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my mom ate 3 tpyes of soy!!!!

i went to  visit  my hometown for the first time in a few years ( my mom usually comes to see me )  and i am still beside my self.  my meat and potatoes mummy  tried a bite of everything i ate this included my tofu  scramble  , eating a sandwich made with veggie deli meat cause her  ham went  bad, and  she is going to use the rest of my soy milk in baking. she always worries  about  me  not eating enough because im veg  but yesterday she  said shes not going to worry any more. i brought "how it all vegan '  and she said that i should make  her pancakes  from the book next time shes down. on  a down note she kept trying to get me to eat a roll that " only has one  egg in the batch" :P but no ones perfect.
i honestly cant believe it ...tofu  she  actually ate tofu. sorry for  my rant i still in major shock :-D

If my mom ate tofu, I'd be posting about it, too.   ;D

I'm going home in a couple of weeks and my mom said she still has my almond milk in the refrigerator I opened at Easter, because it says it's good until November.  Uh... Mom... that's unless it's opened.  Moms rock!


If my mom ate tofu, I'd be posting about it, too.   ;D

I'm going home in a couple of weeks and my mom said she still has my almond milk in the refrigerator I opened at Easter, because it says it's good until November.  Uh... Mom... that's unless it's opened.  Moms rock!

:-D  Sounds like something my husband would say.

Some moms need small steps.  Sounds like she took some baby ones with you. ;)b


Some hubbies do too. My DH has decided he likes tofu, now that he knows it doesn't taste the way it looks (pale, uninteresting and wet). But he has yet to eat a fruit that isn't an orange, a lemon or a honeydew melon. And probably never will.

That goes for fresh veg, too. Only lettuce will go down, and only if slathered with tuna and mayo!  :P


Thats awesome, gab!!

though my mother is no where near a veg, she eats a hell of alot less animals AND always buys EB, sometimes veggie burgs,snausages, etc at the store, ON HER OWN! baby steps, indeed.

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