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I'm Moving to Michigan!

I finally got an awesome job in a cute town called Midland, MI. The company I will be working for creates informational materials (websites, brochures, posters, etc.) that other companies use to encourage their employees to get fit and eat healthier. I will be moving there in 2 weeks! There's all kinds of bike trails (I will actually be able to ride my bike to work, which is something I've been wanting to do for years), and farmers markets and parks. Yay! Plus I could not ask for kinder co-workers, everyone I have met so far has been ridiculously nice. I guess this makes up for horrible the 3+ month long job search. It's going to be a crazy 4 weeks coming up. I have to quit my current (horrible) job after only being there for 1 week, so I feel really shitty about that, but I'm not passing up an opportunity to get out of Youngstown.

Any other veggwebbers in the area? What do you think about it?

I'm from Michigan, don't live very close to Midland tho, I have driven through it.  Be sure to check out the Detroit area when you get here! Best of luck with the move and congrats on the job!


Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I live in Michigan!! I'm in the Ypsi-Ann Arbor-Detroit kind of area!! Totally message me if you need the Michigan hook up!!! <3 <3 <3


I want to meet all you Michiganders when I come through on my vacation/book tour this summer!!! So far, I'll be in Traverse City, Ann Arbor, Detroit, & Kalamazoo.


I want to meet all you Michiganders when I come through on my vacation/book tour this summer!!! So far, I'll be in Traverse City, Ann Arbor, Detroit, & Kalamazoo.

Let's do it!!!!!!!!!


yay! I'll start a new thread next week once I get all the places confirmed. FUN!! :)



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