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Horrible Horrible Sore Throat!!!

ugh, I have the awful cold.  My throat is killing me, it hasn't been this bad since before I had my tonsils out.  It's keeping me up at night.  Normally I don't medicate, but I've tried everything.  Any suggestions?  Grrrrrrr, I'm so angry at whomever gave this to me! 

I seem to get sick a lot.  It drives my hubby insane.  He NEVER gets sick!  He got the flu once, since we've been together (4 years) and he likened it to having a bad sunburn.  ("you know when feel all hot and weak and cold at the same time?")

Anyone else out there having this trouble?  or knows a way to cope with it? 


*sniffle*  *cough*  :-[

hot tea?
have you tried gargling with salt water?
hmm. i feel like there was a thread about things for being sick..
is it just your throat?


hot tea?
have you tried gargling with salt water?
hmm. i feel like there was a thread about things for being sick..
is it just your throat?

for tea: ginger/kava kava/rosemary/mint infusion combined with lemon and honey
gargle first with a 50/50 mixture of warm water and peroxide, then with WARM salt water

spaghetti sauce is also good (tomato=vitamin C, oregano & garlic=antibiotic)

zinc lozenges are good for the sore throat and good to help you get over the illness quicker

If you have a fever, calcium is nearly as good as aspirin

Feel better soon!!


I second gargling with warm salt water, it really does help a sore throat.

I also like to drink warm chamomile tea. Although I'm not sure if this really helps, maybe more of a comfort thing.

I sympathise with you, I feel like I am always getting sick too. I have a cold (3rd one this year) which has gone on nearly 2 weeks and has now become bronchitis.

I also suggest resting as much you can, eat as well as you can and sleep, sleep, sleep probably the best remedy for kicking those cold/flu bugs.

Hope you feel better soon  ;)


One word: miso. As soup, or stirred into your own soup or whatever you're eating. It really helps me feel better and I hope it works for you too.


gargle with warm water and organic baking soda. works like a charm!


Aside from everyone else's fine suggestions... Could go get a throat culture done and see if you've got strep. Doctors can also Rx a lidocaine gargle that completely numbs your entire mouth and throat. Have you taken anti-inflammatories (advil/aleve)? They'll help to reduce the inflammation.


I have a sore throat too. And it sounds crazy, but I have been taping my mouth shut at night so it doesn't dry out. It's helping.


I haven't had a cold/flu in years, but every year at least a couple of times i get a really gnarly ear/nose/throat thing. My ears will feel like they need to be popped but can't, nose will get stuffy, cough up green gunk and can't swallow. It's not fun. Drinking tea never ever helps this for me, but it's good for comfort. Salt gargles don't seem to work either...but I have gargled with vinegar before, and that actually helped. Drink LOTS of fluids. Take some vitamin c (I'd say drink OJ...but sweet things like that hurt my throat when it's sore). What other cold symptoms do you have? Is your nose stuffy at all?


I have a sore throat too! My glands are also absolutely gigantic. My right one is practically the size of a baseball! (Can't be good!) I usually drink tea. Lots of tea. It doesn't seem to help, but it is the only thing that doesn't cause me excruciating pain going down. I have been taking tylenol too. That is good for swelling, right?


I get a sore throat about once every winter and am always able to cure it using the following method. I just eat lots of raw garlic and when I say lots I mean lots! There are various ways of doing this such as blending it with lemon juice and honey. One HEAD of garlic to one lemon and a Tbs of honey with enough water to help it blend. Then drinking the whole thing. But I dont even bother with this. I just eat it. I discovered a secret that if you eat a clove of garlic with a small slice of lemon you hardly notice the garlic and its heat at all. So during a day I will eat at least a large head or two of garlic this way and also thinly sliced on toast with lemon and nutritional yeast, and thinly sliced on whatever else I may be eating and it always works. If the sore throat is very persistent I may do this for two or three days  and that will take care of it.
  Another method I use for colds is what is called fever treatments. This is a procedure which causes an artificial fever that works like a normal one to fight and kill those bad bugs which have caused the sickness. This is done in a bathtub and should be done carefully. My method is to get myself in bathtub with the water as warm as I can stand and then slowly raise the water temperature by adding more hot. Don't overdo it though. The water should be about 105F to start and you could raise it to 110F. It is good to cover yourself with more towels or even a plastic sheet to hold in as much heat as possible. Keep some cold water nearby to sip if you want or to bathe your forehead with if you begin to feel light headed.  You can also check your temperature with a thermometer to make sure it doesn't go too high. You only want to raise it a couple of degrees, or to 102F for about ten minutes. I know when this is working for me when I begin to sweat profusely and start to fell very uncomfortable and want to get out of the water. Then I force myself to remain for at least ten minutes. Next shower off with some warm water. Watch when you try to stand up for you may be so light headed you will fall over. It is good to have some one to help. After the shower you need to get quickly into bed between some cotton sheets. Stay there for at least thirty minutes. You will sweat buckets in the sheets but thats good, just don't allow any drafts or cold air to hit you. You could check out this type of treatment on the internet for more info.
  I teach programs on natural healing and have experience with these types of methods.


