non veg*n roomies
Posted by gabriel_urmen on Sep 29, 2007 · Member since Aug 2007 · 84 posts
after living on our own for a wile my husband and i recently acquired two great roommates.only thing is i am totally not use to having a non vegan fridge.This morning i made some homemade granola and i was out of soy milk ,so i was going to borrow some of my roomates .that was until i remembered that it was cow juice. this happens to me constantly especially when i get low blood sugar and will try to eat anything in front of me.dose anybody else have problems with an omnivore fridge?????
My roomie is an omni too--but he usually eats out so he has very little in the fridge--but I hate when he brings KFC home and I have to smell the torture *EWWW*
My roomie is an omni too--but he usually eats out so he has very little in the fridge--but I hate when he brings KFC home and I have to smell the torture *EWWW*
ew me too, my old omni roommate was not very clean and i remember some sort of mystery meat and mystery cheese being in our fridge for the longest time. it was disgusting. luckily he too was not much of a cook and mostly ate out... i think thats why the meat and cheese just sat there in the fridge. blegh. luckily there was another vegan roommate with me to complain with.
My omni twin and I share a house. It does bother me a little bit to open the refrigerator and see meat/dairy but considering that she only cooks it when I'm not there I really don't have a lot to complain about. Also, when we do have a chance to eat together she does eat vegan and will sometimes search out vegan recipes and cook them for me. I, however, am a "bad" twin and do not cook any meat dishes for her in return. It might sound crazy but we do keep seperate pots and pans so that no animal products are cooked in mine.
i definitely have omni roomies. i can't wai to have my own place pr share with a vegan.
My four apartment-mates are loyal followers of the SAD diet! Three of them will not even try my vegan food (including the cookies, chocolate cake, etc.) and make degrading comments when I cook. There parents (and probably my roomies as well) refer to me as "the girl who doesn't eat anything" and always make comments about how "sorry" they are that I eat the way I do. It's really disrespectful because I try my best to not complain about the massive amounts of meat, cheese, milk, and other animal by-products take up our refrigerator, leaving only the smallest drawer for my veggies and fruit. Our pantry is overflowing with junk food and I am routinely excluded from midnight snack/study parities because I "cannot eat anything normal." I am consoled by the fact that I am the healthiest one in the apartment. I am beyond the point of really caring because I know that I am going to be much better off in the long run!
haha my roomie is an omni and i said sraight up not cool wi non vegan jazz in m we hae seperate fridges,....eeep
but she's soo cool and supportive of me*!~ :)
my two house mates are omni, but i've never had a problem with it. one has an allergy to meat from mammals (how weird), and the other is a teacher who is never home. so no one is cooking steaks for dinner really. there's rarely a reason to complain
I feel so lucky to have such great roommates. My one roommate is essentially vegan, and while I do eat some dairy/eggs, (don't be hatin', I'm responsible and only buy when I can get cage free/cruelty free/local products), I mostly cook vegan, so it kicks butt that we can share and enjoy the same food. I love baking and cooking, and it's great and healthy when she can enjoy the food too, (I always make more than my SO and I can eat, and I hate when food goes to waste).
My other roommate does eat meat, but is so supportive of different dietary lifestyles, and is very receptive to veg/vegan rationale. She's seriously considering a veg lifestyle, but it's very difficult to go veg culturally and economically for her.. to an extent, for all of us. We can't get a lot of fresh food on campus as there are no foodstores. 7-eleven offers some fresh fruit/veg, but at outrageous prices.
My SO is extremely cool, and specifically requested that I make the famous Gen. Tso's tofu, since he LOVES Gen Tso's and wants to eat healthier foods.
@earthguard: That totally sucks about your roommates. I have a really hard time with people who don't respect other people's choices, even if they don't understand them. Some hypocrisy there, since I have a big problem with respecting people who take no interest in where their food comes from, regardless of whether they're vegetarian or not. The world would be a much better place if people would take the time to try to understand other people's choices, whether than judging them. Opening up dialogues for the win.
My roommates are both omni. Luckily, only one cooks at home and she raised vegetarian until she was 16, so she eats a lot of my food with me, and she only eats chicken or fish once in a while.
