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i feel completely worthless. and i just need a little support.

i just got out of a 6 month relationship less than a week ago... he already has a new girlfriend and to top ot all of.. i've known her since the 6th grade and she's one of my best friends.

:'( he already broke my heart when he dumped me, must he make me feel this way again?

When I was about your age my fiance left me...2 weeks before our wedding!  Needless to say I was shocked, crushed and devistated (and homeless-we lived together!).

Not to change the subject, but... Holy crap!!! :o But look how happy you are now! :) It will get better, chickpea. And remember--we're all here for you!


awwwww ((((chickepea))))  :(  Going through this isn't fun at all, I'm're a strong girl though, in the end i know you'll be better off :)



***Hugs Chickpea***

Life will go on, men are scum, this simply helps lessen any heartbreak he would have caused down the road.  There are plenty of other apples on the tree!


my last breakup was really hard. ugh.  BUT a month later, i met a boy who was nicer, who cared about me, AND he was vegan.  you HAVE to get rid of the bad ones so that the good ones can come into your life : )

chickpea, hugs, seriously.  you should grab your friend by the shoulders and shake her while screaming "BROS BEFORE HOS, BROS BEFORE HOS!!!!!"

haha - i thought it was "CHICKS BEFORE DICKS!" 

everyone is right - breakups are sooo tough when they happen, but i can't think of anyone who has ever endured breakup trauma only to wish they were back with the ex.  EVERYONE usually finds it was the best thing to happen to them.  time really is the greatest healer!  plus, you're so young, and this might be an opportunity to get to know and love yourself for awhile, undistracted.  good luck to ya and hang in there!


Don't worry!  you'll be fine - you are smart and strong and beautiful, you have tons going for you!

i broke up with my bf of 5 1/2 yrs last christmas and we're both so much happier for it.  for soooo long i couldn't imagine my life without him, but i finally got the courage to make the change and i love my life now!  i am so much happier and i really really really love being single.  enjoy it cus it is definitely something to be enjoyed!!

and to quote the Long Blondes:

"You're only nineteen for God's sake, Oh! you don't need a boyfriend!"

trust me - it's true!



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