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Favorite Vegweb Name

Since we had so much fun with the avatar thread, thought we could talk about names!

I am constantly walking and saying Owalkerjillo in my head.  I can't help myself, I love that name!

I also liked wowdidyouseethatbird because of the story he told about it.  ;)

Will probably think of more once we get started!

i said this in another post, but i really like gnarls baudelaireschmaltz liquor is pretty darn tootin', too.

admittedly it took me a few reads to realize hiimkelsi was actually a polite introduction, not some chemistry or mountain climbing finagling i know nothing of.  there are others that are quite simple yet threw me off, though i can't think of them right now.

fun post!


i said this in another post, but i really like gnarls baudelaireschmaltz liquor is pretty darn tootin', too.

admittedly it took me a few reads to realize hiimkelsi was actually a polite introduction, not some chemistry or mountain climbing finagling i know nothing of.  there are others that are quite simple yet threw me off, though i can't think of them right now.

fun post!

AH! How could I forget about good ol' Gnarls?  love that one....and thanks for pointing out hiimkelsi's name, I didn't notice that until just now!

I just noticed one I hadn't seen before, thefeetus..haha...great name, and she looks like a cool lady.


i like carrot_wench ... a carrot woman? and camillus. sounds like a name made "biological," like he's his own species.

and baypuppy. for some reason, it sounds so natural to me that, if i ever met you, i'd be astounded your real name isn't baypuppy. of course your name is baypuppy.


oh, and tofuttibreak, because i love me some tofutti.


admittedly it took me a few reads to realize hiimkelsi was actually a polite introduction, not some chemistry or mountain climbing finagling i know nothing of.  there are others that are quite simple yet threw me off, though i can't think of them right now.

Yeah, for several months I thought hiimkelsi was some kind of European name, perhaps Finnish, with lotsa doubled vowels...? Worked it out a week ago,  ;D


Heliamphora, i actually thought your name was an odd spelling saying "hell, i am for a..." and then i clicked on your vegweb profile to see what you were 'for.'  of course, i realized i was reading way too much into it (doh!), and googled the name to learn about the pretty plant.  :)


I love names that are verbs but now I know as people. hehe  Capture and Estatic come immediately to mind.

My name seems kind of boring in comparison.  But at least Diane named her doggy after me!  Since I'm older, of course thats how it went.  *nods*


Heliamphora, i actually thought your name was an odd spelling saying "hell, i am for a..." and then i clicked on your vegweb profile to see what you were 'for.'  of course, i realized i was reading way too much into it (doh!), and googled the name to learn about the pretty plant.  :)

LOL, that's a neat idea. Hell, I am phor a carnivorous plant, anyway.  :D  Trying to find a username that will almost never be taken anywhere on the web is fun, but difficult. Therefore, for Latin plant names I go. BTW, I like your name too. Sounds very... elegant.  ;)


i'd like to nominate myself for most creative screen name  ::)

i wish i were as cool as you guys.


admittedly it took me a few reads to realize hiimkelsi was actually a polite introduction, not some chemistry or mountain climbing finagling i know nothing of.  there are others that are quite simple yet threw me off, though i can't think of them right now.

Yeah, for several months I thought hiimkelsi was some kind of European name, perhaps Finnish, with lotsa doubled vowels...? Worked it out a week ago,  ;D

Ohhhh! I didn't get it either and thought is was some northern European name; it's another one that I made up a completely wrong pronunciation for: Himmelsinki.  What is wrong with me?

I forgot to mention: I like tofreak too.


carrot wench


I give kudos to prettyin_punk. Very creative. And my punk best friend would totally like that name.


Ooh, I just saw someone called Where's_The_Beets? or something.  I love clever!!!


carrot_wench makes me giggle  ;D

hiiimkelsi is so clever!  I also didn't realize what it said until recently  :P

hespedal, I always pronounced yours (in my head  :P) as "hez-pedal" until I realized it was your first initial and last name  :D

baypuppy is fun to say! 

prettyin_punk is fantastic.  one of my favorites!


I always though carrot_wench said carrot_wrench ???

bwAAAAHAHAHAAAaaggh!  <----  that's about what my LOLs sounded like when I read that...don't know why it's so funny to me...I guess it might be that my visual imagination immediately produced an image of me as Rosie the Riveter (like AshleyKimball's pic) holding a wrench carved from a carrot....then I also saw other veggie-based tools... ::)  oi, me.

glad you like my name, seems to fit me a lot better than my old one, cymbal wench, as I am no longer in any musical ensembles, and I no longer lust for Zildjians, but for carrots and other fine foods instead.

I also like how secondbase felt no need for introduction or explanation...haha.

by the way, secondbase, did we ever get to hear the story behind that name?  I know you said it was a nickname of sorts that you've had for a while, but I don't remember if we got the full story.  hmmm?


by the way, secondbase, did we ever get to hear the story behind that name?  I know you said it was a nickname of sorts that you've had for a while, but I don't remember if we got the full story.  hmmm?

he won't tell the full story. just some "game" in which people dubbed him king of second base or something like that, from what i recall.
nevertheless, i like his a lot.


I really like hespedal It's so original and creative.

And she's just a super sweetheart.


hiiimkelsi is so clever!  I also didn't realize what it said until recently  :P

hespedal, I always pronounced yours (in my head  :P) as "hez-pedal" until I realized it was your first initial and last name  :D

Ok guys, I'm starting to feel like an idiot....I had both of those funked up in my head..something like "himslenki" (even though there's no way those letters are close to being in that order...and theres no n) and "hez-pedal"


Haha, we should start a new thread: "How to pronounce my user name."
Mine's pretty simple.


I think ponycakes is a pretty cute name too.
And her profile makes me smile  ;D

Then again, ponycakes don't sound very vegan....



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