angry1/8.gif http://bestsmileys.com/puking/3.gif http://bestsmileys.com/angry1/1.gif http://bestsmileys.com/angry1/9.gif http://bestsmileys.com/angry1/15.gif http://bestsmileys.com/angry1/23.gif http://bestsmileys.com/angry1/23.gif http://bestsmileys.com/angry2/9.gif
Sounds like this "person" needs a rudeness vaccination...no, too late, it's already taken over her system. I seldom use the phrase "prize bitch" to talk about a human being, but in her case, I'll make an exception!!
She reminds me of the "boss" in that old film "Serial" who looked down on Harvey Holroyd because "any man who isn't earning at least his age (in thousands) is a loser!" And yet, here she is, stuck in an office, not nursing, interviewing candidates who are going to be much more useful to society than she is...tacky little petite functionnaire de merde...
(Sorry, profanity sounds much more elegant in French...)
hehe, yabbit you crack me up! Pinkerbell, I have searched high and low for a program. I was in a prenursing thing but was not able to continue because of work. I totally aggree that they should be bending over backwards to accomatdate people who are interested in nursing (and teaching for that metter) I know there are programs where you can sell your soul for a loan and work at the same nursing home or hospital for the next 5 years after graduation and they will pay it off for you, but you still have the problem of being a full time student and employee. 4k is really cheap. What state do you live in? I assume this is a CC? What credentails will you get?(RN BSN ASN LPN) This program is an LPN one. Having worked in nursing homes for the past few years I know that is not the fianl step for me. What Im hopeing to do is later do an LPN to RN bridge class. But at least Ic an get this chunck out of the way!
People are jerks. My idea of getting back at them? Be the nicest most saccharine sweet you possible. Go above and beyond what is needed for the situation. If you arrive be sure to do so 10 minutes early, show up, wait in her waiting room reading something appropriate for the situation even if its a library nursing book. Be so gung ho that you shame her negativity. That even if she does not respond to you differently than she has prior her mind will pick up little things and taunt her with it subconsciously.
They say the best revenge is living well. Why not rub it in just a wee little bit. Kill her with kindness.
But then I am an evil biaotch like that. ;)
Zealia, you dear, rock. Just go knock her tight @ssed prejudiced and biased socks right off.
hehe, yabbit you crack me up! Pinkerbell, I have searched high and low for a program. I was in a prenursing thing but was not able to continue because of work. I totally aggree that they should be bending over backwards to accomatdate people who are interested in nursing (and teaching for that metter) I know there are programs where you can sell your soul for a loan and work at the same nursing home or hospital for the next 5 years after graduation and they will pay it off for you, but you still have the problem of being a full time student and employee. 4k is really cheap. What state do you live in? I assume this is a CC? What credentails will you get?(RN BSN ASN LPN) This program is an LPN one. Having worked in nursing homes for the past few years I know that is not the fianl step for me. What Im hopeing to do is later do an LPN to RN bridge class. But at least Ic an get this chunck out of the way!
My program is an ADN/RN. You already have your CNA, why don't you just go all the way to RN? I'm assuming LPN is like what we have out here, LVN (licensed vocational nurse). Some hospitals offer tuition assistance w/o making you sign a contract. Are you wanting to stay where you are for school, or are you up for moving for a better program? Where do you work? What's your schedule like?? K, I just realized how lengthy this could be, so I'm just going to PM you...
WOW...so I had the appointment today...and (remembering critiquing etiquette) she did let me keep the nice, clicky pen.... ??? and she only brought up the fact that its mostly "blacks" once.....hummm. Beyond that, lets see...oh, I know! When conducting the part of the questioner where they collect your medical history (its a live-on-campus thing) she said, in response to my diagnosis (anorexia nervousa, General anxiety disorder, clinical insomnia, Post traumatic stress disorder and depression) "I really wish you had told me this before. This changes everything. Nobody in their right mind will accept you into the program with that sort of history!I'm shocked anyone ever let You become a CNA in the first place, never mind a nurse!" So I said "Damn you, you C**t-F**king, B***t! Go ahead and reject my application because I have a disability. I double, dog dare you! I'll file a lawsuit so fast your head will spin!" okay...so thats not exactly true...what I actually said was:
I told her that I had not been hospitalized since may of 2006, that my condition was reasonably controlled with medication, I am medically stable and that I have had a lot of success with therapy and learning healthy coping skills.( I know some of you may be aware of my yo-yo weight stuff. Admittedly it gets bad when I'm stressed. Like before I moved...but I'm back up to 90% of my ideal body weight! That was a fairly brief upset in a larger scale of recovery.) She really didn't care that I had impeccable references from my past bosses or that I'd only had one sick day in the whole last year. She didn't care that my psychologist is willing to make a statement about my readiness for this program. She was stuck on the fact that "someone like THAT can't work in this sort of field" OMG! mental illness is not that much different than any other sort of disability! If I was missing a leg and she rejected me because I required the use of a prostic, she could lose her job!!!!
