need lots of help right now, opinions. art & selling
This past sunday i was lucky enough to be picked for the Artist Spotlight in the local big-name newspaper around here. since then i've gotten a few emails about work.
the first, about an art selling in the local public market, is no question. i've already decided to do it when it happens in september.
another, about someone saying they are doing a "major project" for their company and would like to commission me to do a painting... have to call and find out what the details are but am wary. i absolutely hate talkng on the phone (even to my family), it just makes me nervous for some reason.
a third, a woman wanting to buy the painting that accompanied the article, wanting to know the size and price. the size is 12x9. pricing? i have never known what to price things. it's my absolute favorite painting out of the 20 or so i've done, my boss and family say to sell it for no less than $500 but it seems so high, but to me, is worth that much, if not more...
and a fourth, a hair salon where the owner displays local artists works for free and if they sell, takes no commission of the sell price. he said he just enjoys having people's work up in his salon. so i will be doing that as well.
my main thing, is just about the pricing. the only reason i would ever sell that painting is for the money, because it means so much to me. my BF and i are trying to move out and i could use any money i could get. i am afraid to say "its $500" and then never hear from the woman. because maybe i could have sold it for $300 or $400, but started too high
i am so flustered about all this and i don't feel like i can keep these people waiting any longer so its more stress to come up with an answer.
does anybody have any ideas?? i have no experience with selling art for what it's really worth, i always just charged by size, and that is way too cheap..
for ray johnson, selling art was always part of a communication. when i trade and sell art, i always ask the other person what they think would be fair, and then bargain back and forth until we reach a price that we are both happy with.
In my humble opinion, I think $500 is too low a price tag, especially for your favorite painting. I hate reducing art to a dollar figure, and it's hard to price your art since I haven't seen it, don't know what medium you used, if it's framed or not, how much time you spent on it, it's personal importance to you, etc. These are all factors that you need to consider when pricing it.
But I would definitely sell it at a much higher price than $500. I think you will regret it later on I think if you let your favorite work of art go at such a low price. Also, people take care of things better when they spend more money on it be it a painting, piece of furniture, clothing, etc. and you don't want someone ruining something that is so personal to you.
Hi Sariea!
*yea* A topic I know a lot about! I am a bit of an art buff, I paint occasionally and I am studying to be an art historian (not braggin just putting up my credentials so you know I'm serious!)
OK, first, I totally agre with Baypuppy, find a couple galleries in your area and talk to them indivudally and see what kind of pricing they give you, also, they are great to befriend now so that you can get your foot in the door later for a show! Also, if you have a work that is too precious to you consider reproducing the work either by hand (as in do it all over again) or have professional photos taken and reproduce the work in posters to frame or postcards, ect. there are lots of plaes you can find to do this work if you do a little research on line, just make sure you get several quotes becaause prices are all over the map!
OK, one more thing, I would reconsider putting your art up in someones salon, it is very generous that they offered, but just think about all the products that are used that get put into the air, they are not good for art pieces, especially if your works are canvas paintings! And it's kind of scary leaving your babies in public with out knowing someone is watching them all the time like in a galler, it would really suck if they got damaged.
Opps, I just remembered one more thing, if you have renters or home owners insurence make sure you add your pieces to your policy so they can be insured in case of theft, fire, or other damage. What ever the galley quotes you add 50% to report to the insurence rep, this insures you will get a fair piece after they have potentially grown in value!
If you have any more questions I am happy to help, you can contact me on myspace at
Good luck!
i used to sell clothes that i made, i am now without some of my favorite creations. most things that i make, i dont mind selling at all. but every once in a while i make something that is me, i made it for me, its priceless, i cant sell it, and thats that. granted, i did sell my 'prized creations' for 30$ a piece, dresses too, not good, but i dont know if any monetary amount would be better than my favorite jean skirt. i bet the person that bought it didnt like it half as much as i did! errrrrgh.