Finals are killing me!!!
Posted by sherri on Dec 15, 2008 · Member since Aug 2003 · 35 posts
Aaaagghhhh!!! I just want to be finished!!
Only 2 left to go but I have no ambition left at all. The past 4 have killed me.
I should be studying right now, but every time I sit down I find some reason to get back up and wander around some more!!!!
Okay, sorry just had to vent.....and maybe procrastinate a bit more!!
Come on Wednesday!!!
Oh VHZ I really feel for damn close
Hey I really admire you for sticking too many dropped out!
Go for it vent away....
I spent a while crying on the phone with my dad this morning (not, "how could he do this to me"'--I'm not that much of a princess...more like "I'm just so disappointed in myself, how could I let me down like that!?") It was actually unearthly helpful to talk to my dad about parallel universe helpful...and i feel a bit better now. Still having a hard time not kicking myself for it, but I think thats helpful....
HUGE P.S. -- THANK YOU for not going into self-pity mode--not only is it unhealthy, but it gets ugly. You rock!
Third, so much for "fudging it a bit" if i was really close to a C+...apparently 1 1/2 points is just too much of a discrepancy....
sorry to take his side; but 1.5 points is too much to fudge, especially if you use the + scale and every 5 points is a different grade. That's almost a third of a the way away. I only round up .5 points away, possibly I'll make it so a .8 points away (i.e. a 79.2) rounds up if the student has a good attendance record or improved a lot during the course. prof wrote me back....yeah....he "thinks i would benefit from repeating the course"
So...first of all, how the F*** could somebody not benefit form a review?
second, shouldn't they like give us a curve of some sort since 14 of the original 25 withdrew with a "fail"?
Third, so much for "fudging it a bit" if i was really close to a C+...apparently 1 1/2 points is just too much of a discrepancy....
I spent a while crying on the phone with my dad this morning (not, "how could he do this to me"'--I'm not that much of a princess...more like "I'm just so disappointed in myself, how could I let me down like that!?") It was actually unearthly helpful to talk to my dad about parallel universe helpful...and i feel a bit better now. Still having a hard time not kicking myself for it, but I think thats helpful....
apparently my comfort food is a gingerbread misto (not available is sugar free, by the way!) from Starbucks and half a serving of veggie sushi from WF??? Ummm...okay...i wasn't sure if I should allow such a thing...I don't want to REWARD myself for doing crappy...BUT....why the hell not, you know? Yeah....
feeling a little anti-social for the day...whatev....
Oh Zealia :( I'm so sorry! I totally feel you--I boomed out hard core in my American Architecture class--totally killed my GPA.
Big hugs and kisses for you--I love you buntches and buntches--feel better soon!!!!!!! (((((HUGS)))))
Third, so much for "fudging it a bit" if i was really close to a C+...apparently 1 1/2 points is just too much of a discrepancy....
sorry to take his side; but 1.5 points is too much to fudge, especially if you use the + scale and every 5 points is a different grade. That's almost a third of a the way away. I only round up .5 points away, possibly I'll make it so a .8 points away (i.e. a 79.2) rounds up if the student has a good attendance record or improved a lot during the course.
no, i totally get it...and like I said, I'm the one who fucked up....Ummmm, for the record....I did poorly on one test, unfortunately for me it was worth 20% of my grade, I got B's and A's on all the other ones, including some 100%...then my final, wasn't enough to recover it....
but no...i really, really get that I can only blame myself...i just dont think i would have bothered telling a student i could "fudge a grade" if i meant, by like, less than a half point....although, i can totally see why (especially in light of what you pointed out) 1.5 is too much. I mean, although it stinks to have to retake the class, i dont really want a free ride anyways.....I'll just kick balls next time around and not have to hope that im "close enough." ;)b
So Jane, how did yours go?
E-mailed the instructor but have not heard anything back. I am going in on Monday and see if there is a way to still take the test. School is closed though and the instructor doesn't have office
Basically I am waiting......and in a nervous cooking frenzy....
E-mailed the instructor but have not heard anything back. I am going in on Monday and see if there is a way to still take the test. School is closed though and the instructor doesn't have office
Basically I am waiting......and in a nervous cooking frenzy....
