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I just witnessed a shooting! (I did not see if/who was shot)

I was driving home from  a meeting and it is in a really bad neighborhood. I knew that street had the highest incidence of drive-by shootings in the state, but...I thought I grew up in a pretty rough city...but, Ive never seen a shooting before. I saw a kid in his twenties running down the road past my car- I assumed he was trying to catch a bus, but I turned the corner and I saw a man shooting (after the kid I think). I was about twenty feet away from the gun man. It was broad-day light, noon. He was shooting across a very very busy road, but I was the closest person to him- his line of fire probably barely missed my car (I turned INTO the line of fire). I floored it, drove as fast as I could away. I called nine one one.

I got a pretty good look at the gun man. Like, I'm pretty sure I could pick him out. I wrote down everything I remembered. It was three hours ago and I just called the police station to say I was pretty sure I could identify the man if I saw him....Im scared to death. They are still out on the call...I have no idea in the bullets hit anyone.

I feel shaken up and kinda like I want to cry...I don't know why, its not like I saw someone die...maybe its just adrenaline? Im really really scared to be a witness though. Really. Anyways, the police called me back and they want me to come in tomorrow to ID the Im REALLY freaking becasue Im scared i wont be able to. :'(

My nerves just feel so shot. I want to talk to somebody but my roommate is too tiered to talk to me about it and my phone is not working well enough to call anyone. Emotionally, I feel unsafe and shaky right now (although I know logically I am perfectly safe) I just feel terrible.

Oh Zealia, I'm so sorry you had to see something like that!! And I'm very glad you weren't hurt! :o :( :-*


1) If You feel like it, cry Your heart out. Your feelings are (albeit confusing) very justified. Whether You recognize it or not, You just experienced a traumatic event.
2) PLEASE don't be too hard on Yourself if You are unable to ID the guy. The cops aren't expecting/can't expect anything more from You beyond what You feel safe/comfortable with giving them.
3) I remember You mentioning how You are already experiencing assorted stresses in life. If You haven't already done so, I'd recommend You call Your counselor. If You don't have one, call the police again and request one, they should be able to hook You up.
4) I see You are still online, so if You still need/desire to talk, I'll be in the chat room waiting.

Hang in there. From what I know/seen of You, You are a Survivor. You can do it!!


That is scary!  It's fine that you are scared.  And yes, don't worry if you can't ID him.  You've already done your part by calling the police promptly.  Just do your best.

Which street is it?  I think I could guess, but could you PM me or something?  Just so I know. 


That is scary!  It's fine that you are scared.  And yes, don't worry if you can't ID him.  You've already done your part by calling the police promptly.  Just do your best.

Which street is it?  I think I could guess, but could you PM me or something?  Just so I know. 

Albany and Blue Hills. :(

Hanashi, I do have a therapist..I was coming from a meeting with her. I am supposed to see her again tomorrow. That is good advice though...

Thank you guys! Im going tot he chiropractor now (just got an appt) then taking the kids I nanny for to the park (not for work, just for fun) at which point I will be able to call a friend becasue I SHOULD have service there....after that, a friend is picking me up for Bible Study. Okay...I have a plan.

Tonight i have to study for a test tomorrow...if I can get my head together. :-/ Thanks guys for being there for me and giving me suggestions!


yikes!  im so glad you're safe zealia!  if you need to cry - do it!  you were just in a really scary & stressful situation.. i'd probably be bawling.

i understand about being scared to id the guy, but it's super important & he won't be able to see you.


I think most people (myself included) wouldn't even have thought to write anything down afterwards. Sounds like you have the details to give a statement if you have to and provide the police with good information which hopefully will lead to a just arrest. Chin up, chickpea  :)


Wanting to cry is natural, you have to do something with that adrenalin rush. Some people get mad, others cry. I cry too. It's saline, it's a disinfectant, let it flow. I always say, "when your soul gets too big for your body it comes out your eyes."

And kudos to you for having the presence of mind to write it all down. No one else I know of would have even thought of it, let alone carried it through. That just goes to prove you are not quite the defenseless quivering jelly you feel you are, right now. You are one tough veggie.


Tonight i have to study for a test tomorrow...if I can get my head together. :-/ Thanks guys for being there for me and giving me suggestions!

IF You feel comfortable doing this, it is OKAY to write your prof an email explaining what happened today and ask if You're not "up for it" tomorrow if you can reschedule it for another day.

I believe this falls under "extraordinary" circumstances, thus deserving "extraordinary" attention/understanding.


Oh my goodness, Z.  I'm so happy you weren't physically hurt!  You totally have a right to be sad and upset, regardless of whether or not anyone was actually shot.  :flower:


Oh wow, you have every right to bawl your eyes out. Look after yourself, be with people, your plan sounds good.
It is adrenaline and shock, it's a traumatic event - being so close to something so dangerous and seeing it all unfold is scary as hell, keep an eye on yourself because you'll feel shaky and not ok, and as much as that sucks its normal.
Sending loving thoughts to you!


wow, thats really scary!! good thing you're ok, though. and dont be scared, you have people to talk to here.  :>

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