Great online questionarie
Posted by lisaanddini on Jul 09, 2007 · Member since May 2007 · 2179 posts
I highly recommend this to anyone on the fence about veganism, or to the ovolatovegitarians. Might not be too helpful to serious vegans unless you want to pass it on to someoene you are trying to convert.
Take The Diet & Lifestyle Choices interview
Thanks for the quiz lisaanddini! I really hope theyget a lot of omni's to take it! I bet they will be able to recruit at least a few more veggies!
Here is a quiz that estimates your global foot print, I scored a 16 (which is way less then the average 24) the lower the scre the better. after you're done taking it you can calculate new ways to lessen your carbon intake!
I took the quiz. :)
Glad some people checked it out, I'm debating whether or not to get my hubby to take it. I don't want to pressure since he has been so great with supporting me.
The Carbon Footprint quiz is a great one too. I'm thinking about riding my bike to work a couple days a week, but I'm kindof scared of the traffic around here, I'm not sure how safe it would be.
Hope you feel better soon Capture :)
A bunch of took that quiz a couple of months ago. I wish I could remember the subject heading so I could link you to it. I remember us all being pretty disgusted with our results. I drive almost 400 miles a week, which added a couple of earths my result. Sadly, I still came in ahead of the average person. The only other result I remember is that davedrum lives in a very earth friendly manner but tanked because he flies for work.
How did you do?
Mine was 12 tons- of course I put that for this coming year. I WILL follow a completely vegan diet & buy local produce. My new job is only 7 miles away so that really helped, plus I live in a small house & my husband & I are both really careful about not using a lot of electricity/oil/water. About 3 months after we moved in the water company gave us a really hard time because our water consumption was so much less than the people before us, they thought our meter was broken.
i have taken both of those quizzes now :).
my footprint was 4.5 which isn't even small enough and i try to live in a very eco-friendly manner. i feel like it just goes to show that in our culture it is nearly impossible to live a sustainable life :(
I just took both quizzes. Wow, the footprint one was depressing! I too try to live as lightly as possible, always walking or taking public transit (don't own a car), being vegan, recycling/reusing, etc, and my footprint was STILL 16! >:( >:( Granted that's better than average, but still....makes me want to go off in the woods and live in a shack completely off the grid. But would I be able to give up vegweb???? :-\
I don't feel that the footprint life one was fair at all. I live in the country, therefore public transportation is out of the question, so is walking. I work from home and I drive very little. A tank of gas can last me 2-3 weeks.
I recycle everything i possibly can (also living in the country i have to DRIVE to the recycle bins, but I piggyback it on to another trip that's in that direction). I'm also currently int he process of making my house more energy efficient. We would love to go solar/wind, but the costs are outrageous for the start up, not the kind of money the average joe has.
We are currently in the process of growing an apple orchard and a grape vineyard. Each year we hope to add another section of long-term fruit trees that can tolerate western PA weather on our property. Each year we plant vegetables for us to eat and we have our chickens to supply us with eggs. (they get to partake in the veggies too..they LOVE tomatoes!)
I would LOVE to sustain ourselves with all locally acquired foods, and I do seek them out as much as possible. I will absolutely choose local grown/made over non local. During the winter months this becomes nearly impossible to do. Even our local Amish with their food markets go to auction and purchase items that are outside the area to sell. They are currently stocking canadian tomatoes and peaches from S. Carolina..go figure.
Our property has qualified as a Wildlife Habitat 4 years in a row. Just sitting on my porch in the evening you can be greeted with a variety of animals ranging from bats to deer. During the day you can meet many different species of bird.
Knowing all this, I'm surprised that I got an awful footprint. I try my best to do the right thing. I try not to be wasteful. I'm comfortable with my lifestyle and how I live it. I think it's wrong for someone to tell me I'm living my life like crap and ruining the earth, and by the way make a donation to us and your footprint will go down.
yeesk..double post
I took the Earth Day footprint was 2.4, way lower than the national average of 8; I can't drive and do most of my travel on foot as a direct consequence. Of course our city is set up for that.... ;)
I got a footprint of 39, mainly because I live in a huge house with only one other person. I took the quiz again based on the housing information that I'll have at the end of the month and I got a 19.
Still incredibly high... must work on this!
I took the Earth Day footprint was 2.4, way lower than the national average of 8
In the US the national average is 24. :(
I took the Earth Day footprint was 2.4, way lower than the national average of 8
In the US the national average is 24. :(
I think the average of 8 is from a differnt quiz, or maybe we are all reporting differnt numbers--
I got 16 acres the normal is 24 acres and I got 3.7 planets, I'm not sure what the average is on that...maybe that is what the 8 is from, I guess we should have been more specifif about what we were reporting...oh well! Since we are all vegans/vegetarians, we are already being more responsible then omnis and we are truly thinking about our environment. I don't think anyone should be upset about what their scores are, we are all trying hard and most people are barely responding to the call
Glad some people checked it out, I'm debating whether or not to get my hubby to take it. I don't want to pressure since he has been so great with supporting me.
The Carbon Footprint quiz is a great one too. I'm thinking about riding my bike to work a couple days a week, but I'm kindof scared of the traffic around here, I'm not sure how safe it would be.
Hope you feel better soon Capture :)
Thanks Lisaanddini! I'm doing much better today :)
I got a footprint of 8 -- I've had smaller footprints before, this one doesn't seem very detailed. I'll have to give the other questionaire a try later--gotta run--I'm guarding the blood drive table tonight.
Take The Diet & Lifestyle Choices interview
I thought this was interesting and probably good for people not aware of anything like this, but I didn't like the one big oversight which I mentioned at the end of my interview:
If you have any final thoughts or feedback before the interview concludes, feel free to type them below.
For all the talk of health concerns, only one question came even close to addressing people with food allergies which is supposed to be very common in the USA. Common enough that they enacted a new labeling law for food. An obvious oversight I think especially since this interview introduces itself as a very general sounding interview about "your diet, lifestyle choices, values, ethics, and other topics."
If you even have one food allergy much less several (often people develop several over time), that has a huge impact on your diet and related choices. Not addressing it is a large and important omission from a scientific perspective since it is so widespread.
Ferret Research:
Ferret Resources:
... but still....makes me want to go off in the woods and live in a shack completely off the grid. But would I be able to give up vegweb???? :-\
ah ha ha! this is hilarious! for a year or two all of my friends called me 'jungle woman' because i always said i was going to go off and live in a hut in the jungle (of course i was so serious and they always joked ???) but one time i was really thinking about it and the thing i thought i couldn't go without was music.
My footprint was 9! And I live in New York City! I guessed on the locally grown food question, but otherwise...yeah. I have a super tiny apartment, and I take nothing but public transportation. It's funny to think in terms of acres...I've lived in Manhattan for almost 3 years now, and mostly deal with freakishly tiny spaces! Apartments, restaurants, room on the subway...
Even with my small footprint I needed 1.2 planets...where is the ".2" going to come from...
There definitely were several different "numbers" reported but 4 is definitely the footprint one. How much they actually know in the US about my city, and how much they believe of what the Spanish government tells them, could make the difference. "I said in my heart, All men are liars..." and if those men are politicians or in the tourism office, more so... ;D
My footprint is 1.9! The average for my area is 8.7.