Hmmm. I would assume grades are due soon, no? So the instructor has to be around at some point. How does an instructor not answer e-mails AND not have office hours? That is sad.
Cooking frenzies are cool, though, especially with a holiday coming up. ;)b
Agreed! At least they're finally OVER. I wound up with 5 As and a B, not bad for not having studied practically at all.
I'm having trouble not projecting into next semester already. I still have nearly a month of vacation still!
SO I got my grades-- 2 A's 1 B and a C+ (that was my American Architecture class that I tottaly fucked up--so I totally deserved that...) but the "B" was from a class I did really good in--all my graded assignments have A's and B+'s so why the heck did I get lowballed? I emailed the teacher asking if i had done bad on the final and to recheck if an error was made--she said I got a B+ on the exam and that she "guesses she can boost my grade up to a B+" but she made it out like I didn't deserve it so I told her to only change the grade if I really earned it. I do hope it does get changed, but whoknows...this semester just really sucked--I am SOOOO glad it is OVER!!!!
Best of luck to you all!!! :)>>>
but the "B" was from a class I did really good in--all my graded assignments have A's and B+'s so why the heck did I get lowballed? I emailed the teacher asking if i had done bad on the final and to recheck if an error was made--she said I got a B+ on the exam and that she "guesses she can boost my grade up to a B+" but she made it out like I didn't deserve it so I told her to only change the grade if I really earned it. I do hope it does get changed, but whoknows...
What? Weird. Well, B+ isn't bad. But still. ???
but the "B" was from a class I did really good in--all my graded assignments have A's and B+'s so why the heck did I get lowballed? I emailed the teacher asking if i had done bad on the final and to recheck if an error was made--she said I got a B+ on the exam and that she "guesses she can boost my grade up to a B+" but she made it out like I didn't deserve it so I told her to only change the grade if I really earned it. I do hope it does get changed, but whoknows...
What? Weird. Well, B+ isn't bad. But still. ???
Perhaps the assignments/tests are weighted.
The teacher is just weird--she doesn't exactly explain how things are weighted so you just never know--I swear she just just stamps a B on anything with my name on it--the only time I get A's is when one of her lackies grades for her--funny how that is huh? Whatever--I have 4 classes left then I am GRADUATED!!! *woot*
The teacher is just weird--she doesn't exactly explain how things are weighted so you just never know--I swear she just just stamps a B on anything with my name on it--the only time I get A's is when one of her lackies grades for her--funny how that is huh? Whatever--I have 4 classes left then I am GRADUATED!!! *woot*
Are "lackys" commonly referred to as T.A.'s?
The teacher is just weird--she doesn't exactly explain how things are weighted so you just never know--I swear she just just stamps a B on anything with my name on it--the only time I get A's is when one of her lackies grades for her--funny how that is huh? Whatever--I have 4 classes left then I am GRADUATED!!! *woot*
Are "lackies" commonly referred to as T.A.'s?
Finally got an e-mail back from my instructor. One sentence response. Basically, text is in texting center and grades are due Monday by noon. So I quess I will be at the texting center when they open at nine am. Grrrrrr....good thing I got up in the night and checked my e-mails again.
Finally got an e-mail back from my instructor. One sentence response. Basically, text is in texting center and grades are due Monday by noon. So I quess I will be at the texting center when they open at nine am. Grrrrrr....good thing I got up in the night and checked my e-mails again.
That is frustrating when professors respond to e-mails in the middle of the night. I wish you the best of luck in getting there safely, Jane, and you'll do well, no worries.
DONE! Final took me all of 10 minutes! Never found her mailbox....all she did was say what building it was in??? But the culinary secretary said she knew where it was and just put the papers in an interoffice envelope and in the instructors in box. She would make sure it got there. Bless her...
I really don't live that far from school and if the roads are anywhere I can see I can usually make it but last Friday was not anywhere near good for me and my car. Today the roads are a bit tricky in spots but overall not all that bad.
Found out that the test was available in the testing center Saturday so I could have taken it then ...had the instructors earlier e-mail had not said 'available until 2 pm on Friday'. According to them there are a few others out there in the same boat I was in too. The ladies at the testing office don't say much about the instructors....nothing bad...just roll their eyes :D