Live Earth is making me mad
Posted by Anonymous on Jul 07, 2007 · Member since Dec 1969 · 11789 posts
So I've got the TV on in the background and the music channel is showing the Live Earth concerts. And I am getting really annoyed! They keep talking about saving water. Don't have long showers, buy recycled paper towels because it saves water. Aghh! How about DON'T EAT MEAT. That would save water.
Damn these annoying people.
It's time like this that I wish I had TV. How's the music?
Humbolodt_Honey- have you looked for any clips on yet???
I don't know too much about Live Earth. I wonder how much good it will ultimately end up doing.
Not to try to disspell your anger or anything, but maybe -- just maybe : saving water is a lot less scary to the general public. Possibly, if a few people become a little more concerned with something that isn't asking them to completely change who they are, they can become a little more aware, and possibly start to care a little more, and possibly eventually open up to such wonderful ideas as giving up meat. Standing before America and saying --stop eating meat--would turn people off completely. When I started entering into veganism--I was a cold heartless person who didn't give a dern about animals--somehow, whatever aspect of it that got me, changed me inside so that I was able to get the rest of it. . .so now I'm an obsessive care-too-much-about-EVERYTHING person. My 8 & 9 year old daughters spent about two hours tonight debating about what things are more harmful to the earth than other things --- where'd they learn to even consider such things? --from their formerly cold and heartless mother, of course. Starting small is so very effective (or should I say infective?). Well, I've gone on, as usually happens when I find myself typing in the wee hours. Sorry.
So I've got the TV on in the background and the music channel is showing the Live Earth concerts. And I am getting really annoyed! They keep talking about saving water. Don't have long showers, buy recycled paper towels because it saves water. Aghh! How about DON'T EAT MEAT. That would save water.
d**n these annoying people.
I was also getting very annoyed too that they refused to bring up the issue about super farms and how vegetarian/veganism can really help, even Sting and Judy said nothing which really made me wonder if they were told specifically not too. And while I am still annoyed about it, I am glad they were giving people so many smalll things they can do. Every little thing counts, and if even half of the people who signed the "pledge" goes through with it and buys the light bulbs and is more responsible with water and electricty, then that will make a big step forward in helping to heal our planet, even though we know the best answer of all...guess we will have to keep shouting ot the message with out help from the big dogs...
That stinks- I went to the concert live & they did bring up going veggie. Sorry that didn't come across on tv. On the other hand, I don't remember them sayign that much about saving water. It was mostly about using less electricity & gas/oil and promoting recycling
I'm really glad they mentioned it at the concert, even if it didn't get on TV, at least the people that were that got to think about it! Thanks for letting us know!
I only watched a little bit...but I wondered if any of the concerts were open air, and if having all those people trample the ground and leave their garbage was not just a bit irronic.
Not to try to disspell your anger or anything, but maybe -- just maybe : saving water is a lot less scary to the general public. Possibly, if a few people become a little more concerned with something that isn't asking them to completely change who they are, they can become a little more aware, and possibly start to care a little more, and possibly eventually open up to such wonderful ideas as giving up meat. Standing before America and saying --stop eating meat--would turn people off completely. When I started entering into veganism--I was a cold heartless person who didn't give a dern about animals--somehow, whatever aspect of it that got me, changed me inside so that I was able to get the rest of it. . .so now I'm an obsessive care-too-much-about-EVERYTHING person. My 8 & 9 year old daughters spent about two hours tonight debating about what things are more harmful to the earth than other things --- where'd they learn to even consider such things? --from their formerly cold and heartless mother, of course. Starting small is so very effective (or should I say infective?). Well, I've gone on, as usually happens when I find myself typing in the wee hours. Sorry.
People get really weird if you mention any real change. They are accepting if it is easy and involves consuming such as the light bulbs, etc. I'm basing that on an experience I had today. Rarely have I ever called a radio talk show, but on my cities Air America station a local host was asking people to call in with suggestions on how to reduce his carbon footprint, because he was inspired by the concert. All the calls and the host were talking about things you could do that centered on consuming (the buying light bulbs, hybrids...) So I called and said I had three suggestions (Freecycle, public transit, and veganism) He had said he was going to go shopping at Home Depot, so I suggested instead he look for the items on Freecycle. He was very receptive, but then I said instead of replacing his car with a hybrid that he take public transit. At this he flipped out and hung up on me. This was a liberal!
I wondered how angry he would have gotten if I had been able to mention going vegan?
I got free tickets to Sicko from his producer, so one thing good did come out of it! :)
He hung up on you for suggesting public transportation??? Excuse my language but he sounds like a real butt hole ( I would prefer to use stonger language, but I don't want to get kicked off the fourm :-X)
Public transportation is a no brainer, as easy as changing a light bulb, and way more economical then buying a new car...yeesh...people are bothering me on a mass level today!