I need to give this letter to my Prof. tomorrow...what do you all think?
I'm in a college Chemistry class and I have read through the lab manual as we are supposed to do before laboratory class....well tomorrow we are using Bunsen burners for part of the assignment to melt metals.
I have GAD (general anxiety disorder) I take medication for it, but its still pretty sever and I have panic attacks. Well, one of the things that I fear incredibly...like to the point of phobia....I always worry about things catching fire...I find it hard to remember to breath even if I see fire on TV...I CANNOT tolerate birthday candles on a cake becasue people are always excited, bouncing around and not thinking about the fact that they could knock into the candles... It really is an irrational fear. Well, all this to say....I'm getting better with my phobia of fire...I was able to be close to the camp fire this summer...I even lit a match in an attempt to start a fire...I felt really proud of myself. I dont want my fears, phobias and anxieties to stop me from doing my life...soooo...
I thought it would be a good idea to let my teacher know what is up...I MEANT to register at the school as a student with a disability, so that "reasonable accommodations" could be made for me....but I have not yet....as a matter of fact...I should have talked with the professor before all this...but I didn't! I feel really anxious for tomorrow! I feel panic welling inside of me right now...I wrote this letter to give to my professor before the lecture class, which is before the lab class.
As I was reading the laboratory manual in preparation for today class, I noticed we will be using the Bunsen burners for the experiment about physical and chemical change.
I just wanted to let you know that I have a pretty severe anxiety disorder- which includes pirophobia. Fire makes me so anxious that I fear I may begin to have a panic attack. However, I understand that it's quite an important tool in chemistry and I imagine as the semester moves on we will be using them often. I really want to overcome this fear in order to do well in class and I know that using them will be critical to my understanding and completing the subject. I just wanted to make you aware of the situation and get your permission to excuse myself from class for a few minuets in order to collect myself if I become overwhelmed by the situation. I appreciate your sensitivity and cooperation with this matter.
Thank you,
How does that sound? Is that okay? I am kinda embarrassed about the whole situation. And Im really worried she will be mad about me not dealing with this before...Im going to email her but she already said that she does not read her email. I'm sure i will be more comfortable as the semester wears on...but.... Honestly I'm scared to death that we are going to be expected to light our own burners (can I ask for someone to do mine?)....I'm going to wear my hair in a bun tomorrow and sleeves that are close fitting...I'm really worried that I will be obsessed if someones hair is too long, their sleeves too flowey or if they act even a little clumsy of goofy!!! OMG...I already feel like I am panicking! I'm also taking PRN anxiety meds with me, for before class....but even them I'm thinking "what if they alter my mind or make me groggy....I cant risk taking them before I handle FIRE!" even though they have never "altered my mind" before, but sometimes they do make me a little sleepy.
oh no!
Well usually who you sit next to will be your lab partner until the end of of the semester, so maybe you could work something out with your lab partner so that they are in charge of dealing w/ bunsen burner and you could do measuring, chemicals, etc... when it's necessary in certain labs. I'm guessing your prof would say something similar... Good luck :)
That's a great letter! I wouldn't change it at all. Also, I think it's pyrophobia. :)
Also, I think it's pyrophobia. :)
lol...good to know.
Personally, I would talk directly to the professor if at all possible. Instead of writing a letter. Sometimes speaking to someone helps them understand where you're coming from.
Also, just rest assured that if anyone acts like a jackass and catches on fire, you can just scream STOP DROP AND ROLL! STOP DROP AND ROLL, BITCH!
As a reminder.
You'll be fine, hon. Good luck!
Excellent letter, Z. I think, however, that you should definitely follow up on the disability accommodation portion with the school. Even if the professor is OK with your letter, it is good to have something on record. You could also just take a small amount of your medication initially and see how you feel. After a while, reassess and see if you need more or if you're OK.
Good luck, Z!
Well usually who you sit next to will be your lab partner until the end of of the semester, so maybe you could work something out with your lab partner so that they are in charge of dealing w/ bunsen burner and you could do measuring, chemicals, etc... when it's necessary in certain labs. I'm guessing your prof would say something similar... Good luck :)
Good advice. I know that in my bio classes, there would be people that were grossed out by certain things, so I would do the gross things and my partner would do something extra for the experiment. If you feel comfortable talking to your lab partner, I think that would be a good idea in addition to talking to your prof.
And LOL, JC!
Also, just rest assured that if anyone acts like a jackass and catches on fire, you can just scream STOP DROP AND ROLL! STOP DROP AND ROLL, BITCH!
Also, just rest assured that if anyone acts like a jackass and catches on fire, you can just scream STOP DROP AND ROLL! STOP DROP AND ROLL, BITCH!
As a reminder.
that literally made me LOL...which I was not expecting as I was getting tenser and tenser. (more tense and more tense?) ;D I'll speak with the Prof if I can, i just thought I should have it in writing too, just in case.
Thank you all for the thoughts on the letter...Im like, I dont want to tell her too much...but i need to tell her enough. :-\ Meggs, I will follow up with the disability office too...I am anticipating a few other subjects that might be a challenge and I think it would be best to have to on record... My DR also wants me to have it BEFORE finals and mid-terms becasue I'm always a wreck for those. ::)
Glad I could make you laugh!
So, what happened? Did you get to yell at anyone? Did you survive? I don't remember if I've seen you post since this one.... are you alive??
Now I'm worried!