I have a sore throat too! My glands are also absolutely gigantic. My right one is practically the size of a baseball! (Can't be good!) I usually drink tea. Lots of tea. It doesn't seem to help, but it is the only thing that doesn't cause me excruciating pain going down. I have been taking tylenol too. That is good for swelling, right?

Anti-inflammatories, like advil or aleve, are better for relieving inflammation. Tylenol is an analgesic, or pain killer.


Acetaminophen (aka paracetamol, aka Tylenol) is an anti inflammatory as well as an analgesic.


blah, sorry I didn't get back.  Sore Throat turned into stomach flu.  I feel alot better today, have been drinking lots of tea, and bought some zinc candies.  Hubby has been making me veggie soup too!  :) 

Thanks for all the advice, I printed it off to keep on hand! :)>>>


I get a sore throat about once every winter and am always able to cure it using the following method. I just eat lots of raw garlic and when I say lots I mean lots! There are various ways of doing this such as blending it with lemon juice and honey. One HEAD of garlic to one lemon and a Tbs of honey with enough water to help it blend. Then drinking the whole thing. But I dont even bother with this. I just eat it. I discovered a secret that if you eat a clove of garlic with a small slice of lemon you hardly notice the garlic and its heat at all. So during a day I will eat at least a large head or two of garlic this way and also thinly sliced on toast with lemon and nutritional yeast, and thinly sliced on whatever else I may be eating and it always works. If the sore throat is very persistent I may do this for two or three days  and that will take care of it.
  Another method I use for colds is what is called fever treatments. This is a procedure which causes an artificial fever that works like a normal one to fight and kill those bad bugs which have caused the sickness. This is done in a bathtub and should be done carefully. My method is to get myself in bathtub with the water as warm as I can stand and then slowly raise the water temperature by adding more hot. Don't overdo it though. The water should be about 105F to start and you could raise it to 110F. It is good to cover yourself with more towels or even a plastic sheet to hold in as much heat as possible. Keep some cold water nearby to sip if you want or to bathe your forehead with if you begin to feel light headed.  You can also check your temperature with a thermometer to make sure it doesn't go too high. You only want to raise it a couple of degrees, or to 102F for about ten minutes. I know when this is working for me when I begin to sweat profusely and start to fell very uncomfortable and want to get out of the water. Then I force myself to remain for at least ten minutes. Next shower off with some warm water. Watch when you try to stand up for you may be so light headed you will fall over. It is good to have some one to help. After the shower you need to get quickly into bed between some cotton sheets. Stay there for at least thirty minutes. You will sweat buckets in the sheets but thats good, just don't allow any drafts or cold air to hit you. You could check out this type of treatment on the internet for more info.
  I teach programs on natural healing and have experience with these types of methods.

Thanks!  I've heard that garlic is healthy, but I've never eaten a whole head of it before.  I wonder if that would bother my GERD... 
I love that you teach programs on natural healing, I really want to rely on that more.  Do you have any tips for people with Crohn's, Colitis, IBS? 
My mom and brother both have it, and they've been through so much.  Taking steroids, which cause you to lose your hair...  Treatments that increase your risk of other diseases. 

Thanks again.  I'm gonna try to bathtub one.


I have a sore throat too. And it sounds crazy, but I have been taping my mouth shut at night so it doesn't dry out. It's helping.

haha, I'd probably have a panic attack if I woke up and forgot I had put it there!  Plus my nose is so stuffed I don't think I could do that.  Cute idea though!  haha


I have a sore throat too! My glands are also absolutely gigantic. My right one is practically the size of a baseball! (Can't be good!) I usually drink tea. Lots of tea. It doesn't seem to help, but it is the only thing that doesn't cause me excruciating pain going down. I have been taking tylenol too. That is good for swelling, right?

Hope you feel better!!!  I've been making all sorts of tea.  I have this awesome rose tea, smells so good! 

I think it's advil for swelling, but I'm not sure.  I can't really take either because of my stomach problems.  :(

Hope you're doing better now!!! 

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