I got my KFC Protest stuff!
I am soooooo excited! PETA sent me a ton of KFC protest materials--I got two differnt kinds of flyers, a few buttons, and big protest signs that have all differnt things on each one! When I sent away for the stuff I thought I would just get a few flyers--they really out did themselves--I am totally prepared for a protest--I just need to find people to do it with me now!
I was thinking about setting up a vegetarian support group on campus and see if any of them would like to do this with me--if I can't get a group together I think I'll start by handing out the materials around campus. Has anyone ever started a vegi group or raised a protest? I would love to get some advice!
Thanks all!
If anyone else wants to send away for protest stuff you can email PETA through this site:
cool! what do you plan to do with them/ place them?
oops sorry, I was soliciting ideas from you when you were the one asking in the first place...I do have a lot of idea Id love to share with you but I'm running short on time...My chicken rescue (the ayuda chicken project) focuses on chicken liberation and I find KFC especially aversive....
Capture, good for you :) I really don't have any advise about starting a group or organizing a protest but I think that if you are passionate about it, people will respond.
Good luck & let us know how it goes.
cool! what do you plan to do with them/ place them?
I'm going to put them everywhere! PETA sent me so many I'm going to carry some with me where ever I go--I'll pin them up on bill boards--drop them around campus, hand them out to anyone asking about my boycott KFC button--any place I can! Just think if everyone on vegweb got a set of flyers--we could blanket the world!
i just sent for one! thanks for posting this capture. i'm thinking about having a little protest in November.
Yeah! I'm so glad you're thinking about doing one too! What's with the new pic PIP? You look at little sad, everything ok? Email me if you want to talk!! :)
Now, the ecologist in me has to ask ... are these fliers made from recycled paper? ;)
Otherwise, I think it's a great idea. Good for you.
I'd play up the health aspects of it too, i.e. the crap people will be putting in their bodies while going to KFC. I honestly can't believe that place is still in business. From the cruelty angle, it's terrible. From the health angle ... ugh, I can't even think about people eating it without feeling sick myself.
i just sent for one! thanks for posting this capture. i'm thinking about having a little protest in November.
Yeah! I'm so glad you're thinking about doing one too! What's with the new pic PIP? You look at little sad, everything ok? Email me if you want to talk!! :)
Nah, it's just me being really tired. I got only like 5 or 6 hours of sleep in a 2 day period when school started. Maybe i'm an insomniac! I want to do a rally at my school but then i'll have to face the consequences of being suspended or expelled. at my school, you can't do shit. it's literally like a concentration camp but without the burning, extreme harshness, and...nazi's...well except for a few teachers ;) *hem hem...honors geometry teacher*
Oh good! I'm glad you were just tired!
Well--if you can't pass them out at school--you can at least give them to your friends outside of school--or to people at places you hang out! Don't worry about doing a full scale protest if it would cause you to be suspended or expelled! You can always pass on the info and signage to others that have the ability to do a protest so don't worry about it! I'm justglad you sent for the materials--I'm sure they will find themselves into the hands of others one way or another!
Today I met some of the members of my campus' animal rights group--apparently they try to do KFC protest once a month! They were really excited to hear that I have a bunch of protest signs--were going to try to do one on campus in the next month--I am so excited!!!