How many of you have gone back to meat for medical/feeling better reasons?....
Hi guys,
I guess I left the board because I have not been healthy. So I added chicken and fish to my diet 4 or so times a week.
It made me feel sick.
Now I am eating chicken 2 or 3 times a week and fish maybe once. Although I haven't had fish in over 4 weeks.
Yes, this is why I left the board. Feeling I no longer belonged. Wasn't trying to make a huge exit.
Was feeling I was a hypocrite.
Everytime I eat chicken or fish, I feel horrible. Yet, I believe my health has improved. Doesn't make me happy.
In reality, I probably only eat chicken 2 times a week.
My health has sucked for years. I am lacking very many things. When I decided and a very hard decision to add chicken and fish, I thought I would be OK. In reality, I keep cutting it down.
I would love you all to be honest, people that post on this board.... Do any of you eat chicken, fish, beef, pork. lamb etc but are afraid to post it because you are worried that everyone will hate you? Are any of you meat eaters that post but are hoping to cut down?
This is a very hard post for me. I am not doing it for health, but yes apparently I am. I am doing it for animals. So it makes me sick. But I have been sick.
Funny, as I added chicken and fish, I realized it makes me sick. So my lunches that I bring to work are Peanut Butter and Jam. Torfurky witch I love.
I know this is a hard post because maybe some of you actually eat meat or fish. Are just afraid to post it because you are afraid of the backlash.
It is very hard for me to admit I am not perfect. That after 15 years of not eating meat, I started eating chicken and fish. That the whole concept of it makes me sick.
I am doing the best I can right now.
Yes, I know I started Bootcamp and want to get involved with it again. And I will.
Veg On!
Hey, Di!
Well, I don't think anything bad about you. I am afraid that after my blood work results come back sometime next week a doctor will tell me to eat red meat. I am trying not to think about it too much and cross that bridge when I come to it.
It's not a decision I want to make, so I really do feel for you. I don't know for certain what my decision would be. Good luck with your health and I really hope that you find a way to feel better all around!
I feel that everyone is individually different from everyone else. Personally, I get very very ill from meat, dairy and egg. Not just because I have avoided those for 10 years but because my body does not digest them properly.
So do I deliberately eat meat? No.
Have I been feed something that has been contaminated or "broth isnt meat"? Yes. I know by when and how sick I get and the severity. I can tell you when I have been fed dairy as it has a 30 min reaction time. Chicken and cow have an hour to 90 minute reaction time. Fish has a 2-3 hour reaction time. The first lasts 24 hours, the second 8 to 12 hours and the third about three hours. My bowels do NOT like animal products.
If you are not healthy, go to the doctor. Find out what is wrong and fix it. I feel that adding something back into your diet that makes you ill is counterproductive.
That said, this is the anonymous internet. You could still be here participating and keeping your meat eating secret. There was no reason to leave, no reason to tell us. You are not required to show your veg*n street cred at the door.
Have you seen a nutritionist that is vegan/veggie friendly? Maybe they could help?
After I started going veggie, I have never knowingly eaten any animal parts... however, do I think somewhere along the way I probably ingested some kind of "broth" ... YES! In fact I used to to Chevys and eat their "vegan" burrito, only no one told me their rice had chicken broth in it. Finally a friend who worked there enlightened me.
I went veg last summer for the first time. I did it for 1 1/2 months... After 3-4 weeks, I started feeling week and almost past out a bunch of times. I was tired all the time, just didnt feel good all together. I know I was deficient in iron and possibly much more. I had to eat meat at lunch and supper for 3-4 days straight to get my iron up before I started feeling better. Then I didnt go back veg, mostly because I didnt have the support at home and realized that I needed to know more about feeding myself properly before I jumped back on the wagon.
I stayed on this site, because of all the great information and just a few weeks ago, went back veg. This time, Im more prepared. I feel amazing. I eat lots of nuts and dark greens, and found ways to include tofu in my diet. I agree with katzenfreund, maby you should try to find a good nutritionist. Or maby just doing it gradually would work better for you... just go at your own pace. There is nothing wrong with that. Or even talk with your Dr. I know I just spoke with mine. I expected him to tell me to take iron supplements, but he just told me what kinds of foods I should try to eat regularly so I get what my body needs.
Good luck. I hope everything works out for you!
