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Looking for Friends

Hi everyone!

I'm not sure if this is a site friendly way of doing this, but I am a born again vegetarian (had a prolonged meat eating experience...) and I have no vegetarian/vegan friends and I am looking for some new friends for help and support, or just to complain about the latest animal cruelty I found out about via PETA. I would really appriciate any and all  who are willing to hang with me*smiles*

And if this was not cool to post, I apologise!


Thank you everyone! It feels so good to be so eagerly welcomed with no questions ask! I will happily be each and everyone of your friends! Thank you for making me feel so accepted!



Hi Capture.  I haven't been posting as long as many people on this site, but from the first time I visited, I was addicted.  Beware!!!  It's good to have you.  I am not vegan, but everyone is very helpful and non-judgmental.  It's such a great place!  :)




Welcome Capture!  :)  When I looked up your zip code I saw that you live only about an hour away from me. 


Thanks.   :)  That's really nice of both of you. 

I think because I'm scientist and I spend most of my day with men, I am not so much geared towards girly or relationship talk.  I think I might actually physically suffer when faced with the prospect.  Both of your responses are really nice, though.  That's just the reason I like vegweb so much.  You rock!

Your welcome :) Feel free to chat with me, too. I'm not the "girly girl" either, but I like helping folks out when needed.




Thanks everyone! I feel special now!

Holler Mirrya! IT's tough being vegi in Michigan huh...I think the tri state area is involved in a midwest meat eaters association! Luckily I live in Ann Arbor, I think the majority of the states veg-heads converge here! Are you coming down for the art fair in a couple of weeks? If you do, you should try our Seva, the food is great, but the service sucks!


Hey Capture! Welcome aboard! I've been here for about 2 years or so, but I don't post as often as some others. I did fall off the band wagon about a year ago, but I'm super charged to get back on! Glad to meet you! And glad to know you like RPG's! I thought I was the only girl who liked those games.. LOL! Good to know there's another girl out there that enjoys them too!


hi Chicyuna! OMG! I am sucha geek! I love RPG's, my favorite is the Suikoden series. I'm defintly entrenched in the sci-fi community, I'm on whedonesque,,, basicly if it's something geeky, I'm checking it out! I'm glad to know one of my kind is here too!  :D


OK, Seriously, I'll let this thread die after this, but i just wanted to thank everyone again for their kind welcome and those of you who welcomed me I added you to my "buddy list" so whether you like it or not you're all my frineds now!  :P

Thanks again,



Holler Mirrya! IT's tough being vegi in Michigan huh...I think the tri state area is involved in a midwest meat eaters association! Luckily I live in Ann Arbor, I think the majority of the states veg-heads converge here! Are you coming down for the art fair in a couple of weeks? If you do, you should try our Seva, the food is great, but the service sucks!

I'd agree that it's tough being veggie  in MI.  Especially since a good HFS is so far away.  One of these days when I have the time I'm going to drive to Ann Arbor to the Whole Foods.  Haven't heard about any art fair so as of right now I'm not going.  ;)


The big art fair is happen the July 18-25 ( I think those dates are right *?*) It's huge! And they have a big non-profit section for groups to fund raise at. PETA and other animal/vegi friendly places always set up. I can't wait to go hng with the PETA people and give them a donation. I am really hoping they will have some of their cute shirts with them for sale, I really like the one that says "powerd by tofu"!

Whole Foods is in the process of building another store. We had a Mervins go out of business and they are taking over the WHOLE store! Its suppsed to be the bigggest WF in the country when they are done! I don't think they have started yet, but I bet they will soon!

If your on myspace, friend me and I'll keep ypu up dated!




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