Holy freaking COW! I'm really good at "killing people with kindness," I actually kinda get a high off of controlling what i do and say when they clearly cannot. This woman is pushing my patience...AND I feel kinda crappy now. :-[
Pinkerbell, Ill PM you back. But I gotta cool down first.
Zealia, I don't know exactly what kind of program this is, but how in the world are they able to require you to turn in a medical form prior to admission? I understand asking for vaccinations (not going to get into personal feeling here) but HOW IN THE HELL can they require a health form??
I would think (I may be wrong) that to not let you into an academic program based on your psychological history would be discrimination. It may still be illegal for her to deny you entrance into the program for medical history reasons. I know you're trying to be nice to this woman, but I think it's time for you to meet with her supervisor. Type up ALL of her comments verbatim and make sure her supervisor knows what kind of employee s/he has working for them. There is absolutely no reason that this woman should be permitted to make commentary about mental health issues.
I'm pissed about this Zealia. Let me know if you want some help doing some background research . . . I'd love to help you with this.
The program I am trying to get into is called "Job Corps," its and inititive from the department of labor to help people ages 16-24 get vocational training. The way they break the districts up is that all of New England and New York are one "region" but the LPN program is really rare among job corps programs (they offer it in NY, PA and VA) This woman who is treating me so badly is an employee for the department of labor. She is also the only admissions coulselor for my county.
As part of the program you live on campus- to reduce your living expenses. Students who do not have a GED or Diploma, get training in that, but I have my diploma. They also have drivers Ed, which I need becasue I never learned to drive. Living in the city, I took the bus and walked or biked everywhere (to save ozone emissions.) But now I realize the intellegent thing to have done would have been to go to drivers ED, get my liscense and then not use it untill I needed to. Where I currently live, the nearest sign of civilization is a 45 minuet trip down the highway- so driving is the only option. :(
In addition to this training, they provide you with very basic mecial coverage and a very modest stippend (like 25 bucks every 2 weeks.) Part of the reason I feel like this is my only oppertunity is becasue I have tried doing the school and work at the same time thing, and it just didnt work for me. I had to withdraw from classes early the past TWO times I was enrolled. Once when I was admitted to the hospital for my ED and then also last semester becasue I was not able to handle part time classes with work. So, effectivly, its like I discharged a round of bullets into the head of my scholarship oppertunities. :-\ I did manage one semester of working full time and going to school full time, I got a 3.9 (this was during the manic, work-a-holic phase of my ED, before trreatment)...I also had a good GPA from my freshman year of college, but I was not working that year because I managed to get a full scholarship. I got a loan to cover the rest of my living expenses. Unfortuatly, the college I was attending did not offer the major I wanted so I left after my first year, and now NONE of those credits are accepted anywhere else I have tried to go....which sucks cause its 30 credits down the drain. And I foolishly defaulted on the loan. Ive now started to repay it, but am ineligable for FAFSA untill then.
Basically, what I'm saying is that this stupid Job Corps thing is my only shot right now at my dream. And I gotta get through this lady to do it (shes the only represtitive for my county.) I feel so terribly stuck and so afraid of drownding...For me the LPN is not a means to an end. With it I can start working as a nurse somewhere (hopefully nonprofit sector) and save up enough to do RN bridge classes.
It's been suggested to me on several occassions that I should "just go on disablity." But thats not what I want for myself and I think I can do MORE than that. I guess to her its a risk to train me for a program when she doesnt think Im mentally capable of sticking it out.Whose to say? All I can do is keep pushing untill something budges. :-\
Since it is a Federal Program, it is under much harsher scrutiny in the eyes of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act). I would suggest contacting your local chapter of the ACLU and .....damn!! I've forgotten the federally funded Disabilities Advocate Agency's name!!! NIMHA would probably be a good group to look into as well.... I would say that you should print out a copy of the ADA, HIPPA, and your letters from Dr.s and mail (certified!!) it to her and the Dean/headmaster of the Job Corp facility that you will be staying at, once you are accepted. Bottom line: there ARE ways of getting around her 8-).....I've been up for over 30 hrs straight so forgive the possible lack of cohesiveness....HANG in there!!!
As one survivor to another, VZ, I can only echo what Hanashi says. Get in touch with some anti-discriminatory organization. ACLU, certainly, and maybe your psychologist knows of more. I know one of my US friends is a teacher (now a prof) who specialises in children/adolescents with emotional/mental disabilities and she spends a lot of time fielding discrimination...there are ways. I don't know all about it, but I'm sure there are resources out there.
