I got the PC card for my computers so now I have internet at home!!!
I put a post up about this yesterday. I thought about it and really it is the only way for me to get internet at home. It is slower than cable, but much faster than dial up, so far I love it!!!! I am listening to on-line radeo again (Pandora). I can't get Pandora at worked because the company blocks it. It is $60 a month but the card was free because I signed a two year contract. I think that this is goint to work well. I got it because I want to start an online business. Does anyone know any good web design software so I can design a way cool website?
My mom and I are doing the ebusiness thing together, nothing major, more just for fun than anything, and if something sell, hey, all the more fun! I have some way cool pictures from places I have been and I am going to sell my photos, and my mom is a painter, so we are going to try to sell them as well.
Also, does anyone suggest any good computer art software, like Dreamweaver, or something like that? I want to do my own designs for the website.
Dreamweaver isn't an art program, for graphic arts (like logo design for example) you'd want something along the lines of Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator, or a free image editing program like GIMP. Dreamweaver will help you create a website, by creating html, java, css etc. code based on what you set up. Keep in mind these programs are insanely expensive to buy new. :}