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math riddle

Why should you never mention the number 288 in front of anyone?

It's "too" gross...


Awwww, you got it!

Good job.  ;)b


I had to look that up to "get it," tho'.


i dont get it!  explain!  : )


A "gross" is a quantity - twelve dozen, or 144.  I always think of it in eggs.  We used to have to crack two gross of eggs each day for the next morning's breakfast at a summer camp I worked at.

So, two gross is 288.

Too gross.


2x144=288 two gross


ohhhh.  math.  yes.


math sucks!

haha.  math.  :whatever:


math sucks!

haha.  math.   :whatever:

I'm with you....math sucks.  :boooo:


math sucks!

haha.  math.   :whatever:

I'm with you....math sucks.   :boooo:


Math is awesome.  We wouldn't have this webernet page if it weren't for the math.

Math is so under-appreciated by the masses.  :'(


FLIK! IS A PLANT!  :P  I just read his profile and he's a math grad student. 

Incidentally, in school I had a friend double majoring in botany and math and he had some really cool projects in mind that combined the two.

BTW:  Hi and welcome.



Math is awesome.  We wouldn't have this webernet page if it weren't for the math.

Math is so under-appreciated by the masses.   :'(

Math is awesome for people who can do it.....for the rest of us it sucks.


Math is awesome. 

Never thought I'd agree with this statement growing up, but I totally do now.


A "gross" is a quantity - twelve dozen, or 144.  I always think of it in eggs.  We used to have to crack two gross of eggs each day for the next morning's breakfast at a summer camp I worked at.

So, two gross is 288.

Too gross.

HH, after the Terrible Egg Debacle of last month, I have to agree with you, cracking 288 eggs every morning would indeed be too gross.

I hope "we" means there were about a dozen people doing the cracking. If it were only 2....ugh. No wonder you're vegan!


i like math, but i forget all of it
after calc i stopped.


yeah, i never really had a problem with being able to DO math.  i just don't enjoy doing it.  and i forgot most of it too, apparently.  bf was taking a remedial math class last semester (oh art majors...we are all mathretarded), and it was mostly like..  fractions and algebra and i was like, hell yeah i can help with this!  then i was like, oh wait it's been 8 years since i've really done 'math'.  and i couldn't help him at all.

but i know enough to:

balance my checkbook.
cut a mat for my photos.
measure the chemistry in the photo lab.

that's all i need.


Once in high school I threw my pre calc book down the stairs. I guess that sums up how I feel about math. I did really like geometry, though! I like knowing the answer and then figuring out how they got it.

Fortunately, I teach kindergarten, so the math we do is pretty basic. But sometimes I think its harder to teach the easy stuff (in terms of academics). Because when they don't get it, you're like, OK, how many ways are there to explain that this shape is a circle? You have to get really creative.


But that stuff is so important.  Please do a good job with them while they're young!  Make sure they use equal signs correctly, etc.  You're probably not teaching fractions at that level; but if you are, please be careful and demanding.

I teach so many students who can't do anything with fractions or do simple algebra that it breaks my heart.  How do they let them graduate high school?  Maybe it's mostly just Alabama.  I will never raise children here.  We (the GTAs in my department) teach a math class for Elementary Education Majors.  I've never taught it, but it scares the crap outta me when I hear other GTAs talk about how most the people in the class say stuff like "I hate math", or "I'm not gonna teach any of this stuff".  I'm glad I've never taught it, because I would want to fail anyone who ever says that; and I would never want anyone with that mindset teaching my children (or any children, actually).



Once in high school I threw my pre calc book down the stairs. I guess that sums up how I feel about math. I did really like geometry, though! I like knowing the answer and then figuring out how they got it.

My algebra teacher during my freshmen year of high school made me cry every day.  He was a total bastard and if it hadn't been for the foreign exchange student from Iceland that sat next to me I never would have passed.  I had a different man for algebra 2 who would stand at the blackboard doing problems, stop suddenly and say "Wait, this isn't right" and erase everything, start over just to do the same thing a few minutes later.  Needless to say I got a D the first semester and dropped the class.  Thank god my school only required 2 years of math.  My craptastic freshmen algebra and geometry met my graduation requirements. 

When I had to take math requirements for college I had to start from pre-algebra and work my way up.  I still hate it.


But that stuff is so important.  Please do a good job with them while they're young!  Make sure they use equal signs correctly, etc.  You're probably not teaching fractions at that level; but if you are, please be careful and demanding.

I teach so many students who can't do anything with fractions or do simple algebra that it breaks my heart.  How do they let them graduate high school?  Maybe it's mostly just Alabama.  I will never raise children here.  We (the GTAs in my department) teach a math class for Elementary Education Majors.  I've never taught it, but it scares the crap outta me when I hear other GTAs talk about how most the people in the class say stuff like "I hate math", or "I'm not gonna teach any of this stuff".  I'm glad I've never taught it, because I would want to fail anyone who ever says that; and I would never want anyone with that mindset teaching my children (or any children, actually).


Sorry, meant to comment on this in my last post but hit the post button too fast.

I'm sincerely happy that you enjoy math at the level you do and want to share it with other poeple.  If I hadn't had such a traumatic experience (at least it was in my mind at 15) maybe I'd be a lot better at it today.  Now I just don't want anything to do with it.  I know what I need for everyday living and I'm fine with that.  We all have areas that we excel in, math is definately not mine.

Keep up the great teaching. 



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