Favorite Vegweb Name
Posted by closeyoureyestosee on Nov 29, 2007 · Member since Jan 2007 · 1218 posts
Since we had so much fun with the avatar thread, thought we could talk about names!
I am constantly walking and saying Owalkerjillo in my head. I can't help myself, I love that name!
I also liked wowdidyouseethatbird because of the story he told about it. ;)
Will probably think of more once we get started!
There is a nice woman called I_h8meat. Oh I forgot my ex UltraMarathonMan too (we "met" on vegfriends). I also like Heliamphora, but I don't know what it means.
I am constantly walking and saying Owalkerjillo in my head. I can't help myself, I love that name!
I always think of Star Wars when I see her name. :D
I like/think are creative:
Little2Ant (and when she puts "my 2 cents", and when I steal that quote from her and think of her as I'm doing it)
And I'm sure there are more, but I can't think at the moment.
ha! I read the subject of this thread and immediately thought of wowdidyouseethatbird! his is probably my all-time favorite.
and I really love how Baypuppy sounds when you say it out loud....everyone say it with me now: BAY pup eee ...bAYpuPeee...
I love I_h8meat, everytime I see her--I always think she must be very crative and i wish I was too! :)
He or she only posted once, but when I saw it, I wished I had thought of it: friendswithsalad. In case you don't recognize it, it's a reference to my favorite episode of The Simpsons, "Lisa the Vegetarian." When Lisa suggests serving a salad as an alternative to a pig roast, Homer and Bart rumba around the living room singing "You don't win friends with sal-AD! You don't win friends with sal-AD."
While some are lazy spellers, I am a lazy reader and I have a tendency to misread some of the more complicated names. In my head, Owalkerjillo is pronounced "Oh Walker kill Joe." ::)
There is a nice woman called I_h8meat. Oh I forgot my ex UltraMarathonMan too (we "met" on vegfriends). I also like Heliamphora, but I don't know what it means.
Thanks, hee hee! :D Heliamphora's my favourite kind of carnivorous plant, and the name means 'sun pitcher'. (Wanna see? http://www.heliamphora.de/)
I rather like yours, CYETS. I'm sure I'm not the only fan. ;) And havenolegs always makes me smile. What Day Is It? is great too... but he might not know he's appreciated, since he's disappeared(?). :(
Dear SB, if you're reading this thread - what does 'Shaolin' mean? I've been wonderin'.
I like heliamphora too. I like shaolinbunny (also for the first part, and also would like to know what it means). I like Capture and What day Is It? as well.
Shaolin: "Young forest" or "small forest." A method of kung fu based on eight postures and five animal forms: dragon, snake, tiger, crane and leopard.
Scroll down. I can't figure out how to insert the picture. :(
bookmama and bookpapa!!
Shaolin: "Young forest" or "small forest." A method of kung fu based on eight postures and five animal forms: dragon, snake, tiger, crane and leopard.
Scroll down. I can't figure out how to insert the picture. :(
Kewl! ;)
I don't know if this person ever comes on, but I think Heartgoeshere is a cool name!
I once got in the chat just to talk to someone named SewXHappyXTogether
And I like yours, closeyoureyestosee...makes me feel deep
I once got in the chat just to talk to someone named SewXHappyXTogether
And I like yours, closeyoureyestosee...makes me feel deep
Ooh! I saw that name too- how clever! (I love clever things!!)
Thanks for complimenting my name too, I'm a deep kinda chick. ;)
Bowlingfortofu gets my vote.
Bowlingfortofu gets my vote.
I just saw that name under "users online" and thought the same thing!
I like so many....LucidAnne, Feelinsoreal, thedharmablues CYETS, Bookmama and papa....I don't know...many more.
AAAHAHAHA, I've just seen someone called allthingsboozy in the online list. *giggles* I like.
I like so many....LucidAnne, Feelinsoreal, thedharmablues CYETS, Bookmama and papa....I don't know...many more.
Oh, and duh? Humboldt_Honey. I really like hers! I want to move there someday!
Shaolin: "Young forest" or "small forest." A method of kung fu based on eight postures and five animal forms: dragon, snake, tiger, crane and leopard.
Scroll down. I can't figure out how to insert the picture. :(
Thanks for asking Heliamphora, and thanks Meggs for answering on behalf! :)
Yeah, in a nutshell, Shaolin is a type of martial arts that incorporates Zen Buddhism and is practiced by (the Shaolin) monks in China.
I was originally going to name my cat Shaolin, until my ex decided Bunny was a better name. So basically I stole the name "Shaolin Bunny" from my cat. :D