My freaking crazy day. By: AC
Ok. So..
My day at work started out feeling kind of weird. I had all this stuff to do (which is very rare), and there was just this weird..aura. In the beginning of the day, I had several minor strange things (had to check in a lot of freight, boxes of crap jewelry sets I don't know what to do with, some "gangsta" white guy buying a clearance 9.99 silver ring for his sister, and telling me about (and showing me) these shoes he got that just came out in Montana, but have been out in Washington for like a year........yada yada).
THEN, I freaking broke the mirror on one of our jewelry clearance case doors! First of all, I broke a mirror. I mean, that's just like bad and I'm going to die or something. But, the glass held the lock of the case in now the key is stuck in the case. I had to take the jewelry trays out (we only have room ON TOP of the safe..), and now there's an empty case, with a sad little hand written sign in it, a key sticking out of the case with a receipt taped around it, and tape holding the door with broken mirror pieces stuck on place.
That was weird enough...
THEN, this younger looking girl, who I later learned is 22, and who didn't look like she's "from around here"asked me where electronics is..I told her..and she ended up checking out at my counter. She had a camera case thing, an ipod case (that she ended up not getting), and two two-packs of the gas duster used to clean electronics. I didn't think anything of this. So. I go on break..and walk outside. I walk past her outside (sitting on the curb/ledge in plain view) with her head in the freaking shopping bag, and hear the sound of the duster nozzle. I KNOW what she's doing. I mean, I'm like an expert on inhaling duster since I watched a whole Intervention on it.....anyway...I think ok..maybe it's not what I think it is. So, I walk past her, and go sit on the other side of the parking area. Then, I see her FALL OVER into the bushes, and hear her talking to herself. I start freaking out at this point..walk over to her (very timidly...I do I do..), and say "are you ok? You shouldn't do that..." She's VERY HIGH, and says, "Oh. I'm perfect. You're so beautiful. I think I know what you mean.." I'm like yeah, you shouldn't do that..that stuff's crazy...very bad." I then walk away b/c I still don't know wtf to do. Even though my break is not over, I walk back in..b/c I don't know what to do. I go to talk to P (he works right down the mall), and he's busy. I go back outside to check...she's still out there DOING IT AGAIN. This time I throw my hands up, and say "pllleeeaassseee don't do that." AT this point, she tells me to sit down, introduces herself..and starts telling me she's from Chicago, she's just bored, she doesn't do this a lot, yada. I'm like, "I'm just very worried about you..that's scary stuff, and it can do horrible things." She's like yeah..well...yada. I'm still freaking out (mainly just inside myself freaking out) go back in. I still don't know what to do, but decide to go talk to the electronics guy. He says "we need to call security." I mean, I didn't want to get the girl in trouble...I was just worried. So, long story not short, I went outside with security..I told her "I'm sorry, I told security b/c I'm worried about you"....they took her back in...I had to fill out a witness report, they detained her, called the police, and apparently she was charged with public intox., will have to be bailed out, and go to court. She seemed appreciative that I was caring so much...but this was before she went to jail.. Oh, man.
For those who aren't aware, "Since gas dusters are one of the many inhalants that can be easily abused, many manufacturers have added a bittering agent to deter people from inhaling the product. Because of the generic name "canned air", some people mistakenly believe that the can only contains normal air or contains a less harmful substance known as nitrous oxide. However, the gas is denser than air. Inhaling the gas can cause death, paralysis, or serious injury." (wiki)
Absolutely crazy.
oh man... insane!
also, i was in the unawares category.
Yeah. It's chemicals in a can...going to your brain.
"erroneously referred to as canned air, is a product consisting of liquefied difluoroethane, trifluoroethane, or tetrafluoroethane in a spray can,"
Huh. She's better off in jail than dead. Good work. :)
Most people would have done nothing. Good work.
OH, and I think your subnick should read, "KMK's Baby Daddy", not "baby's Daddy". Just a personal preference.
You did the right thing AC & hopefully this is the wake up call that she needs.
I had no idea about gas dusters. Thanx for the info.
Not many people would have done anything. It must have been the impending parent in you.
Not many people would have done anything. It must have been the impending parent in you.
haha, must be!
Ok, L2A..whatever you command!
Thanks, all.
How about KMK's lil Baby Daddy?
Good for you AC. You were kind and considerate. I would probably have gone straight to the security when I first realized what she was doing.
Huffing gases turns yer brain into a puddle. Nobody likes puddle brains! :(
She seemed appreciative that I was caring so much...but this was before she went to jail.. Oh, man.
Yikes! Hopefully that's the end of this story. She was probably too f'ed up to remember you specifically anyway.
Good call though, it was nice of you to care that much to take action. She learned her lesson the hard way!
How about KMK's lil Baby Daddy?
CK, you are just taking it too far. Too far. ;)
Yeah, who knows if she remembers me, or what she thought..who knows. It was definitely an experience.
Yeah. It's chemicals in a can...going to your brain.
"erroneously referred to as canned air, is a product consisting of liquefied difluoroethane, trifluoroethane, or tetrafluoroethane in a spray can,"
i knew it was chemicals. actually, once my brother was dusting my computer keyboard and sprayed my face and i flipped out and he was like "what? canned air!" and i was like "dude! you don't know what's in that!"
Oh my goodness AC! That is trippy as sh*t! You are such an amazing person for being so ready to help someone--I don't know what I would do in that situation--I would probably just call security and leave it up to them--but you, wow! You reach out of your comfort zone to connect with someone and truly help them!! You make me want to improve myself--I am so thankful to know you and the other kind souled vegwebbers--your stories are smart, funny, thoughtful, compassionate and I love that you are so willing to share them!!
Thank you for being an all around, stright up, awesome person :)>>>
that Is a crazy day!!! o h my goodness. i would be freaking out too.
I don't know what I would do in that situation--I would probably just call security and leave it up to them
I know what I would have done. I would have let her go puddle head. One of my favorite people in the world, Pete the Priest, would have gotten involved. Maybe that's why he's a favorite.
me and AC are experts at drug abuse since we are addicted to Intervention!!!! The episode with the girl that huffs the canned air is just crazy!!!!
me and AC are experts at drug abuse since we are addicted to Intervention!!!!
lol! ;)b