Juat got a nice pair of shoes
Posted by Glen Ellyn Serv... on Jul 24, 2009 · Member since Aug 2007 · 315 posts
So my work shoes have hole in them and I have to buy a new pair. My New Years Resolution was not to buy anything new this year but I can't bring myself to buy a pair of used shoes. So looking at vegan shoes they were expensive online so I saw an old post where Eric bought some man made shoes from Payless Shoes. I took a trip up to the store at lunchtime and found a nice pair for $25 all man made material and got an extra 10% for being a member of AAA (they don't advertise this but if you ask you'll get it). I am tempted to actually go back and buy a couple of pairs being as they were so reasonable but think I will wear them for a week first to make sure they are comfortable.
Sweet. When looking for dress shoes my first stop was at Payless. They didn't have a style that worked with my suit, so I ended up paying $75 for man-made material at DSW. I've noticed that a lot of the shoes at places like DSW are man-made material but cost a lot more.
If shoes is all you've bought so far this year (in the nonessential category) you're doing really good, because shoes are semi-essential.
I agree, just buying shoes is freaking great! Haha.
I always look around at thrift store shoes, for the ones that have been worn like one time or never. I got some amazing new converse there for like 6 bucks once. But since then i've never really been that lucky with shoes.
Certain kinds of shoes can be washed if bought second-hand. The ones that can't can be wiped out inside with soap and water before wearing. I buy nearly everything used.
This thread was just making me think about something I was reading lately about simplicity circles. I love the idea of buying less or buying mostly used, buying reusables instead of disposables, etc.., getting rid of unnecessary possessions, etc... Are there a lot of folks working on this on here?
Are there a lot of folks working on this on here?
hespedal is the sage on the mountain top in this area.