I know this is a hard post because maybe some of you actually eat meat or fish. Are just afraid to post it because you are afraid of the backlash.
I can think of a couple of us who eat fish, at least. No one really cares. What you eat is your business. Like others have said, you don't even have to post about it. Just use the boards in a way that feels the most useful to you.
That being said, I don't think the idea of adding meat back into your diet is nutritionally sound whatsoever. I agree with mdv. You need better nutritional advice. Doctors tend to worship at the base of the USDA Food Pyramid and don't really have deep nutritional knowledge. Eating meat is like a bandaid for the bigger problem. If you do see a doctor, get a thorough blood test, at least.
I third the idea of a nutritionist/registered dietician. They should be able to work out with you what may have been missing in your previous diet and what is still missing from it now if you've still been feeling ill. Many are friendly towards the vegetarian diet, so in all likelihood will *not* just tell you that you need to eat meat without considering other options.
We all try to take our convictions as far as we are comfortable with, and I think health is the best reason not to take them as far as we'd like to. The first person you take care of is you, and after you're done with that you can consider others (including the animals). It sounds like from the level of remorse in your post/disappearing that it's not that you wanted to eat chicken/fish, but that you really, really felt like you needed it. That's fine.
It's tough. I have had problems with low iron for quite a while now. I try to eat as much iron rich food as possible, I take an iron supplement, and yet at every annual physical, I'm told my iron is too low. I DO NOT want to go back to eating meat, but I also don't want my iron to be low for the rest of my life. Hopefully I will find a solution that does not involve going back to eating meat.
Also...I eat fish. Something I never shared on these boards for fear of what people will think, but since you shared, I will too.
It's tough. I have had problems with low iron for quite a while now. I try to eat as much iron rich food as possible, I take an iron supplement, and yet at every annual physical, I'm told my iron is too low. I DO NOT want to go back to eating meat, but I also don't want my iron to be low for the rest of my life. Hopefully I will find a solution that does not involve going back to eating meat.
Also...I eat fish. Something I never shared on these boards for fear of what people will think, but since you shared, I will too.
I also have permanently low iron despite supplements and iron-rich food. I changed doctor recently and asked her about it and her response was pretty much "You're doing a good job, sometimes young women have very low iron; don't worry about it too much". I tend to know when I'm going from low-but-okay to properly anaemic and adjust my diet accordingly, seems to me that if I don't have anaemia-esque symptoms, I'm doing okay.
i've read that by cooking in cast iron pans you can increase you intake of iron - so maybe thats something you guys might wanna try.. saute in one of those pans instead of a non-stick .. also i have a couple mini ones that are perfect for broiling a single serving of tofu and we all know how tofu absorbs so much..
di - have you tried the other veg sources of omega-3s?
i found this online:
"Canola oil
English walnuts
Flax oil*
Flax seed (ground)*
Hemp beverages (hemp "milk")
Hemp oil*
Hemp seed / hemp nut (ground)*
Olive oil
Leafy green vegetables (small amounts, but a good omega-3 to omega-6 ratio)
Pumpkin seeds
Soybean oil
*highest sources
Doses In Perspective
Vegetarians and vegans are not more likely to be deficient in omega-3s compared to meat-eaters. It is fairly easy for everyone consuming a balanced diet to meet the Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommendations for alpha-linolenic acid intake; equivalent to 0.6% - 1.2% of daily energy.
A typical adult consuming 2000 calories per day would need about 1.3 – 2.7 grams ALA per day; equalling about one-quarter of a teaspoon of flax seed oil, less than a tablespoon of walnuts or 1.3 tablespoons of soybean oil. But don’t worry about numbers – a balanced diet is very unlikely to be deficient.
Everybody should strive to balance their intake of omega-6 fats to omega-3 fats; most people (including vegetarians and vegans) eat too many omega-6s that are found in nuts, seeds and grains. It is important to balance these with sources of concentrated omega-3."
another source listed tofu - which makes sense since soybeans & soybean oil are included in the list above. also - i bolded that sentence myself - i thought it was interesting that less than a tbsp of walnuts is sufficient.
;)b @ what PPC said about using iron pans.
Udo's oil is good for supplementing your omegas. ALso, purslane and chia seeds! Im am trying to increase mine as well, so im going to look into the chias.