This "creature" is the one with the problem. How dare she speak to *anyone* like that?? And if, as she believes, you might just be a dangerous psychopath, how smart is it to piss you off with her disrespect? >:D That's like hassling the person who prepares your food...you never know what might happen.
Dearest VHZ, non illigitimi vincit. (Don't let the bastards win!)
And indeed, fluctuat nec mergitur. Which, roughly, means the ship is bobbing and swaying but not sinking. (The official motto of the city of Paris, and my own by adoption.)
Okay, so I got the official word back from job corps. They are requiring me to be insured before they will accept me into the program. Otherwise Im a liablity to them. So the caveet? They want me to get MaineCare (the public health care in Maine) but she explicitly stated that MaineCare wont be effective in NewYork but that I could not be considered eligable for the State care in NY as a student there. She said that they would require me to have regular check ups with a psychiatrist and that I would have to return to maine once a month in order to get my perscriptions filled, at my expesne.
I think this is rediculous becasue part of the very criteria to be accepted to job corps is finicail need. So they know I CANNOT afford to do that. Furthter Job Corps states on their website that they DO provide basic health care (Ive never known of a company that did not consider medication to be "basic" even if there is a large copay.) At this point i very carefully chose my words and said. "Okay, I guess my concern is that if you are requiring me to have ths is a form of discrimination." to which she responded, "You are not being discriminated against! Job Corps is not a hospital! We wont provide you with care." I told har that I'd look into teh healthcare issue. At which time she told me that it would take several months to get it and that unless I was able to enroll in JobCorps int eh next month, I would not be eligable to start teh LPN class in September... I happen to know that it is not required for one to have insurance (normaly) to be admitted into job corps. I know this becasue my younger brother was in jobcorps LAST YEAR! I think this IS a form of discrimination adn Im going to pursue it as such.
Okay...so, those of you who have told me you want to help. I think you can. Im going to record all the things she has said to me and put together a forma letter. In the mean time, Do you guys mind doing a little "research" for me? Im thinking if you all call the jobcorps center nearest you (so we dont flood one place with calls) and ask to speak to an admission couselor. http://jobcorps.dol.gov/docs/jc_directory.pdf Thell them you are considering job corps (or that your kid, brother, friend, whatever) can they answer some basic question. Ask if one needs insurance to accepted to the program. Ask what forms of insurance are acceptable and what happens if they are not eligable for State issued health care. Write down teh persons name that you spoke with, the time and date and then Ill have you guys send them to me in an email.
and Im going to look into the insurance, but also teh ADA NIMHA and teh ACLU, thank you hanashi. Im certainly open to otehr options and ideas too guys. Thanks for your help and support.
Zealia - I'm so proud of you!!!
I'll make some calls and see what the deal is in Texas, I'll let you know ASAP once I hear something.
At the very least, maybe this person will be removed from her tawdry little "position of power."* And it may be the tip of a very ugly iceberg of institutionalised discrimination. You very well may be a force for good change VHZ.
*Footnote: I was going to write that "we can hope they will nail this unpleasant little monster's pelt to the wall" but I realised that's not a very compassionate, veg*n thing to say. >:D
VegheadZealia, I don't know you but after reading this thread I am so angry that you are going through all this. Also being from Maine, this giant B*tch is giving the state a bad rep. I do not understand why they needed to know all of your medical history...when I started college I just had to give basic medical history... This woman is totally nuts! I know plenty of nurses and even a few doctors that suffer from ed's, anxiety and pts. As long as you are aware of your triggers and are getting support you can do fine.
Also have you check into the community college system here in Maine? The nursing program is a RN program, 2 years and more importantly cheap! If you are low income most likely all of it would be covered by federal or state grants...my niece went through the program at smcc and didn't have to pay a cent. I don't know where you are but I know that smcc and cmcc both have nursing programs.
Good luck and don't let this woman get away with bullying you.
Check your email, I got some info this afteroon ;)b
Please reconsider enrolling in Job Corp. I have two children who have gone to Job Corps after having been lured by false advertising provided by the recruiters. The environment is very much like juvenile detention center or community corrections center.
In your case, the counselor may be using negative tactics to try to dissuade you from going there because she knows you will not be a good fit unless you have had extensive, first-hand experience with kids from inner city, urban "ghettos" who have chosen not to finish high school or obtain paying employment.
I am a black woman, so I have no racist motivations in writing this. Do a google or youtube search, and you will find corroborating evidence to my assertions.
Feel free to email me at eval(unescape('%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%64%6a%61%63%39%39%40%6e%65%74%7a%65%72%6f%2e%6e%65%74%22%3e%64%6a%61%63%39%39%40%6e%65%74%7a%65%72%6f%2e%6e%65%74%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29%3b')) if you want to ask further questions.