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For Fun: Weird turns of phrase?

We all know people who mangle idioms, elaborate or shorten them in funny ways.
For years, my sister kept saying: "I could care less." I tried to explain that it's "I COULDN'T care less" since if you could care less, you obviously care some. Over the years, I find myself saying, "I couldn't care less if I were twins/two people."
Obviously not. Because however little I care about something, it would be multiplied by two.

Anybody else?

My sister was telling a story one night and kept saying that the person she was talking about just needed "to get off the horse."  She was trying to say that they just needed to do something, needed to get it done and make a decision.

So now I say the phrase, "shit or get off the horse".  I loves it.


My husband mixes metaphors all the time!  For example, I love the poetic quality of the phrase "hung the moon" as in "she thinks he hung the moon."  My husband insists on saying "pooped the moon" instead, which completely ruins it for me.  ::)  ;D


I husband has TONs of funny ones....they all involve nasty words though  ::) He said him and his brother use to sit around as teenagers and make these up....
This is one of my favs that isn't to bad:

"I could give a flying fuck through a rolling donut sidesways"...aka , "I don't care."


My husband mixes metaphors all the time!  For example, I love the poetic quality of the phrase "hung the moon" as in "she thinks he hung the moon."  My husband insists on saying "pooped the moon" instead, which completely ruins it for me.   ::)  ;D

Ya know, Spanish people just. don't. get "he hung the moon" at all. I don't know why as they can be pretty poetic (not to say graphic) themselves.

And PB, your hubby cracks me up!


So now I say the phrase, "shit or get off the horse".  I loves it.

My family always said, "shit or get off the pot".  My grandma calls a toliet a pot.


So now I say the phrase, "shit or get off the horse".  I loves it.

My family always said, "shit or get off the pot".  My grandma calls a toliet a pot.

my hubby says that one too...


This is TOTALLY NOT VEG*N, but my little grandmother (lived until she was 99, almost 100) "takes the cake" (there's another!) for the best one. She said this before I was born, but it's one of the token stories (is that another?) that my family always tells. I don't remember what happened, but they were all just sitting at the table, and she quite randomly exclaimed: "WELL, I'll be a blowed up chicken!"


I loved her so.


Same difference.


When talking about U.K. currency: "My new watch cost twenty pound."



OK, this one's kind of unsavoury, but since y'all brought it up...when speaking of a situation in which you don't know what to do, and whatever you do it will probably be the wrong thing, my mother used to say "I didn't know whether to sh*t or go blind."

I always wondered why those were the only 2 alternatives??


these are classic

I took geography at secondary school with my best friend and since covering coasts as a topic we've said things like 'do you catch my longshore?' (as in your longshore drift, your drift)
mm geeky  ::)


We use alot of the 'sh*t myself' sayings too... Like 'that was so funny I almost sh*t myself'.....


My roomie and I like to repeat things we randomly hear from by strangers...examples:

"If it weren't for my horse I would have never gone to college" (Somthing I over heard a girl saying as I was seating another customer at a restaurant I worked at yeas ago)

"Those people from N. Carolina are SO funny!" (part of a conversation some very load people were having at Big Boys)

"Hey Mary, have a nice Christmas?" (A random man asking a random woman in April...)

We will just walk up to each other and say these things and then laugh and laugh and laugh--and no one else will get it, and when we try to explain we just get confused or even dirty looks from our other friends...I guess this could be considered secert roomie behaviour :)


My roomie and I like to repeat things we randomly hear from by strangers...

Me and a couple of friends heard this one kid exclaim, at a park, "Hey, John, do you know where I can find a stick?"
Kids these days...haha.


okay, I have such a lame one for you.... I think it is so STUPID when my hubby says this.... but other guys tend to think its funny.
Instead of saying "okay, it's your turn" (like when your playing a game or something)
DH says "urine turn pee pee"......
SO retarded. I role my eyes every time he says it... my dad and bro-in-law  thinks it's hilarious though.

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