Recently i heard that even fish oil isnt a good source for proper omegas! AND farm raised salmon doesnt have as much omegas as once thought.
Basically Di, you can only do what you can do. I know how it feels to be unwell, i broke down this past fall and got a little lax in eating dairy. At this point, i can barely eat and my weight is super low, its really by default that i am eating vegan....but i cannot, at this point, stress about sticking to a "vegan" label.
Curious...what is it that you are getting from meat that you cant get elsewhere? Is it a matter of simple calories? Did a dietician advise you?
I hope that you can find someone who can work within your veggie diet, when you shouldnt have to suffer mentally everytime you sit down to eat.
Food shouldn't cause stress, it is meant to replensih and nourish your body. I'm with the other posters, work with a veg-friendly nutritionist instead of whoever told you to eat meat again. I can't imagine being veg 15 years then eating meat again, I'm sure it is a big shock for your mental state.
There should be a way for you to eat veg and stay healthy, I'd try to suggest something but I'm not too clear on your ailment... from my research and experience there is absolutely nothing in chicken and fish that you can't get from nutrient dense vegan foods. shows chicken as having high levels of selenium, b3, b6, phosphorus, and tryptophan. If chicken makes you feel better, it is probably one of these vitamins and minerals doing it. There is little to no iron in chicken, just fyi.
Here are some very good/excellent vegan sources of all the essential nutrients found in chicken:
Selenium- mustard seeds, barley, oats, crimini mushrooms
B3- crimini mushrooms, asparagus, romaine lettuce, tomatoes
B6- bananas, spinach, garlic, leafy greens
Phosphorus- whole wheat, almonds, peanuts
Tryptophan- crimini mushrooms, mustard greens, spinach, tofu
If eating meat makes you feel bad, and you know that with some effort you could feel just as well or better as a vegetarian, maybe you might want to make the effort to learn to cook a few good-for-you, quick things. I know you said you don't cook, but if you give it a shot, soon it will be no effort at all, and you might feel better? A veg friendly dietician or nutritionist should be able to give you some guidelines and recipes. Eat meat if you want, but if it is making you feel bad, put yourself first! Change what you need to so you can be healthy AND happy. Good luck!
How many of you have gone back to meat for medical/feeling better reasons?
somewhere within the definition of "ahimsa" should be forgiveness, that which you offer yourself ... for although we see (read about) your behaviour, we know not your experience.
allow yourself to find your path back.
~ fr
How many of you have gone back to meat for medical/feeling better reasons?
somewhere within the definition of "ahimsa" should be forgiveness, that which you offer yourself ... for although we see (read about) your behaviour, we know not your experience.
allow yourself to find your path back.
~ fr
(Do as I say, not as I do.)
You're among friend here Di. No one is going to hate you.
It's well known by the old timers that have many veg years I started eating meat. As a vegetarian I was gaining weight and feeling fat and bloated and decided to try a low carb diet to loose weight. Eventually that didn't work for me and now I feel much being being back to vegetarian. My problem was really emotional and stress eating, not the vegetarian part.
I also make it well known that I'm not veg*n 100% of the time...maybe 95%, so I decline to label myself so I'm not feeling down on myself for being a hippocrite. I came to this board to talk about veg*n issues.
It's all about choices we individuals make to keep our mind, spirit and bodies healthy and there is no "one size fits" all approach. Many vegans don't nourish their bodies and spirits either. We all have issues.
Best wishes and big hugs.
The Nutritionist is the best advice posted here.
Look for a holistic nutritionist. Doctors are not really trained in this field.
You can research the internet to find one.
The whole idea is to find a diet that fits you to promote optimum health.
Don't worry about all these labels.
For me a predominately raw vegan lifestyle works best for me.
for everyone thats low on iron. i am too. i take floradix. its a liquid, so it gets absorbed into your system a lot quicker than a pill. it has other things like b12 too. but its made specifically for vegetarian women. i had an awful anemic period one month, started taking that, and the next month, it was like i didnt have my period at all, there were absolutely no problems. it was amazing. i suggest you check it out if your pills are not doing the trick. it says to take it twice a day. i take it once a day and since i only really need it for my period. i only take it after i ovulate every day or so up until my period. but i do not have anemia, just anemic like symptons during my period. yeah. so yall might need to take it every day.