My four apartment-mates are loyal followers of the SAD diet! Three of them will not even try my vegan food (including the cookies, chocolate cake, etc.) and make degrading comments when I cook. There parents (and probably my roomies as well) refer to me as "the girl who doesn't eat anything" and always make comments about how "sorry" they are that I eat the way I do. It's really disrespectful because I try my best to not complain about the massive amounts of meat, cheese, milk, and other animal by-products take up our refrigerator, leaving only the smallest drawer for my veggies and fruit. Our pantry is overflowing with junk food and I am routinely excluded from midnight snack/study parities because I "cannot eat anything normal." I am consoled by the fact that I am the healthiest one in the apartment. I am beyond the point of really caring because I know that I am going to be much better off in the long run!
that sucks dude, we should make a vegan army and fight by poking them with carrots.
what is this SAD diet?
but the real question is, are you planning on moving out? Exit strategy!!! or are you gonna stay and see if they'll make peace?
good luck!
mine fry eggs and meat all the time... sigh.
My 3 roommates all eat pretty gross in my opinion. The only time it bothers me is when the fridge smells like rotting milk and when they don't wash the sponges after they clean their meaty gross dishes. Ugh. But no one has said anything to me about having my Vitamix taking up a lot of counterspace and making lots of noise a few times a day. My food also takes up a lot of fridge space since I have to buy a lot of fresh produce and stuff. No one complains, so I guess it's a trade off. ;)
My 3 roommates all eat pretty gross in my opinion. The only time it bothers me is when the fridge smells like rotting milk and when they don't wash the sponges after they clean their meaty gross dishes. Ugh. But no one has said anything to me about having my Vitamix taking up a lot of counterspace and making lots of noise a few times a day. My food also takes up a lot of fridge space since I have to buy a lot of fresh produce and stuff. No one complains, so I guess it's a trade off. ;)
maybe theres a meat eating message board that people go to complain about all of our appliances and produce. hehe.
My 3 roommates all eat pretty gross in my opinion. The only time it bothers me is when the fridge smells like rotting milk and when they don't wash the sponges after they clean their meaty gross dishes. Ugh. But no one has said anything to me about having my Vitamix taking up a lot of counterspace and making lots of noise a few times a day. My food also takes up a lot of fridge space since I have to buy a lot of fresh produce and stuff. No one complains, so I guess it's a trade off. ;)
maybe theres a meat eating message board that people go to complain about all of our appliances and produce. hehe.
Ha ha ha! That would be so funny! I'm sure other topics on the meat eating message board include "I can't poop" "Why is my cholesterol so high, I only eat chicken!" and "Salmonella Again" ;D
OMG! That is really funny!--OK I got some too! How about "What's that leafy green thing in my fridge?", "Who doesen't like a little E.coli?", "What's your contribution to global warming?" followed by "Donate Today!"
Has anybody else notice that meat eatters smell kinda 'beefy'. It's not really disgusting but they do smell like beef. My own kids that eat meat do. Especially when we're in the car. I keep wondering if I smell like plant food.
Has anybody else notice that meat eatters smell kinda 'beefy'. It's not really disgusting but they do smell like beef. My own kids that eat meat do. Especially when we're in the car. I keep wondering if I smell like plant food.
I've been noticing different body smells, especially since transitioning to raw foods. I'm noticing a lack of odors and bad breath in myself, but how STRONGLY other people smell! I have a hard time sitting next to people who eat meat now...which severely limits my seating choices! ;)
Another topic for the meat eaters community forum "check out my new Hummer!"
One of two roommates I currently have is omni and it doesn't bother me really. She doesn't judge me for the food I eat and I don't judge her for the food she eats. The way I see it, she can put whatever she wants into her body, it isn't my choice or my place to tell her otherwise. Her free-range chicken sometimes doesn't smell too great but neither do my chickpeas when I rinse them. Thus is life.
One of two roommates I currently have is omni and it doesn't bother me really. She doesn't judge me for the food I eat and I don't judge her for the food she eats. The way I see it, she can put whatever she wants into her body, it isn't my choice or my place to tell her otherwise. Her free-range chicken sometimes doesn't smell too great but neither do my chickpeas when I rinse them. Thus is life.
Yeah, chickpeas smell gross :P But they are oh so delicious ;D
I made chickpea salad twice yesterday... and ate the whole yield straight, with a spoon, both times :-X And I had to FORBID myself to make it a third time today... maybe tomorrow.